climate change

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09 02 2021 | 09:15

Cumbria coalmine plans pit climate protection against job creation.

Local divisions over Woodhouse Colliery scheme echo rows playing out at national level. Plans for the UK’s first deep coalmine in more than 30 years have led to local divisions in Cumbria, even as…

09 02 2021 | 09:08

The Atlantic Ocean Is Getting Wider, Scientists Think They Know Why.

The Atlantic Ocean is getting wider and, after a uniquely ambitious expedition, scientists finally think they know why. The reason? An upwelling of matter from much deeper below Earth's crust than…

09 02 2021 | 08:44

Air Pollution Is Linked to Permanent Vision Loss, Study Finds.

Air pollution has been linked to an increased risk of progressive and irreversible vision loss, a large, long-term study found.

09 02 2021 | 08:40

Are we closing in on a common language on sustainable investing?

Financial markets rely on a common language. Before investors can take a view on a company’s prospects, they need to understand its assets and liabilities, its cashflows and earnings. The current…

09 02 2021 | 08:34

OPEC’s Planned Output Increase Is Offset by Africa Disruptions.

OPEC boosted crude production as planned last month, but the increase was tempered by disruptions at long-troubled member nations. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries raised output by…

09 02 2021 | 08:33

Atmospheric river storms can drive costly flooding – and climate change is making them stronger.

Ask people to name the world’s largest river, and most will probably guess that it’s the Amazon, the Nile or the Mississippi. In fact, some of Earth’s largest rivers are in the sky – and they can…

09 02 2021 | 08:32

GM Pledges to Eliminate Gas-Powered Vehicles by 2035.

General Motors pledged Thursday to stop selling fossil-fuel-powered cars and light trucks by 2035.

09 02 2021 | 08:21

Biden Signs Sweeping Executive Orders on Climate and Science.

President Joe Biden signed a sweeping executive order Wednesday to address the climate crisis.  

09 02 2021 | 08:18

No more broken treaties': indigenous leaders urge Biden to shut down Dakota Access pipeline.

Tribes and environmentalists hail decision to cancel Keystone XL pipeline but call on president to go further. Indigenous leaders and environmentalists are urging Joe Biden to shutdown some of…

08 02 2021 | 14:26

Experts pile pressure on Boris Johnson over 'shocking' new coalmine.

‘Bizarre’ decision to go ahead with Cumbrian mine criticised as UK prepares to host climate summit. Pressure is growing on the government over its support for a new coalmine in Cumbria, as the UK…

08 02 2021 | 14:10

A 'Disasterologist' Discusses Climate Change.

2020 was so bad that even disasters outdid themselves. Last year the United States alone experienced at least 16 weather and climate disasters with losses topping $1 billion each. That's more than…

06 02 2021 | 12:42

Rich countries must update financial vows to tackle climate crisis, says UN.

Patricia Espinosa says fulfilling $100bn-a-year promise must be top priority to support developing world. Rich countries must step up with fresh financial commitments to help the developing world…

06 02 2021 | 12:40

Joe Biden’s plans to combat climate crisis have – predictably – provoked GOP backlash.

Republican attacks, amplified by Fox News, have been met with a planned response from climate envoy John Kerry. The Democrat in the White House may be different, but the attacks are very familiar.…

06 02 2021 | 12:11

Global heating to blame for threat of deadly flood in Peru, study finds.

Research showing severe flood threat caused by global heating may set legal precedent in climate litigation Human-caused global heating is directly responsible for the threat of a devastating flood…

03 02 2021 | 13:50

World needs to kick its coal habit to start green recovery, says IEA head.

Energy watchdog’s Fatih Birol says shift away from coal in key regions needs to be made a global priority. Dependency on coal in key parts of the world is preventing a global green recovery from…

03 02 2021 | 13:32

Sea level rise could be worse than feared, warn researchers.

Danish team predict possible 1.35m rise by 2100 and highlight issues with previous modelling. The rise in the sea level is likely to be faster and greater than previously thought, according to…

03 02 2021 | 10:52

Connecting Climate Change, Disaster Risk, and Sustainability.

Why separate these topics when they are stronger together? Climate change caused by human activity has taken over many agendas, subsuming other topics within its fold. To achieve and continue…

03 02 2021 | 10:00

Effect of climate variability on healthcare expenditure of food crop farmers in Southwest, Nigeria

This study empirically evaluated the effect of climate variability on the healthcare status and catastrophic health expenditure of the food crop farmers in Southwest, Nigeria. Cross-sectional data…

03 02 2021 | 09:45

Climate crisis: Biden’s presidency turns up the heat on Australia to set out environment targets, experts say.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has previously said he won’t be dictated to by other countries on climate policy. The combined pressure of Joe Biden’s new environmentally-focused administration in the…