Πάνω από 1 δισ. ευρώ θα έφθανε εφέτος η δαπάνη της ΔΕΗ για αγορά δικαιωμάτων εκπομπής διοξειδίου του άνθρακα, αν οι εκπομπές παρέμεναν στα επίπεδα του 2017 - 2018 και χρεώνονταν με τις σημερινές…
Τα 25 GW εγκατεστημένης ισχύος με 116 αιολικά πάρκα σε 12 διαφορετικές χώρες φτάνει το υπεράκτιο αιολικό δυναμικό της Ευρώπης σχεδόν σε «real time», καθώς τα διαθέσιμα στοιχεία της WindEurope είναι…
Να εξαντλήσει τις τεχνικές δυνατότητες που υπάρχουν στις υποδομές του ώστε να δημιουργήσει επιπλέον ηλεκτρικό «χώρο» και να αυξήσει τη δυνατότητα σύνδεσης νέων φωτοβολταϊκών και άλλων ΑΠΕ, επιχειρεί…
Την Πέμπτη 27/5 ανακοινώθηκαν από τη ΡΑΕ τα αποτελέσματα του πρόσφατου κοινού διαγωνισμού αιολικών - φωτοβολταϊκών: Όλη η δημοπρατηθείσα ισχύς κατανεμήθηκε σε νέους φωτοβολταϊκούς σταθμούς.
Exclusive: ‘Rapid transition to regenerative farming’ needed, says prince, as data reveals 100,000 UK farms lost since 1990.
The Prince of Wales has called for small family farmers in the UK and…
A controversial oil refinery on St. Croix, one of the U.S. Virgin Islands, is in the government's crosshairs after a third incident in just three months has sickened people.
The Renewable Energy Association (REA) has released a new report with ARUP which details how geothermal can be used to aid the green recovery.
The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean…
The Biden administration has opened up California’s coast to wind farms.
We’re also covering severe drought in the American West and disaster readiness as we head into hurricane and wildfire season…
Fresh from striking a hammer blow in the boardrooms of the world’s biggest oil companies, the climate movement has a clear message: the energy transition is happening and there’s no turning back.
UN Secretary-General calls for sea-change in extractive industries as crucial ingredient in COVID-19 recovery, addressing inequalities and climate action
New York, 25 May 2021—United Nations…
A new study says climate change added $8 billion to the massive costs of 2012's Superstorm Sandy
Climate change-triggered sea level rise added $8 billion in damage during 2012’s Superstorm Sandy,…
More than 283,000 back call to rid Spain’s coastline of smoke and discarded cigarette butts.
A petition signed by more than 283,000 people calling on Spain to ban smoking at all its beaches has been…
As consumption of other fuels decline, the International Energy Agency investigates how the uptake of renewable energy will fare as the global economy recovers from the Covid crisis.
2020 witnessed…
The problem of biodiversity loss is not simply a matter of funding, a new report examining the failures of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has warned.
Instead, policy makers need to…
Three campaigners are taking government to High Court over its support for continued fossil fuel production
A trio of climate activists have launched a legal challenge against the government over…
Facebook is "fuelling climate misinformation" through its failure to get to grips with misleading content, according to a new report that calls on companies to boycott the platform until significant…
ExxonMobil is the world's single largest producer of single-use plastics, according to a new report published today by the Australia-based Minderoo Foundation, one of Asia's biggest philanthropies.
20 firms will account for most of the addtional 70 million metric tonnes of polymer churned out in the next four years.
The world’s biggest manufacturers of single-use plastic are set to increase…