climate crisis

Αποτελέσματα 41 - 60 | από συνολικά 714
12 07 2022 | 07:22

‘Every year it gets worse’: on the frontline of the climate crisis in Bangladesh

Ever since she was a little girl, Amina Ahmed has been afraid of the water. Growing up in Sylhet, north-east of Bangladesh, the heavy rainfall that typically occurs during monsoon season would make…

12 07 2022 | 07:15

Global dismay as supreme court ruling leaves Biden’s climate policy in tatters

Joe Biden’s election triggered a global surge in optimism that the climate crisis would, finally, be decisively confronted. But the US supreme court’s decision last week to curtail America’s ability…

12 07 2022 | 07:10

We’ve overexploited the planet, now we need to change if we’re to survive

The relationship between humans and nature is under intense and increasing strain. The report released today by Ipbes, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem…

05 07 2022 | 07:12

The Global South has the power to force radical climate action

During the past several years it has become clear that the international climate negotiations are failing to address the climate crisis. Existing policies have us on track for 3.2 degrees Celsius (5.…

26 06 2022 | 07:27

Subverting Climate Science in the Classroom

In a drab hearing room in Austin, Tex., members of the State Board of Education, seated at small desks arranged in a broad, socially distanced circle, debated whether eighth grade science students…

22 06 2022 | 11:59

‘Compound extremes’: why a cocktail of natural disasters is battering the US

As world heats up, ‘historic’ weather events will increase and overlap, testing the limits of nation’s resiliency and recovery

22 06 2022 | 11:58

Vanuatu calls on Australia to back its UN bid to recognise climate change harm

Australia’s new Labor government has been called on to prove its commitment to climate action and support for Pacific countries by backing a campaign led by Vanuatu to see international law changed…

20 06 2022 | 12:35

Greenhouse gases must be legally phased out, US scientists argue

Greenhouse gas emissions should be subject to legal controls in the US and phased out under the Toxic Substances Control Act, according to a group of scientists and former public officials, in a…

20 06 2022 | 12:32

UN climate talks end in stalemate and ‘hypocrisy’ allegation

European governments have been accused of seeking to exploit the fossil fuel reserves of the developing world, while failing to help them tackle the climate crisis. Campaigners made the charge as…

14 06 2022 | 09:27

New York has a chance to generate all its electricity from clean energy by 2030

It has been, for progressives in New York, a trying year.

14 06 2022 | 09:21

Thirty years of climate summits: where have they got us?

Highlights and lowlights of Cop since Rio 1992, when countries set up a system to tackle climate crisis It has been 30 years since the Rio summit, when a global system was set up that would bring…

14 06 2022 | 09:17

Disabled people being ‘systematically ignored’ on climate crisis, says study

People with disabilities are being “systematically ignored” by governments around the world when it comes to the climate crisis, even though they are particularly at risk from the impacts of extreme…

14 06 2022 | 09:12

The missing piece in the clean energy puzzle

Critical to any strategy around climate change is the question of justice. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) reports on climate change mitigation and its impacts…

08 06 2022 | 07:12

Climate delegates snub Russian address as activists fear geopolitical setbacks

Delegates have walked out of a session at a climate summit in Bonn on Monday as a Russian official made a speech, in a sign of the geopolitical tensions overshadowing the negotiations. The low-key…

08 06 2022 | 06:35

Activists hail Biden’s use of security powers to boost clean energy

Environmental groups have welcomed Joe Biden’s invoking of national security powers to rapidly expand the production of clean energy technology as a significant advance in the effort to curb…

08 06 2022 | 06:32

Climate crisis could make humans shrink in size, says fossil expert

The climate crisis may lead the human race to shrink in size, as mammals with smaller frames appear better able to deal with rising global temperatures, a leading fossil expert has said. Prof Steve…

07 06 2022 | 22:24

We older people must fight for a better America, and world, for younger generations

Ihad the chance this month to spend a couple of weeks on an utterly wild and remote Alaskan shore – there was plenty of company, but all of it had fur, feathers or fins. And there was no way to hear…

02 06 2022 | 10:59

There could still be time to fix climate – but not with UK’s nuclear plans

With the weather changing dramatically across the world, will politicians finally take the climate crisis seriously? With a concerted effort, there could still be time.

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