
Αποτελέσματα 15201 - 15220 | από συνολικά 26949
30 05 2021 | 16:41

In Historic Move, Chile Unanimously Approves Ambitious Single-Use Plastics Law

In a historic move, Chile's legislature has unanimously passed a plastic regulation law that advocates say will reduce the country's plastic waste by more than 23,000 tons every year. The new law…

30 05 2021 | 16:37

Net Zero Producers Forum: A catalyst for climate ambition or yet another delaying tactic?

Oil Change International, Center for International Environmental Law, Climate Action Network Canada, Environmental Defence Canada, the Fossil Fuel No-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, Friends of the…

30 05 2021 | 16:36

It’s on our plates and in our poo, but are microplastics a health risk?

The omnipresent plastic is rife in dust, rice, placentas and tap water, but experts say it’s hard to untangle whether it’s harmful to humans. As much as the idea might be unpalatable, all of our…

30 05 2021 | 16:29

Shell forced to slash global emissions after landmark court ruling.

Activist groups hail ‘historic win’ as Dutch court orders multinational fossil fuel company to cut CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030. Climate activists who have taken fossil fuel giant Royal Dutch Shell …

30 05 2021 | 16:29

UN: Climate Breakthroughs Summit Highlights Crucial Momentum for Net-Zero Emissions.

UN Climate Change News, 27 May 2021 - Today, world leaders convened at the Climate Breakthroughs Summit -- a collaboration between the World Economic Forum, Mission Possible Partnership, the UN…

30 05 2021 | 16:24

Green growth: the save-the-mangrove scheme reaping rewards for women in Kenya.

A community project on the Lamu archipelago trains women in preserving this vital ecosystem and provides business loans. Kenya’s mangroves have been harvested for centuries, the timber used in…

30 05 2021 | 16:22

Trials to suck carbon dioxide from the air to start across the UK.

A major £30m project will test trees, peat, rock chips, and charcoal as ways of removing climate-heating emissions Climate-heating carbon dioxide will be sucked from the air using trees, peat, rock…

30 05 2021 | 16:13

School strike for climate: thousands take to streets around Australia.

Thousands of students across Australia walked out of classrooms to take part in the School Strike 4 Climate on Friday, calling for greater action on global heating. Defying pouring rain in Sydney,…

30 05 2021 | 16:11

Congo's Mount Nyiragongo volcano blows its top, sending thousands fleeing across border

The Congo's Mount Nyiragongo erupted Saturday night (May 22), sending thousands of people fleeing across the border into Rwanda and filling the skies with orange-red smoke. By Sunday morning, the…

30 05 2021 | 16:05

May gales help Britain set record for wind power generation.

In early hours of Friday, windfarm turbines provided nearly two-thirds of Britain’s electricity. Powerful gusts of wind sweeping across Britain have helped the country reach a new all-time high for…

30 05 2021 | 16:02

Another dangerous fire season is looming in the Western U.S., and the drought-stricken region is headed for a water crisis

Just about every indicator of drought is flashing red across the western U.S. after a dry winter and warm early spring. The snowpack is at less than half of normal in much of the region. Reservoirs…

30 05 2021 | 15:33

Tesla Changes Stance on Bitcoin Amid Climate Concerns

The U.S. electric car manufacturer Tesla suspended its plans to accept Bitcoin as a payment method, CEO Elon Musk announced in a Twitter statement late Wednesday. Musk, who has become notorious for…

30 05 2021 | 08:08

Γιατί τα λιμάνια αποτελούν κλειδί για την ανάπτυξη offshore αιολικών και υποδομών υδρογόνου - Infographic της WindEurope

Τα ευρωπαϊκά λιμάνια θα χρειαστούν νέες υποδομές και σημαντικές επενδύσεις μέσα στην επόμενη πενταετία προκειμένου να αντεπεξέλθουν στην ανάπτυξη του τομέα ηλιακής ενέργειας στην ήπειρο. Αυτό…

28 05 2021 | 12:21

Activist investors hand historic defeat to ExxonMobil in proxy battle.

An activist investor won at least two seats on the board of Exxon Mobil Corp. XOM +0.65% , a historic defeat for the oil giant that will likely force it to alter its fossil-fuel focused strategy and…

28 05 2021 | 12:11

NZ expands order for financial institutions to expand climate disclosure.

The New Zealand Parliament is expanding on a government order made in September 2020 requiring large insurers and financial institutions to identify their risks from climate change. The government…

28 05 2021 | 11:57

Wall Street hiring political insiders to protect $30 trillion in ESG assets.

Mark Carney to Brookfield Asset Management. Brexit architect Nigel Farage to DGB Group. A senior Obama aide to BlackRock Inc. One after another, the high-profile hires came in recent months, and in…

28 05 2021 | 10:35

WWF Sunday Movie Nights - 30/5/2021

Περνάμε μαζί ακόμα μία Κυριακή βράδυ με συγκινητικές ιστορίες, προσεκτικά επιλεγμένες, με πρωταγωνιστές τον άνθρωπο και τη φύση.

28 05 2021 | 10:08

Το ελληνικό γραφείο της Greenpeace γίνεται ηλιακό!

Όλη η απαιτούμενη ενέργεια θα παράγεται από το φωτοβολταϊκό πάρκο της ενεργειακής κοινότητας Υπερίων στην οποία συμμετέχει

28 05 2021 | 10:01

ΡΑΕ για την επίθεση του ΑΔΜΗΕ.

Σε συνέχεια πρόσφατων δημοσιευμάτων αναφορικά με την επιβολή προστίμου στον ΑΔΜΗΕ για τις καθυστερήσεις στην υλοποίηση του Δυτικού Διαδρόμου, η ΡΑΕ ενημερώνει τους θεσμικούς φορείς, τους…