global warming

Αποτελέσματα 101 - 120 | από συνολικά 141
09 08 2019 | 08:38

Will it soon be too late to save the climate?

The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere keeps increasing. The Earth's temperature is rising. Now media are reporting that we only have 18 months to save the climate. Scaremongering, or a…

09 08 2019 | 08:21

Giant Floating Solar Farms Could Make Fuel and Help Solve the Climate Crisis, Says Study.

Millions of solar panels clustered together to form an island could convert carbon dioxide in seawater into methanol, which can fuel airplanes and trucks, according to new research from Norway and…

07 08 2019 | 08:33

The 20th century was the hottest in nearly 2,000 years.

Two global warming studies by an international network of scientists show that the greatest increase in the Earth’s temperatures began after the industrial revolution. Two studies further indicate…

07 08 2019 | 06:31

Australia’s climate stance is inflicting criminal damage on humanity.

The government opts for conflict rather than change, while suppressing details on the implications of its climate inaction The top priority of government is security of the people. Yet on the…

07 08 2019 | 06:16

Trump's failure to fight climate change is a crime against humanity.

(CNN)President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Rick Scott, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, and others who oppose action to address human-induced climate change should be held accountable for climate crimes…

05 08 2019 | 11:39

How much warmer is your city?

The world is getting hotter. July 2019 was one of the warmest months ever recorded - and July temperatures almost everywhere on Earth have been higher in the last 10 years compared with 1880-1900, as…

02 08 2019 | 06:45

Cat videos, online porn branded ‘an ecological disaster’.

Clicking through videos on YouTube, watching porn online or binge-watching shows like Game of Thrones are growing threats to climate goals, according to a French study published on Thursday (11 July…

02 08 2019 | 06:01

One Earth Climate Model.

A state-of-the-art climate model, funded by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and released by the prestigious scientific publisher Springer Nature, offers a roadmap for meeting -- and surpassing --…

15 07 2019 | 09:05

By 2050, many U.S. cities will have weather like they’ve never seen.

New York, San Francisco, and Washington are among the 17 U.S. cities that will soon face unprecedented weather. CLIMATE FORECAST FOR 2050: New York City winters will have the weather of today’s…

15 07 2019 | 08:58

Climate change made June heatwave ‘at least 5 times more likely’, scientists say.

Last week’s record-breaking temperatures in France and other parts of Europe were at least five times more likely to happen – and potentially even 100 times more – because of climate change,…

08 07 2019 | 07:33

Heatwaves hurt the poor most: time for an EU plan.

Recurring heatwaves across Europe have been most devastating for the poor. New EU institutions have a mandate to make Europe’s energy transition a just one, but this can only be done if a European…

05 07 2019 | 17:44

Is climate change to blame for the extreme heat wave in Europe?

The extreme heat wave that's been scorching Europe in triple-digit temperatures may be up to 100 times more likely to occur today than it was in 1900, according to a new study from team of scientists…

03 07 2019 | 08:51

Global heating to inflict more droughts on Africa as well as floods.

New UK research predicts extremes of weather will hit food production. Global heating could bring many more bouts of severe drought as well as increased flooding to Africa than previously forecast,…

01 07 2019 | 09:39

Zurich Insurance Group to use 100% renewable energy by 2022.

Insurer signs up to United Nations’ business pledge to limit global warming. Zurich has become the first insurer to commit to the UN Global Compact Business Ambition Pledge that aims to limit…

28 06 2019 | 09:08

UN report on 1.5C blocked from climate talks after Saudi Arabia disputes science.

There will be no further formal discussions of the IPCC’s findings at the UN after Saudi Arabia fought to undermine the findings of the global scientific community. A major report on 1.5C has been…

26 06 2019 | 10:15

New figures show G20 nations need to end support for coal.

A new report has found that G20 nations are not on track to phase out the use of environmentally damaging fossil fuels. After global coverage on the climate emergency, a report by the Overseas…

20 06 2019 | 08:44

Spy satellites reveal Himalayan glaciers losing ground to climate change.

Keeping watch over ice on the Himalayan glaciers was certainly not the intended mission of a U.S. spy satellite program, called Hexagon, which operated from 1971 to 1986. Nevertheless, the…

14 06 2019 | 00:15

Climate crisis? Nah...fake news. It's just a hoax, Trump knows best.

Planet is entering ‘new climate regime’ with ‘extraordinary’ heat waves intensified by global warming, study says  

28 05 2019 | 08:00

CO2-Ink Demonstration.

I use ink to demonstrate how CO2 can have a big impact on warming the earth even though it is a very small percent of the atmosphere. Also see my talk on how to fix climate change for free: https://…

22 05 2019 | 07:45

Germany's far-right AfD warms to climate change denial.

They deny global warming, oppose wind farms, defend diesel engines and coal mines, and mock teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg as a green "cult" leader. Politicians of the far-right Alternative…

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