climate change

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26 02 2021 | 11:54

Australia was the first casualty of the big blackout lie blaming wind power – the US could be next.

As climate impacts intensify, power grids stuffed with ageing fossil fuel infrastructure crumble.

26 02 2021 | 11:35

Keeping trees in the ground where they are already growing is an effective low-tech way to slow climate change.

Protecting forests is an essential strategy in the fight against climate change that has not received the attention it deserves. Trees capture and store massive amounts of carbon. And unlike some…

26 02 2021 | 11:28

Texas Refineries Released Tons of Pollutants During Storm.

Texas oil refineries released hundreds of thousands of pounds of pollutants including benzene, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur dioxide into the air as they scrambled to shut down during…

26 02 2021 | 11:02

Climate change 200 million years ago helped dinosaurs walk from South America to Greenland, study suggests.

Why did it take sauropods 15 million years to cross the supercontinent of pangea? Why did it take sauropods - the family of dinosaurs which includes the very biggest creatures ever to have walked…

26 02 2021 | 10:55

The Chicago plant that sparked a hunger strike amid environmental racism claims.

A metal recycling plant is due to open on the polluted Southeast Side months after the same firm shut a metal scrapyard in a white, affluent part of town. Trinity Colón grew up believing everyone…

26 02 2021 | 10:49

The rich really do get richer, study shows. Here’s why.

It's all about taking risks: you don't need to take them when you're rich. Few topics are as polarizing as wealth. Everyone has an idea of how it should be spread and what’s not right in society,…

26 02 2021 | 10:43

Facebook expands mythbusting centre to tackle climate change conspiracies.

Facebook has announced that it is expanding its Climate Science Information Centre, which provides people with information about global warming.

26 02 2021 | 10:28

Eight priorities for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Advice to the Biden administration as it seeks to account for mounting losses from storms, wildfires and other climate impacts. One of the first executive orders US President Joe Biden signed in…

26 02 2021 | 10:13

U.S. energy regulator to examine climate change's threat to power reliability.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. federal energy regulators said on Monday they will examine threats that climate change and extreme weather events pose to the country’s electric reliability in the wake of…

26 02 2021 | 10:09

Could This Root Vegetable Help Alleviate World Hunger and End Soil Erosion?

What thrives in poor soil, can tolerate rising temperatures and is brimming with calories? The cassava – sometimes referred to as "the Rambo root." This plant could potentially help alleviate world…

26 02 2021 | 09:58

How the Texas electricity system produced low-cost power but left residents out in the cold.

Americans often take electricity for granted – until the lights go out. The recent cold wave and storm in Texas have placed considerable focus on the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT,…

26 02 2021 | 09:45

UK Considers Banning Bottom-Trawlers in Marine Protected Areas.

In a possible victory for UK oceans, four key areas of the seabed off England may soon be off-limits to bottom-trawlers.

26 02 2021 | 09:39

Snow blankets Hawaii volcanoes in stunning satellite image.

It's the second-largest area of snow cover since current records began. A new satellite image has captured the stunning white peaks of two volcanoes on the Big Island in Hawaii, which have…

26 02 2021 | 08:32

Science Moms Look to Enlist Other Moms to Tackle Climate Change.

Air quality scientist Tracey Holloway wants her children, nine month old Henry and 11 year old Peter, to be able to look back at the 2020s as the time when the U.S. and the world turned a corner on…

26 02 2021 | 08:21

How the Warming Arctic Helped Drive a Deep Freeze Into Texas.

The sub-zero temperatures causing blackouts across the southern U.S. are connected to climate change. The Earth’s poles are warming faster than anywhere on the planet. While the consequences of that…

25 02 2021 | 07:48

UN Releases Scientific Blueprint to Address Climate Emergencies.

As the United Nations on Thursday released a report on the triple emergency of the climate crisis, the destruction of wildlife and habitats, and 

25 02 2021 | 07:36

‘It's in our DNA’: tiny Costa Rica wants the world to take giant climate step.

President says the time is finally right for international agreement to tackle biodiversity loss and global heating. When it comes to the environment, few countries rival Costa Rica in terms of…

25 02 2021 | 07:24

'Global Dimming’ Was Caused by Human Pollution, Study Confirms.

In the late 1980s, scientists noticed something odd. Less of the sun's brightness was reaching Earth's surface, leaving us with a darker planet.

25 02 2021 | 07:10

"Addressing climate-related security risks to international peace and security through mitigation and resilience building." - Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council

[Watch the video on] Mr. President, Excellencies,  I thank the British Presidency for convening this debate, and for your invitation to brief on a subject of grave concern. The…