
Αποτελέσματα 141 - 160 | από συνολικά 164
15 06 2019 | 10:10

Ever Wondered Why We Can’t Harness Energy From Sea Waves? Here’s The Answer.

Hello there, we are sure that you have been wondering about ways to harness power from natural sources. Well, sources that do not pollute the planet and are renewable. Why are we talking about…

13 06 2019 | 09:24

Silence please! Marine mammals are dying.

Shipping, oil and gas exploration, military sonar, and underwater construction are all creating an enormous amount of noise that reduces the ability of whales, dolphins, and other marine wildlife to…

10 06 2019 | 09:40

'Why replace dolphins with oil drilling?': the battle for Greece's marine life.

Before the giants of oil and gas joined the litany of threats facing Greek sperm whales, the plight of the world’s largest-toothed animal was little known. Like the Hellenic trench, which was…

05 06 2019 | 08:38

ProtoAtlantic puts marine tech to the test.

The ProtoAtlantic initiative has selected 10 international start-ups to test a variety of maritime technologies, including renewables, at several sites in Europe as part of the fast tracked product…

09 05 2019 | 10:44

Marine Mammal Monitoring Equipment Undergoes Testing.

The Balmoral Subsea Test Centre in Aberdeen, Scotland, has carried out hydrostatic tests on equipment that will be used to monitor the interaction between tidal turbines and marine mammals in the…

03 05 2019 | 07:41

Record-breaking ocean temperatures point to trends of global warming.

An international team released 2018 ocean heat content observations in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences on January 16, 2019. The newly available observations show that the year 2018 is the hottest…

30 04 2019 | 09:05

A call to implement marine renewable energy across Europe.

Peter Scheijgrond, M.Eng, M.Phil from the Dutch Marine Energy Centre calls for smart support schemes to implement marine renewable energy across Europe The industrial opportunity for Europe…

13 04 2019 | 13:47

Marine plastic pollution is costing the world billions, report finds.

A new report has found that not only is marine plastic pollution damaging the environment, it is costing the world billions. The report, led by the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, found that…

18 03 2019 | 07:47

New study provides insight into global carbon cycle.

A new study has unearthed ancient wetland sites that have provided an insight into the global carbon cycle. Scientists from the University of Eastern Finland have pieced together evidence from over…

17 03 2019 | 10:33

Marine heatwaves are threatening global biodiversity

A new study has found that marine heatwaves (MHWs) are starting to affect global biodiversity. The report, published in Nature Climate Change, has found that heatwaves in oceans are becoming more…

06 03 2019 | 12:54

Heatwaves sweeping oceans ‘like wildfires’, scientists reveal

Extreme temperatures destroy kelp, seagrass and corals – with alarming impacts for humanity The number of heatwaves affecting the planet’s oceans has increased sharply, scientists have revealed,…

04 03 2019 | 17:56

Marine permaculture could ‘reforest’ the oceans, draw 102 gigatons of co2 by 2050

Marine permaculture technology that seeds the world’s oceans with kelp forests while pumping up colder, nutrient-rich waters from the ocean depths is one of the 20 carbon reduction options that…

04 03 2019 | 16:45

Achieving Paris climate target could net additional billions in fisheries revenue

Achieving the Paris Agreement global warming target could protect millions of tonnes in annual worldwide fisheries catch, as well as billions of dollars of annual revenues for fishers, workers'…

01 03 2019 | 08:14

The Ocean Is Running Out of Breath, Scientists Warn

The Ocean Is Running Out of Breath, Scientists Warn Widespread and sometimes drastic marine oxygen declines are stressing sensitive species—a trend that will continue with climate change Escaping…

25 02 2019 | 15:11

The debate is over: The oceans are in hot, hot water.

The Earth’s surface is 70 percent water, but even that underestimates how vital ocean health is to our planet’s ability to maintain life. Recent results from scientists around the world only further…

22 02 2019 | 12:45

Global Warming Needs Re-branding, Again.

‘Climate Change’ just didn’t cut it The sudden usage of the term climate change over global warming is no coincidence. While a distinction between the terms does exist, most politicians use them…

21 02 2019 | 16:10

Plastics are being glued together in the ocean

Glue-like substances secreted by bacteria are sticking tiny particles of plastic together in the ocean to form larger masses. As part of the NERC-funded RealRiskNano project, scientists from Heriot-…

19 02 2019 | 12:59

'Grandfather Of Climate Science' Wallace Broecker Dies At 87

Wallace Broecker, a climate scientist who brought the term "global warming" into the public and scientific lexicon, died on Monday. He was 87. Broecker, a professor in the department of earth and…

05 02 2019 | 12:08

Warming seas may increase frequency of extreme storms

A new NASA study shows that warming of the tropical oceans due to climate change could lead to a substantial increase in the frequency of extreme rain storms by the end of the century. The study…

05 02 2019 | 09:11

Climate change will change the colour of Earth’s oceans by the end of the 21st century

A new study by MIT has found that climate change could affect the colour of the ocean, intensifying its blue and green regions. Climate change is causing significant changes to phytoplankton in the…