climate change

Αποτελέσματα 1501 - 1520 | από συνολικά 3422
25 02 2021 | 07:09

Damages from winter storm in Texas could approach $50 billion.

The estimate accounts for lost wages, damages to businesses and homes and cleanup costs. The cost of the devastating winter storm in Texas could end up costing the region close to $50 billion to…

25 02 2021 | 07:06

As Extreme Weather Events Increase, What Are the Risks to Wildlife?

A hailstorm in South Texas. Tornadoes in Tennessee. Wildfires across the West. A barrage of Gulf Coast hurricanes.

22 02 2021 | 14:52

Sweden Shows Texas How to Keep Turbines Going in Icy Weather.

With the right gear, wind turbines can keep on generating through the harshest winter weather.

22 02 2021 | 14:37

Polar Vortex Power Outages: 6 Things to Know About Supply, Demand, and Our Electricity Future.

The Polar Vortex hitting much of the US has wreaked havoc not just on roadways and airports, but also on our electricity systems, as plenty are experiencing first-hand right now.

21 02 2021 | 08:57

Greenhouse gas emissions from raw material production ‘doubled in 20 years’.

Greenhouse gas emissions from material production rose by 120 per cent from 1995 to 2015, research says. The production of raw materials such as steel and cement is having an increasingly large…

21 02 2021 | 08:43

Bermuda's hurricanes are twice as strong as they were six decades ago.

Ocean warming is fueling stronger hurricanes. Hurricanes are blasting Bermuda with wind speeds that have more than doubled in strength over the last 66 years, due to rising ocean temperatures in the…

21 02 2021 | 08:31

Oil firms should disclose carbon output, says BlackRock.

World’s biggest investor wants polluting industries to set targets to cut emissions and reach net zero. BlackRock, the world’s biggest investor, has said that oil companies and other polluting…

21 02 2021 | 08:26

Heating Arctic may be to blame for snowstorms in Texas, scientists argue.

The wintry weather that has battered the southern US and parts of Europe could be a counterintuitive effect of the climate crisis. Associating climate change, normally connected with roasting heat,…

21 02 2021 | 08:22

New Study Confirms Dangerous Sea Level Rise Projections Are Accurate.

A new study from Australian and Chinese researchers adds weight to scientists' warnings from recent United Nations reports about how sea levels are expected to rise dangerously in the coming decades…

21 02 2021 | 08:08

World's largest iceberg disintegrates into 'alphabet soup,' NASA photo shows.

Once the size of Delaware, iceberg A-68a is now a broken puzzle of ice. The ocean north of Antarctica has turned into an "alphabet soup" of broken icebergs, according to a new blog post on NASA's …

21 02 2021 | 08:05

'Put a big fat price on carbon': OECD chief bows out with climate rally cry.

Exclusive: Ángel Gurría says action on environmental crises must be defining focus of wealthy countries after Covid. The environment, climate change and the protection of nature must be the defining…

21 02 2021 | 08:01

Air pollution significantly raises risk of infertility, study finds.

Exclusive: With 30% of infertility unexplained, pollution could be an ‘unignorable’ risk factor, scientists say Exposure to air pollution significantly increases the risk of infertility, according…

21 02 2021 | 08:01

Winter Storm Leaves Texans in the Cold and Dark, Sparking Political Debate on Renewable Energy.

While Texans suffer from freezing temperatures and extensive power outages, frozen wind turbines are being used as a ploy to spread skepticism on the reliability of renewable energy.

20 02 2021 | 07:17

Climate Adaptation and the promise to leave no-one behind.

Learn how UNDP’s climate adaptation work supports each of the 17 SDGs across Asia and the Pacific in this inspiring

20 02 2021 | 06:52

The sustainable transition – Is ambition alone enough?

As vaccine roll-out continues to grow across Europe, it is time for national jurisdictions to look their long-term economic recovery. While businesses in the short-term will require funding to keep…

20 02 2021 | 06:44

To save the planet, we need a new type of growth.

Richard Murphy and Colin Hines on creating a programme of economic activity that improves social conditions and addresses the environmental crisis

18 02 2021 | 10:49

Bill Gates: ‘Carbon neutrality in a decade is a fairytale. Why peddle fantasies?’

After putting $100m into Covid research, the billionaire is taking on the climate crisis. And first he has some bones to pick with his fellow campaigners...

18 02 2021 | 10:38

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates; The New Climate War by Michael E Mann – review.

Two eminent voices on the climate crisis present clear strategies for tackling emissions, deniers and doomsayers President Joe Biden has promised a new era of American leadership on global climate…

18 02 2021 | 10:28

Country-based rate of emissions reductions should increase by 80% beyond nationally determined contributions to meet the 2 °C target.

Abstract The 2015 Paris Agreement aims to keep global warming by 2100 to below 2 °C, with 1.5 °C as a target.

18 02 2021 | 10:19

Bill Gates admits flying private jet to Paris Accords in new book on how to tackle climate crisis

Billionaire admits his lifestyle makes him ‘imperfect messenger’ on climate crisis Bill Gates has admitted flying on a privet jet to the Paris Accords in his new book on how to tackle the climate…