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13 05 2022 | 11:55

KENYA: Kakuzi Receives Globalg.A.P. Spring Certification for Water Management

UK-based NSF Certification UK has certified Kakuzi's avocado and blueberry plantations. The company's operations in Kenya are now recognized as sustainable because of its commitment to water…

13 05 2022 | 11:51

AFRICA: FAO proposes three forestry solutions to overcome multiple crises

In the 2022 edition of "The State of the World's Forests", the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) defines three forestry solutions and their itineraries, to get the world…

13 05 2022 | 11:48

How the master plan and revised policy will revamp Nigeria’s energy sector

The 2022 Revised National Energy Policy (RNEP) and the National Energy Master Plan (NEMP) are expected to positively impact Nigeria’s energy sector states Minister of Science, Technology and…

13 05 2022 | 11:47

EAST AFRICA: Canada provides $57 million for drought resilience

With crops and household food stocks below average in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, the Canadian government is providing C$73 million (US$57 million) in support of these three countries in the Horn of…

13 05 2022 | 11:43

KENYA: a waste-to-energy plant will be built in Kericho

Between the saturation of landfills and the need for recycling, Kericho County, located 270 km from Nairobi, is committed to converting urban waste into energy. The implementation of this project,…

13 05 2022 | 11:17

Revealed: the ‘carbon bombs’ set to trigger catastrophic climate breakdown

Exclusive: Oil and gas majors are planning scores of vast projects that threaten to shatter the 1.5C climate goal. If governments do not act, these firms will continue to cash in as the world burns…

13 05 2022 | 11:14

$15.5m Investment into Zambia’s first renewable energy buyer

InfraCo Africa, the Danish Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU) and EU-funded Electrification Financing Initiative (EDFI ElectriFI) will finance Africa GreenCo to the tune of $15.5million…

13 05 2022 | 11:11

Burkina Faso: Targeted attacks on water facilities wage a water war

Thirty-two water facilities have been destroyed so far this year, impacting nearly 300,000 people according to a group of 13 national and international organisations providing humanitarian and…

13 05 2022 | 11:05

Tories could lose 1.3m voters if net zero target ditched, says poll

The Conservative party could lose more than 1.3 million voters if the government scraps its net zero target, research suggests.

13 05 2022 | 11:00

Football must do more to tackle climate change: this is how clubs and fans can help

Climate change is a defining global issue, and football is not exempt. Roughly a quarter of England’s 92 league clubs could be regularly flooded within the next three decades, and the average…

13 05 2022 | 10:58

John Kerry warns a long Ukraine war would threaten climate efforts

The longer the war in Ukraine carries on, the worse the consequences will be for the climate, the US presidential envoy John Kerry has warned. Many countries are struggling with an energy crisis…

13 05 2022 | 10:53

Extreme heatwave in India and Pakistan causes power and water shortages

Millions sweltered in a dangerous early summer heatwave across India and Pakistan that has led to power and water shortages as annual furnace-like temperatures hit South Asia. In New Delhi, a…

13 05 2022 | 10:45

Climate limit of 1.5C close to being broken, scientists warn

The year the world breaches for the first time the 1.5C global heating limit set by international governments is fast approaching, a new forecast shows.

13 05 2022 | 10:39

Do not use Ukraine war to defer climate goals, warns Mark Carney

The UN climate envoy Mark Carney has warned against deferring emissions reduction targets in reaction to the energy crisis linked to the war in Ukraine, saying it will only require more “radical”…

13 05 2022 | 10:27

Net zero by 2050 will hit a major timing problem technology can’t solve. We need to talk about cutting consumption

Many climate activists, scientists, engineers and politicians are trying to reassure us the climate crisis can be solved rapidly without any changes to lifestyle, society or the economy.

13 05 2022 | 06:33

Πλωτά αιολικά πάρκα made in Greece

Μια παγκοσμίως πρωτοποριακή επένδυση στον Αλμυρό του Βόλου, που θα καταστήσει την περιοχή σημείο αναφοράς της ευρωπαϊκής αγοράς πλωτών αιολικών πάρκων προωθεί η Βιοχάλκο. Πρόκειται για επένδυση ύψους…

13 05 2022 | 00:06

How to make Africa’s ‘Great Green Wall’ a success

It’s now 15 years since the African Union gave its blessing to Africa’s Great Green Wall, one of the world’s most ambitious ecological-restoration schemes. The project is intended to combat…

12 05 2022 | 13:10

Ενεργειακή κρίση και επικίνδυνες πολιτικές

Τον τελευταίο καιρό η χώρα μας, όπως και όλη η Ε.Ε. αναμετράται με μια δύσκολη ενεργειακή πραγματικότητα λόγω του πολέμου στην Ουκρανία. Δυστυχώς, ενώ βρισκόμαστε σε κόκκινο συναγερμό, επαναφέρονται…

12 05 2022 | 13:05

Recent Progress on Mitigation Technologies

High Performance Architecture (HPA) Research Cluster Webinar Series 2022

12 05 2022 | 12:56

Ρήτρες και…χαρτορίχτρες

Tο 2018 το Κίνημα Αλλαγής επεξεργάστηκε έναν τεκμηριωμένο, μακροχρόνιο σχεδιασμό για τον ριζικό μετασχηματισμό του ενεργειακού συστήματος στη χώρα μας με τίτλο «Ενεργειακό διαβατήριο για το μέλλον».…