global warming

Αποτελέσματα 121 - 140 | από συνολικά 141
21 05 2019 | 08:41

Rise in global sea levels could have 'profound consequences'.

Scientists believe that global sea levels could rise far more than predicted, due to accelerating melting in Greenland and Antarctica. The long-held view has been that the world's seas would rise by…

14 05 2019 | 15:28

These Days, It’s Not About the Polar Bears.

Climate science has struggled mightily with a messaging problem. The well-worn tactic of hitting people over the head with scary climate change facts has proved inadequate at changing behavior or…

14 05 2019 | 12:55

Global Warming: How Hot, Exactly, Is it Going to Get?

The latest climate models are giving disturbing answers. Imagine spending your whole career working on a question to which you don’t want to know the answer. We know that greenhouse gas emissions…

14 05 2019 | 08:39

Atmospheric CO2 reaches record 415ppm — the highest it’s been in millions of years.

In less than a century, humans have managed the ignoble feat of raising atmospheric CO2 levels by more than 100 parts per million (ppm). Like every year, weather stations are measuring new record…

13 05 2019 | 18:10

UN Secretary: "We cannot allow runaway climate change. We need to protect the lives of all people and we need to protect our planet.

UN chief praises New Zealand premier’s ‘admirable’ response to Christchurch attacks.  

13 05 2019 | 17:40

I have felt hopelessness over climate change. Here is how we move past the immense grief.

My intellectual and rational understanding of it has shifted to much more of an emotional and personal one. ‘Human society under urgent threat from loss of Earth’s natural life.’ ‘The planet has…

13 05 2019 | 17:17

Solar,Wind Displace 35 Times As Much CO2 Per Year As Ccs Has Ever Sequestered.

Solar and wind energy displace roughly 35 times as much carbon dioxide each year as carbon capture and storage (CCS) has sequestered in its entire history, DeSmog Blog reports, citing a new analysis …

11 05 2019 | 10:22

Global warming could create 'greater migratory pressure from Africa'.

Europe can expect even greater migratory pressure from Africa unless action is taken to prevent global warming, Sir David Attenborough has said in a strongly worded warning to policymakers that time…

07 05 2019 | 08:34

Mosquito-borne diseases could reach extra ‘one billion people’ as climate warms.

Nearly one billion people could face “their first exposure” to a host of mosquito-borne diseases by 2080 under extreme global warming, a study finds. Countries in Europe, including the UK, would be…

05 05 2019 | 10:02

Global surface temperatures in 2019 are on track to be either the 2nd or 3rd warmest since records began.

Global surface temperatures in 2019 are on track to be either the second or third warmest since records began in the mid-1800s, behind only 2016 and possibly 2017. On top of the long-term  warming…

03 05 2019 | 07:41

Record-breaking ocean temperatures point to trends of global warming.

An international team released 2018 ocean heat content observations in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences on January 16, 2019. The newly available observations show that the year 2018 is the hottest…

03 05 2019 | 07:31

March Temperatures in Alaska: 20 Degrees Hotter Than Usual.

By local standards, Alaska has been sweltering this spring. Temperature records have been set across the state, including in Kotzebue, where the thermometer reached 42 degrees Fahrenheit on the last…

29 04 2019 | 08:49

The End of the World Or: The unfortunate results of ignoring an inconvenient truth.

It was a balmy, bordering on uncomfortably hot day in Washington, D.C. on June 1, 2017.

24 04 2019 | 17:58

Climate change will be key issue in EU elections, poll shows.

As many as 77% of potential voters identify global warming as an important criterion when deciding who to vote for at the May European elections, according to an opinion poll published on Tuesday (16…

24 04 2019 | 07:04

Satellite confirms key NASA temperature data: The planet is warming — and fast.

New evidence suggests one of the most important climate change data sets is getting the right answer. A high-profile NASA temperature data set, which has pronounced the last five years the hottest…

19 04 2019 | 15:09

Canada’s Arctic Is Warmest In 10,000 Years As Region Faces ‘Unprecedented’ Change.

Canada’s Arctic is the hottest it’s been in 10,000 years, and the Arctic as a whole is being transformed into an “unprecedented state”, according to two new studies in the journals Nature…

10 04 2019 | 10:29

The Koch Brothers Believe In Climate Change Because The Market Accepts It.

Apparently, the Koch Brothers believe in climate change when the market accepts it. To explain,’s Hit & Run blog ran an article accepting climate change’s validity on 5 March 2019.

01 04 2019 | 16:41

Stiglitz urges joint EU-China trade sanctions against the US on climate change.

Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz has called on Europe and China to join forces against the United States at the WTO, saying America has become a “free-rider” on climate change under the Trump…

01 04 2019 | 16:11

EU on track for 50% emission cuts by 2030, study says.

While Germany and Eastern European countries continue to oppose raising the EU’s 40% emission reduction target for 2030, a new analysis insists the bloc will actually manage at least 50% cuts under a…

14 03 2019 | 09:57

BP: Oil giant makes business case for taking climate change seriously.

The chief economist of one of the world’s biggest oil companies is urging other companies to take climate change seriously — and sooner rather than later.  If not, it might be bad for business. …

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