climate change

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15 02 2021 | 12:43

Did the Climate Crisis Enable the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Experts have described the coronavirus pandemic as the kind of crisis that will become even more likely as the planet warms. But now, researchers think that climate change may have actually played a…

15 02 2021 | 12:35

How Global Warming Can Cause Europe's Harsh Winter Weather.

As Germans shiver through double-digit negative temperatures and more than 80 centimeters (30 inches) of snow in parts of the country, climate science deniers have taken to social media to argue that…

15 02 2021 | 12:12

500+ scientists tell EU to end tree burning for energy.

"Regrowth takes time the world does not have to solve climate change”, they write. Over 500 scientists are writing to EU Commission President Von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel…

15 02 2021 | 12:08

Activist Catherine Flowers: the poor living amid sewage is 'the final monument of the Confederacy'.

In rural Alabama where Martin Luther King marched for civil rights, Flowers has waged a long fight for environmental justice.   Catherine Flowers stumbled upon the defining cause of her life by…

15 02 2021 | 11:27

Europe's carbon price tops 40 euros for first time.

Benchmark prices of European Union carbon permits rose above 40 euros per tonne for the first time on Thursday morning, exposing polluters to the highest prices in the carbon market’s 16-year history…

12 02 2021 | 07:28

Meat-eating creates risk of future pandemic that ‘would make Covid seem a dress rehearsal’, scientists warn.

‘If we could see eating meat as a treat, not a right, we could reduce the speed at which another virus evolves,’ says professor. Demand for regular supplies of affordable meat will create future …

12 02 2021 | 07:27

More than 12 million UK people face severe health risks or death caused by climate crisis, study says.

Having a home flooded may cause post-traumatic stress disorder and extreme heat inflates risk of heart disease, researchers say. More than 12 million people in the UK face serious health problems –…

12 02 2021 | 07:18

Government criticised for including big polluters in ‘Build Back Better Council’.

BP, Heathrow and Jaguar Land Rover are among the companies represented in new business council launched by Boris Johnson. The government is facing criticism for including big polluters over green…

12 02 2021 | 07:11

Could the climate crisis have played a role in the emergence of Covid-19?

A new study suggests a ‘possible role’ for the climate crisis in the emergence of Covid-19, but scientists tell Daisy Dunne there are still many unknowns in the origins of the pandemic. Scientists…

12 02 2021 | 06:50

Weatherwatch: latest sea level rise forecast alarms scientists

Warming of oceans due to greenhouse gas absorption may accelerate rise to beyond 1 metre by 2100. Rising sea levels seem one of the more distant threats of the climate emergency, unless you live in…

10 02 2021 | 09:42

'Invisible killer': fossil fuels caused 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, research finds.

Pollution from power plants, vehicles and other sources accounted for one in five of all deaths that year, more detailed analysis reveals. Air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as…

10 02 2021 | 09:22

Since 1850, These Historical Events Have Accelerated Climate Change.

  From 1880, the Earth's average surface temperature has risen by 0.07°C every decade. Evidence shows that key historical developments such as industrial revolutions contributed significantly to…

09 02 2021 | 13:44

Melting Glacier Study Could Establish Legal Liability for Climate Polluters.

New research shows global warming caused by human activity is to blame for a shrinking Andean glacier that threatens to flood 120,000 people and could be used to establish legal liability for…

09 02 2021 | 13:04

Climate change will be sudden and cataclysmic. We need to act fast.

Tipping points could fundamentally disrupt the planet and produce abrupt change in the climate. A mass methane release could put us on an irreversible path to full land-ice melt, causing sea…

09 02 2021 | 10:23

The United States may finally ratify the Kigali Amendment—with potential implementing legislation already underway.

Hydrofluorocarbons, an alternative to the ozone-depleting substances that damage the Earth’s protective ozone layer, are potent greenhouse gases that exacerbate climate change. These chemicals are…

09 02 2021 | 10:17

World's largest iceberg shatters into a dozen pieces.

Iceberg A68a was once large enough to hold the five boroughs of New York five times over; now, it's shattering like a broken window. The world's largest iceberg has shattered into a dozen pieces,…

09 02 2021 | 10:00

Thawing Permafrost Is Full of Ice-Forming Particles That Could Get Into Atmosphere.

The Big Idea Permafrost – frozen soil in the far north – is thawing, releasing greenhouse gases and long-lost microbes.

09 02 2021 | 09:45

Dizzying pace of Biden's climate action sounds death knell for era of denialism.

Analysis: The new president has framed the challenge of global heating as an opportunity for US jobs, saying: ‘We have to be bold’. For a landmark moment in the global effort to stave off…

09 02 2021 | 09:31

Aviva Investors to divest from companies who fail to to comply with new climate programme.

Aviva Investors has announced its Climate Engagement Escalation Programme, focused on its investments in 30 ‘Systemically Important Carbon Emitters’. The investment firm has announced a new climate…

09 02 2021 | 09:30

Everyday shopping from brands like Heinz and Yakult helps destroy rainforests, report claims.

Big companies and lenders ‘failing to halt loss of vital tree cover’, contributing to nature and climate crises. Shoppers are unknowingly fuelling the destruction of tropical rainforests, as…