global warming

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20 01 2021 | 07:53

‘Human fingerprint’ covers global heating seen from before industrial era to today, research says.

The impact of greenhouse gas emissions on global temperatures would have been even larger if were not for the cooling impact of air pollution, study finds. A “human fingerprint” covers the global…

17 12 2020 | 12:41

Estimating and tracking the remaining carbon budget for stringent climate targets.

Abstract Research reported during the past decade has shown that global warming is roughly proportional to the total amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. This makes it possible to…

11 12 2020 | 13:13

Greenhouse gas emissions transforming the Arctic into 'an entirely different climate.

Warmest temperatures since 1900 have all occurred within the past seven years, according to Noaa’s annual Arctic report card. The Arctic’s rapid transformation into a less frozen, hotter and…

10 10 2020 | 09:12

Antarctica could melt 'irreversibly' due to climate change, study warns.

The change will take thousands of years, but we only have a century to stop it. Antarctica contains more than half of the world's freshwater in its sprawling, frozen ice sheet, but humanity's…

30 09 2020 | 09:42

How our warmer oceans are contributing to climate breakdown.

A more stable ocean sounds idyllic, but it creates a dangerous feedback loop for our warming planet. Humans have made the oceans more stable, and the result will be more extreme weather and the…

30 09 2020 | 09:31

New Study Shows a Vicious Circle of Climate Change Building on Thickening Layers of Warm Ocean Water.

Global warming is deepening blankets of warmer water that alter ocean currents, hinder absorption of carbon, intensify storms and disrupt biological cycles. Near the surface of the ocean, global…

12 07 2020 | 08:12

Spreading rock dust on fields could remove vast amounts of CO2 from air.

It may be best near-term way to remove CO2, say scientists, but cutting fossil fuel use remains critical. Spreading rock dust on farmland could suck billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the air…

25 04 2020 | 13:42

Decrease in Global Inequality is Threatened by Climate Change.

Global inequality between countries has been decreasing over the last few decades, particularly due to rapid economic growth in India and China. In contrast, recent studies highlight the role of…

25 04 2020 | 12:52

What to plant in a warming world.

NOTE: Importantly, as we continue to be mindful of the well-being of ourselves and others during the coronavirus outbreak, gardening can be as solitary and calming a pursuit as you’re likely to find…

29 03 2020 | 14:32

With Temperatures Rising, Can Animals Survive the Heat Stress?

A growing number of studies show that warming temperatures are increasing mortality in creatures ranging from birds in the Mojave Desert, to mammals in Australia, to bumblebees in North America.…

17 03 2020 | 13:43

Climate change is a bigger threat than coronavirus, says UN Secretary General.

Don't let a passing crisis, serious though it is, distract you from the real fight. The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, is worried that the coronavirus panic will distract people from the…

16 03 2020 | 21:01

Greenland and Antarctica losing ice six times faster than expected.

According to a new report, Greenland and Antarctica are losing ice six times faster than in the 1990s – currently on track with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s worst-case climate…

16 03 2020 | 20:51

Climate crisis is accelerating, shows growing impacts, UN warns.

Last year was the second warmest in history at a global level. Global warming and its impact on ecosystems and people grew in 2019, according to a study by the United Nations, which warned more…

08 03 2020 | 10:20

Why Milankovitch (Orbital) Cycles Can't Explain Earth's Current Warming.

In the last few months, a number of questions have come in asking if NASA has attributed Earth’s recent warming to changes in how Earth moves through space around the Sun: a series of orbital motions…

05 03 2020 | 07:39

Killer heat: how a warming land is changing Australia forever.

The frontline ->  Inside Australia's climate emergency: the killer heat   Australia is heating faster than the global average, and extreme heat days are on the rise. Doctors say there’s clear…

04 03 2020 | 16:23

World may miss carbon targets unless big firms improve – Mark Carney.

Bank of England governor warns City about need for businesses to fully disclose climate impact Analysis: poor countries need clear finance pledges

28 02 2020 | 06:54

'Unprecedented' globally: more than 20% of Australia's forests burnt in bushfires.

Researchers’ figure contrasts starkly with proportion of forest burned over such a period on any other continent More than 20% of Australia’s forests burned during the summer’s bushfire catastrophe…

26 02 2020 | 09:11

JP Morgan economists warn climate crisis is threat to human race.

Leaked report for world’s major fossil fuel financier says Earth is on unsustainable trajectory The world’s largest financier of fossil fuels has warned clients that the climate crisis threatens…

24 02 2020 | 05:45

Colorado River flow shrinks from climate crisis, risking ‘severe water shortages’ .

Millions of people rely on the 1,450-mile waterway as increasing periods of drought and rising temperatures reduce flow of river The flow of the Colorado River is dwindling due to the impacts of…

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