
Αποτελέσματα 9761 - 9780 | από συνολικά 25158
28 03 2022 | 13:21

Νερό στο κρασί

Οι επιδοτήσεις είναι η λύση που χρησιμοποιούν όλες οι χώρες προκειμένου να χειριστούν βραχυπρόθεσμα το πρόβλημα των υψηλών τιμών της ενέργειας. Αργά ή γρήγορα, ωστόσο, η κατάσταση θα απαιτήσει…

28 03 2022 | 13:15

Πάει για αργότερα η ένταξη της Ελλάδας στις χώρες υποδοχής ΑΠΕ για λογαριασμό ξένων – Γιατί δεν συμφέρει η παραγωγή «πράσινου» ρεύματος… φασόν

Χωρίς τη δήλωση συμμετοχής της χώρας μας εξέπνευσε σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες του energypress η προθεσμία της 15ης Μαρτίου, για την εκδήλωση ενδιαφέροντος στο νέο χρηματοδοτικό μηχανισμό της Κομισιόν, με…

28 03 2022 | 13:07

Τα «ρυθμιστικά» η μόνη εκκρεμότητα για την εμπορική αξιοποίηση βιομεθανίου και υδρογόνου - Με ακόμη περισσότερα έργα το νέο Πρόγραμμα Ανάπτυξης 2022-2026

Την ανάγκη να επισπευθούν οι διαδικασίες από πλευράς Πολιτείας και της αρμόδιας ρυθμιστικής αρχής για την οριστικοποίηση του νομοθετικού και ρυθμιστικού πλαισίου για το υδρογόνο και βιομεθάνιο…

25 03 2022 | 13:29

Η Ώρα της Γης πλησιάζει! 🌏

Η Ώρα της Γης πλησιάζει! Αν δεν έχεις ήδη δηλώσει συμμετοχή, δήλωσε τώρα, καθώς τρεις τυχεροί θα κερδίσουν ένα masterclass με τον σεφ Γιώργο Τσούλη, ενώ 10 ακόμα τυχεροί θα κερδίσουν δωροεπιταγές…

23 03 2022 | 14:15

Conservative MP Urges New Brunswick to Adopt Federal Carbon Price, Let Rebate Cheques Flow

A Conservative member of Parliament from New Brunswick is raising eyebrows on both sides of the aisle by calling on the province to abandon its own carbon tax system and adopt the federal floor price…

23 03 2022 | 14:14

EU Economy Ministers Adopt World’s First Carbon Border Adjustment Rule

Economy ministers across the European Union have adopted the world’s first carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), bringing the continent one step closer to a levy on imports in emissions-…

23 03 2022 | 14:07

What can Kenyan herders teach us about living in a volatile world?

Loura Ekaale sits down on his carved wooden stool. He sips a cup of black instant coffee, a substance he has taken to calling his “medicine” – inexplicably, he claims it helps him fall asleep. I have…

23 03 2022 | 14:02

Fund Renewables Transition with Record Oil and Gas Profits, Columnist Urges

With oil prices soaring, Canada’s fossil industry is reaping record profits that ought to be invested in a low-carbon transition, not spent as returns for shareholders, says a Montreal-based finance…

23 03 2022 | 13:59

Work from home and reduce speed limits: IEA publishes 10-point plan to cut oil use

The International Energy Agency has proposed 10 actions countries can take to reduce oil demand Reduce speed limits. Work from home. Opt for trains not planes where possible. These are among the…

23 03 2022 | 13:57

Extremes of 40C above normal: what’s causing ‘extraordinary’ heating in polar regions?

Unusually high temperatures in both Antarctica and the Arctic in recent days have shocked researchers, who warn that extremes will become more common as a result of the climate crisis.

23 03 2022 | 13:56

Manchin ‘very reluctant’ on electric cars in ominous sign for Biden’s climate fight

Centrist Democrat, who holds key swing vote in US Senate, has poured scorn on the idea of phasing out gasoline and diesel cars. Faced with rising gasoline prices, many Americans are now looking to…

23 03 2022 | 13:51

Vancouver, North Van Soar, Montreal Keeps Transit Crown in Latest National Climate League Standings

Vancouver and North Vancouver each took top honours in three categories of a citizen-driven sustainability competition where volunteers across Canada tracked municipalities on 31 indicators of a…

23 03 2022 | 13:43

Fast development of renewable energy projects as best defence against resource dependency and financing war

Yesterday’s European Communication “Joint European action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy” - demonstrates a drastic course of action, on the bloc’s decarbonisation polices and for…

23 03 2022 | 13:40

Disrupting Russia’s Gazprom ‘could end war tomorrow’, Extinction Rebellion Ukraine founder says

The war in Ukraine could be stopped “tomorrow” by causing disruption to Gazprom, the founder of the Ukrainian branch of Extinction Rebellion (XR) has said, calling on climate protesters worldwide to…

23 03 2022 | 13:37

Climate change: Can the Russian energy crisis help to curb global heating?

Can the government wean Britain off Russian gas while also keeping energy affordable and hitting its climate change targets? Boris Johnson has pledged to produce an energy strategy shortly that does…

23 03 2022 | 13:36

Wildfires have become four times larger, three times more frequent since 2000 in US, study warns

Wildfires across the US have gotten larger, more frequent, and more widespread since the beginning of the millennium, according to a new study.

23 03 2022 | 13:35

In the Sharma decision the federal court says: we see the climate risk but cannot act

Whether in this or another case, Australia’s climate inaction could reach the high court – which can, and does, rewrite the law.

23 03 2022 | 13:35

Detailed Schedule for MENA Climate Week 2022 Available

UN Climate Change News –The first-ever Middle East and North Africa Climate Week in Dubai (28-31 March) is shaping up to be a major climate action event for the MENA region. With less than two weeks…

23 03 2022 | 13:32

Permafrost Peatlands ‘On a Precipice’, But Strong Policies Can Limit Climate Threat

Global warming is pushing the carbon-storing peatlands in Northern Europe and Siberia closer to a climate tipping point than previously believed, researchers warn, but policies to reduce emissions…

23 03 2022 | 13:28

Twenty nine pilot whales die after becoming stranded on New Zealand beach

Twenty nine pilot whales have died on a beach in New Zealand after being washed up on shore, according to authorities. The Department for Conservation said a group of the mammals were found stranded…