climate crisis

Αποτελέσματα 181 - 200 | από συνολικά 714
16 10 2021 | 11:18

Seeing is Believing

For those who still doubt climate change

16 10 2021 | 11:12

Humans are destroying biodiversity, Sir David Attenborough warns in new film

Sir David Attenborough voices animated short feature about why we need biodiversity. Sir David Attenborough has said that nature has a “great spiritual and cultural value” for human beings yet “many…

15 10 2021 | 16:08

Most businesses have already been hit by extreme weather, but still aren’t preparing for future climate disruption

Watching news reports of severe flooding in Europe, of devastating wildfires in the US, of melting ice caps at the poles, very few people now would deny that our climate is changing. The UK’s…

15 10 2021 | 15:49

At least 85 percent of the world’s population has been affected by human-induced climate change, new study shows

Researchers used machine learning to analyze more than 100,000 studies of weather events and found four-fifths of the world’s land area has suffered impacts linked to global warming At least 85…

12 10 2021 | 11:49

Cop26 programme: Full schedule for this year’s UN climate conference in Glasgow

Summit to unfold over 12 days amid intense pressure on world leaders to walk away with a plan Cop26, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties will finally commence in Glasgow, Scotland,…

11 10 2021 | 14:24

Worsening climate anxiety ‘poses significant threat to society’, experts warn

Those in power show ‘extraordinary level of indifference’ to apocalyptic threat posed by environment emergency, warn scientists in the BMJ

08 10 2021 | 09:43

Apple and Disney among companies backing groups against US climate bill

Amazon and Microsoft also supporting groups fighting legislation despite promises to combat the climate crisis, analysis finds. Some of America’s most prominent companies, including Apple, Amazon, …

08 10 2021 | 09:23

Scientists sound the alarm over drought in East Africa: what must happen next

Every few years, it is devastating to watch the same tragedy: a weather cycle that brings debilitating drought and hunger to East Africa, threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions of people…

06 10 2021 | 10:36

Poor countries must not be forced to take on debt to tackle climate crisis

A Cop26 insider from a developing nation on why the richer world needs to meet its funding targets One of the biggest issues at Cop26 is climate finance, the funding that is supposed to be provided…

04 10 2021 | 12:49

Tax flights and ditch gas boilers: ‘blue wall’ voters back green policy

A majority of voters in the Conservative party’s key 41 constituencies believe the UK should be a world leader on climate Voters in Tory heartlands want the government to do more to tackle the…

01 10 2021 | 15:48

Cutting methane should be a key Cop26 aim, research suggests

Oil and gas producers could reduce emissions at low cost or even at a profit by staunching leaks, says thinktank

01 10 2021 | 12:01

Why climate change is making it harder to chase fall foliage

Recent leaf-peeping seasons have been disrupted by weather conditions in New England, New York and elsewhere Droughts that cause leaves to turn brown and wither before they can reach peak color.…

28 09 2021 | 14:48

Hundreds of Thousands Take to Streets Worldwide for 'Uproot the System' Climate Strikes

"It's even more urgent now than it was before," said Greta Thunberg. Young people by the hundreds of thousands took to the streets across the globe on Friday to deliver a resounding message to world…

20 09 2021 | 15:28

‘Tipping point’ for climate action: Time’s running out to avoid catastrophic heating

According to the landmark United in Science 2021, there “is no sign of growing back greener”, as carbon dioxide emissions are rapidly accelerating, after a temporary blip in 2020 due to COVID, and…

17 09 2021 | 15:44

Climate change deniers are as slippery as those who justified the slave trade

Global warming sceptics should be hiding in corners. But still some defend the indefensible. No one seems as defeated as the global warming “deniers” who dominated rightwing thinking a decade ago.…

17 09 2021 | 15:37

We can’t build our way out of the environmental crisis

New infrastructure projects are all the rage, post-pandemic. But who benefits from a rising tide of concrete?

16 09 2021 | 13:00

Biden comforts Louisiana as police make door-to-door searches after flooding death toll rises in northeast

At least 49 people have been killed, the majority of whom became trapped in submerged apartments or cars. President Joe Biden returned to a familiar role as comforter-in-chief on Friday as he…

13 09 2021 | 16:24

Study: Balkans coal-fired plants responsible for thousands of deaths.

Pollution from coal-fired power stations on the European Union’s southeastern border are estimated to have caused thousands of deaths in the region due to breaches of legally-binding limits on…

10 09 2021 | 15:09

Wildfire burn scars can intensify and even trigger thunderstorms, leading to catastrophic flooding – here’s how

Wildfires burn millions of acres of land every year, leaving changed landscapes that are prone to flooding. Less well known is that these already vulnerable regions can also intensify and in some…

10 09 2021 | 15:04

Could climate change make humans go extinct?

There's good news and bad news.

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