climate change

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12 03 2021 | 09:24

Rare red sprite and blue jet create otherworldly light show above Hawaii.

Sprites and jets are fleeting atmospheric phenomena, hard enough to witness, let alone photograph.  But a new image from an observatory in Hawaii captures both a red sprite and a blue jet in the…

12 03 2021 | 09:23

New EarthX Special 'Protecting the Amazon' Suggests Ways to Save the World’s Greatest Rainforest.

To save the planet, we must save the Amazon rainforest. To save the rainforest, we must save its indigenous peoples. And to do that, we must demarcate their land.

12 03 2021 | 09:15

‘Existential Threat to Our Survival’: See the 19 Australian Ecosystems Already Collapsing.

In 1992, 1,700 scientists warned that human beings and the natural world were "on a collision course." Seventeen years later, scientists described planetary boundaries within which humans and other…

12 03 2021 | 09:10

Climatologist Michael E Mann: 'Good people fall victim to doomism. I do too sometimes'.

The author and eminent climate scientist on the deniers’ new tactics and why positive change feels closer than it has done in 20 years.

12 03 2021 | 08:52

Oozing tendrils of lava spew from Mount Etna in spectacular nighttime photos.

Europe's most active volcano is having an epic couple of weeks. Mount Etna, Europe's most active volcano, has been belching ash, smoke and lava over the Sicilian countryside for more than two weeks…

12 03 2021 | 08:50

Australia accused of 'shamefully' holding back global action on climate change.

United Nations calls on all countries to have ‘concrete plans to phase out fossil fuels as fast as possible’ Australia has been accused of “shamefully doing nothing” and weighing down global action…

11 03 2021 | 13:48

UN adopts landmark framework to integrate natural capital in economic reporting.

In a move that may reshape decision and policy-making towards sustainable development, the United Nations adopted a new framework today that includes the contributions of nature when measuring…

11 03 2021 | 12:11

It's unavoidable: we must ban fossil fuels to save our planet. Here's how we do it.

Twice before, humanity has mitigated severe global environmental threats. In both cases we did this not with ‘cap and trade’ systems, taxes, or offsets, but with bans.

10 03 2021 | 10:35

The Gulf Stream is slowing to a 'tipping point' and could disappear.

The current could slow down to a point of no return, altering the climate on both sides of the Atlantic. The Gulf Stream — one of Earth's major climate-regulating ocean currents — is moving slower…

07 03 2021 | 07:43

Countries to consider ground-breaking change to economic reporting that includes natural capital.

New statistical framework linking economy and the environment would go beyond GDP to drive policy decisions 

07 03 2021 | 07:43

Why keeping one mature street tree is far better for humans and nature than planting lots of new ones.

The net ecosystem service of an urban tree is worth thousands of dollars. Thanks to Victorian street planners, many British streets were designed to be full of big trees and, with 84% of the…

04 03 2021 | 07:43

Melting Ice Sheets Could Hasten Ocean Current’s Collapse.

The climate crisis could push an important ocean current past a critical tipping point sooner than expected, new research suggests.

04 03 2021 | 07:27

CO2 emissions: nations' pledges 'far away' from Paris target, says UN.

Secretary general António Guterres says first assessment of promises amounts to ‘red alert for our planet’. The first assessment of countries’ pledges to cut their greenhouse gas emissions in the…

04 03 2021 | 07:20

Climate crisis to blame for at least ‘1,500 UK heatwave deaths’ since 2000, study estimates.

Research produces ‘very broad estimate’ of the number of deaths from the 2003 and 2018 UK heatwaves that can be attributed to human-caused climate change. At least 1,500 heatwave deaths in the UK…

03 03 2021 | 11:50

Climate change causes shortage of wood used to make famed Stratocaster guitars used by Jimi Hendrix and the Rolling Stones.

Sainted grandfather of electric guitars will no longer be made with the type of ash that causes its special ‘twang’, because of climate change. The wood that is used to make the guitars of some of…

03 03 2021 | 11:32

The Guardian view on Texas storms and power cuts: preparing for the worst.

The outages endured by residents result from the state’s political decisions – but all of us need to think more about ensuring resilience.

03 03 2021 | 10:57

Changes in Atlantic currents may have dire climate implications for the next century.

Without modifying human behaviour we run the risk of violent weather swings and a drastic effect on crops and ocean life.

03 03 2021 | 10:51

Giant crack frees a massive iceberg in Antarctica.

A giant iceberg, more than 20 times the size of Manhattan, just split off from Antarctica's Brunt Ice Shelf. This dramatic breakup comes after a major crack formed on the shelf in November 2020 and…

03 03 2021 | 10:28

We Need 4 Waves of Climate Action.

Every climate solution works differently, unfolding at different speeds. We’ll need them all, traveling in four parallel waves, to stop climate change. Addressing climate change is going to be a…

03 03 2021 | 10:14

Denmark’s climate policies 'insufficient' to meet 2030 emissions target.

Report says country set to cut carbon emissions by 54% compared with 1990 levels, not 70% as planned. The Danish government’s efforts towards meeting the country’s ambitious target of reducing…