climate crisis

Αποτελέσματα 61 - 80 | από συνολικά 714
01 06 2022 | 17:18

Boost for Africa as ten cities sign agreement to improve air quality

Ten mayors and governors of ten major African cities made an ambitious commitment to improve air quality by signing the C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration. Clean Air Cities Declaration is a commitment…

26 05 2022 | 07:22

There’s no chance of cutting bills while the private sector runs the UK energy market

Our energy system is crucial to two of the biggest issues facing the British public: the cost of living crisis and the climate and environment emergency. Yet we are leaving this sector to be…

26 05 2022 | 07:12

Mounting Drought Risk Confronts London, Other World Cities

With many of the world’s cities, and especially their poorest citizens, facing increasing risks of drought and water shortages, faster emissions cuts and the long overdue establishment of an…

26 05 2022 | 06:52

We can’t eat a new road’: Guyanese voice fears over true cost of Exxon’s oil bonanza

Annette Arjoon is not anti-oil. The marine conservationist calls the vast new oilfields off Guyana’s coast a “blessing” that will earn billions of dollars for one of the poorest countries in the …

26 05 2022 | 06:49

Climate chaos certain if oil and gas mega-projects go ahead, warns IEA chief

The world’s leading energy economist has warned against investing in large new oil and gas developments, which would have little impact on the current energy crisis and soaring fuel prices but spell…

26 05 2022 | 06:39

This election, are the teals ready to take on the fossil fuel lobby that’s captured the major parties?

Here’s a gotcha question for an intrepid journalist to put in the final moments of the campaign: Mr Morrison, Mr Albanese, why are you killing the Great Barrier Reef? Unlike other gotchas, the query…

14 05 2022 | 07:15

Climate change is devastating the Global South

Right now in India and Pakistan, a record-breaking heatwave is impacting the daily lives of nearly a billion people. Scorching temperatures are damaging wheat harvests, preventing many labourers from…

13 05 2022 | 12:50

‘Devastating’: 91% of reefs surveyed on Great Barrier Reef affected by coral bleaching in 2022

Coral bleaching affected 91% of reefs surveyed along the Great Barrier Reef this year, according to a report by government scientists that confirms the natural landmark has suffered its sixth mass…

13 05 2022 | 12:49

EU officials being trained to meditate to help fight climate crisis

Brussels officials are being trained to meditate to help them tackle the climate crisis as part of a new wave of “applied mindfulness” that seeks to take the Buddhism-inspired practice “off the…

13 05 2022 | 12:47

Vanuatu’s push for legal protection from climate change wins crucial support

Vanuatu’s push for the international court of justice to protect vulnerable nations from climate change has received the backing of 1,500 civil society organisations from more than 130 countries, as…

13 05 2022 | 12:42

Lloyd’s of London attempts to shift AGM online to avoid climate protesters

Insurance market Lloyd’s of London is urging members to watch its annual general meeting from home next week, amid fears it will be the latest City event disrupted by climate protests. The chair of…

13 05 2022 | 11:57

The Tories are going all out to shut down protest. Just Stop Oil activists like me will not be deterred

If your house was burning down and the emergency services were not answering your call, what would you do? Would you try to put out the fire yourself? This is what climate activists are currently…

13 05 2022 | 11:51

AFRICA: FAO proposes three forestry solutions to overcome multiple crises

In the 2022 edition of "The State of the World's Forests", the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) defines three forestry solutions and their itineraries, to get the world…

13 05 2022 | 11:17

Revealed: the ‘carbon bombs’ set to trigger catastrophic climate breakdown

Exclusive: Oil and gas majors are planning scores of vast projects that threaten to shatter the 1.5C climate goal. If governments do not act, these firms will continue to cash in as the world burns…

13 05 2022 | 11:05

Tories could lose 1.3m voters if net zero target ditched, says poll

The Conservative party could lose more than 1.3 million voters if the government scraps its net zero target, research suggests.

13 05 2022 | 10:58

John Kerry warns a long Ukraine war would threaten climate efforts

The longer the war in Ukraine carries on, the worse the consequences will be for the climate, the US presidential envoy John Kerry has warned. Many countries are struggling with an energy crisis…

13 05 2022 | 10:45

Climate limit of 1.5C close to being broken, scientists warn

The year the world breaches for the first time the 1.5C global heating limit set by international governments is fast approaching, a new forecast shows.

10 05 2022 | 08:48

Is civil disobedience OK if it’s the only way to prevent climate catastrophe?

This week, climate activists disrupted the UK’s oil supply, because they believe they face a desperate choice. Nonviolent resistance now, or the unthinkable violence of climate change later. “There…

10 05 2022 | 08:39

The UK government cannot invest into North Sea oil while claiming global climate leadership

On 28 February, four days after Putin launched the fossil-fuel funded invasion of Ukraine, the UN secretary general Antonio Guterres delivered a blistering barrage against world leaders for their…

10 05 2022 | 08:37

‘It’s critical the message makes it to the mainstream’: Nasa climate scientist speaks on his tearful protest

Peter Kalmus was among a group of scientists who chained themselves to a JPMorgan Chase building in Los Angeles in protest of the bank’s financing of fossil fuels. Tap to watch the video 

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