climate crisis

Αποτελέσματα 121 - 140 | από συνολικά 714
11 11 2021 | 15:41

Op - The Guardian view on the Cop26 draft outcome: raise the bar

The credibility of international efforts to combat the climate crisis depend on the summit’s ambitions being honoured. In the staid idiom of international summitry, to “note with serious concern” is…

11 11 2021 | 15:37

Cop26 – a tragedy in two acts where the rich nations knife poor countries in the back

Despite the fine words and supposed ambition, there is little time left to reach a meaningful finale

11 11 2021 | 15:33

Op - Cop26 is doomed, and the hollow promise of ‘net zero’ is to blame

Net zero is popular among polluters for good reason – it’s toothless compared to emissions restrictions and a carbon tax.

11 11 2021 | 15:16

"Devoid of ambition’: Secret Negotiators on the Cop26 draft text

The Guardian’s anonymous insiders respond to the publication of a draft deal at the climate conference The Guardian has been speaking to climate negotiators from developing countries in the buildup…

10 11 2021 | 15:50

Op - Cop26 leaders blame individuals, while supporting a far more destructive system

It suits governments to lecture us on our consumption, but they need to offer systemic change if we are to tackle the climate crisis

10 11 2021 | 13:45

Climate change: What do scientists want from COP26 this week?

As the COP26 climate summit enters its second week, negotiations in Glasgow have hit a critical phase. The conference is seen as crucial if climate change is to be brought under control. So we asked…

09 11 2021 | 14:09

How the climate crisis is forcing Americans to relocate – video

In the last few years, hurricanes and flooding have devastated parts of the American south. Smoke-billowing wildfires have torn through millions of acres of the west coast. In the south-west, people…

09 11 2021 | 13:25

COP26: Time to sober up

So how much progress has really been made in the opening days of COP26 and what are the main challenges that lie ahead? To paraphrase COP26 president Alok Sharma, this is the moment when the rubber…

09 11 2021 | 08:30

Cop26: Obama criticises China and Russia for ‘dangerous absence of urgency’ – day eight as it happened

Day eight at the Glasgow summit focuses on loss, adaptation and damage 12h ago18:17 That’s me done for today! Here is the evening summary of today’s events:

08 11 2021 | 15:51

‘They’re killing our children’: mothers from around the world demand action on fossil fuels

Representatives of almost 500 parent groups tell Alok Sharma their children’s health depends on an end to funding for fossil fuel industries It may have been his toughest meeting yet. A delegation…

08 11 2021 | 15:27

Cop26 week one: the impression of progress – but not nearly enough

Analysis: the ‘significant outcomes’ came thick and fast but there are question marks about credibility Long before delegates gathered in Glasgow, the scene for Cop26 was set by the starkest warning…

08 11 2021 | 13:46

Op - It’s time to shift from the ‘war on terror’ to a war on climate change

Climate-related disasters have killed more Americans from flooding and wildfires than the 2,996 people who died in the 9/11 attacks. Let’s treat the climate crisis with equal seriousness

08 11 2021 | 13:39

Op - Fossil fuels made our families rich. Now we want this industry to end

Congress must help usher in a new energy age - a clean energy age with the same level of support that fossil fuels companies have received for over a century. Over a century ago, our families were…

08 11 2021 | 13:37

Op - Want to change the world? Then you’d better give up on self-defeating pessimism

A fatalistic worldview was once the preserve of conservatives. Now, from racism to the climate crisis, it has come to colonise much of the left

08 11 2021 | 13:35

COP26: How the world is reacting to the climate summit

It's the end of week one at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, and world leaders have already made some big commitments. More than 40 countries have promised to phase out coal by 2050, and…

08 11 2021 | 13:26

COP26: UK pledges £290m to help poorer countries cope with climate change

The UK is pledging £290m to help poorer countries cope with the impact of climate change, as the COP26 climate change summit enters its second week. Government ministers from around the world are in…

08 11 2021 | 10:05

Tuvalu minister to address Cop26 knee deep in seawater to highlight climate crisis

Foreign minister Simon Kofe hopes the speech will demonstrate the reality for countries on the frontline Tuvalu’s foreign minister has recorded a speech for the United Nations climate conference in…

04 11 2021 | 10:21

Op - Jet-lag, climate villains and coffee: the seven stages of every Cop

Whatever the outcome of the UN’s latest high-stakes crapshoot, a lengthy and arcane process must be followed first It’s not the expectation that is unbearable with Cop26; it is the hope. The world,…

04 11 2021 | 09:46

Op- Whether we’re 5-2 or 5-3 down it’s all about the optics at Cop26

Bertie Booster wanted to share his excitement as the world of the rich and powerful played out in public.

04 11 2021 | 09:41

Op - We are in Glasgow to demand justice for those most affected by the climate crisis

The Rainbow Warrior has brought us to Cop26 to speak up for the sidelined citizens of the global south. We can’t be ignored The writers are members of the climate action group Fridays for Future…

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