climate crisis

Αποτελέσματα 241 - 260 | από συνολικά 714
10 08 2021 | 15:15

Emissions must fall fast – but how?

Described as “a code red for humanity”, a new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that major changes due to global heating are inevitable and irreversible with…

09 08 2021 | 16:11

Should I factor climate change into deciding whether to have kids?

With more people worrying about the environmental ethics of bringing more children into the world, Kate Ng examines the arguments on either side The decision whether or not to have children, if we…

09 08 2021 | 15:28

Russian Arctic losing billions of tons of ice due to climate change

As the climate continues to warm, significant ice loss in the Russian Arctic will have clear impacts for sea level rise’. Glaciers and ice caps in parts of the Russian Arctic are losing meltwater…

09 08 2021 | 14:01

NO MORE EXCUSES:'Unimaginable, Unforgiving World" without Drastic Emission Cuts, IPCC Warns

This story includes details about the impacts of climate change that may be difficult for some readers. If you are feeling overwhelmed by this crisis situation here is a list of resources on how to…

09 08 2021 | 12:26

Five ways men contribute more to the climate crisis than women.

How they travel, what they eat and how they spend their money all play a role According to researchers in Sweden, single men emit over 18 per cent more greenhouse gases than women.

09 08 2021 | 12:21

Thousands flee Greek island as wildfires raze forest and homes

Firefighters tackle blazes on two fronts on Evia as heatwave-driven devastation across southern Europe continues Thousands of people have fled wildfires that are destroying vast swathes of pine…

07 08 2021 | 10:30

Western Canada Wildfires Are Generating their Own Weather, Experts Warn

This story includes details about the impacts of climate change that may be difficult for some readers. If you are feeling overwhelmed by this crisis situation here is a list of resources on how to…

06 08 2021 | 17:23

Russia Sees Record Wildfire Spread as Siberian Blazes Rage On

Russia’s forest fires spread by a record margin on Monday, making the current wildfire season the country’s third-largest this century as smoke from the blazes wafts over huge expanses of Siberia,…

06 08 2021 | 17:13

July wildfires were worst for 18 years and released record levels of carbon, scientists say

Last month was the worst July for wildfires across the world in at least 18 years, scientists have said. Parts of Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and Siberia caught on fire as a…

06 08 2021 | 16:54

‘Mega-drought’ leaves many Andes mountains without snow cover

Satellite images confirm snow decrease spurred by climate crisis as glaciers recede and communities reliant on mountain water face shortages The Andes mountain range is facing historically low…

06 08 2021 | 11:57

“Record-shattering” heatwaves will be much more likely in the future

Today’s fast pace of global warming virtually guarantees more extreme temperature records around the world, according to a new study. Much of the US, Europe, and Asia will experience more deadly…

05 08 2021 | 12:17

‘Problematic’ polar bear may be shot after record heatwave drives him closer to humans

A polar bear has been deemed “problematic” and may be shot after causing injuries to humans, according to reports. The bear has been seen on a Danish military base in Greenland and earlier this week…

05 08 2021 | 09:01

Yes, there is work to do – but progress is being made over the climate crisis

We should hold governments’ feet to the fire, but also acknowledge that good work is being done, writes The deadly flooding in Europe has produced a torrent of political comment about the climate…

04 08 2021 | 08:31

Turkey, Greece and Italy wildfires – live: 8 dead as wildlife ravaged in ‘disaster areas’, fire hits Croatia

Latest developments from across Europe A heat wave across southern Europe, fed by hot air from North Africa, has triggered deadly blazes across the Mediterranean with the death toll rising to eight…

03 08 2021 | 11:12

Predicting droughts and floods: why we’re studying 19th-century ocean records

Floods have caused unprecedented damage in Europe recently, while in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, the equivalent of a year’s worth of average rainfall fell in just three days. In stark contrast,…

03 08 2021 | 10:46

Critical measures of global heating reaching tipping point, study finds

Carbon emissions, ocean acidification, Amazon clearing all hurtling toward new records A new study tracking the planet’s vital signs has found that many of the key indicators of the global climate…

03 08 2021 | 10:26

Extreme weather will be the norm and UK is not prepared, scientists warn

Last year was first to be in top 10 for heat, rain and sunshine, as scientists say UK’s mild climate is at an end Extremes of weather will strike the UK more frequently owing to the climate crisis,…

03 08 2021 | 10:23

Plans of four G20 states are threat to global climate pledge, warn scientists

‘Disastrous’ energy policies of China, Russia, Brazil and Australia could stoke 5C rise in temperatures if adopted by the rest of the world A key group of leading G20 nations is committed to climate…

30 07 2021 | 13:39

Bangladesh Flooding Hits Thousands of Rohingya Refugees

Heavy rains in southern Bangladesh this week have flooded and destroyed dwellings at camps hosting more than 800,000 Rohingya refugees. “The UN High Commissioner for Refugees said more than 12,000…

30 07 2021 | 12:05

Earth Overshoot Day 2021: Why the date has been moved back to 29 July as emissions ramp up amid Covid recovery

Humanity has already consumed more natural resources than the planet can regenerate this year Humans will have already consumed all the natural resources that Earth can sustainably supply for 2021…

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