Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 1901 - 1920 | από συνολικά 2511
06 02 2020 | 08:20

Financial Times: The $900bn cost of ‘stranded energy assets’

Climate targets may force energy groups to leave huge reserves of coal, oil and gas in the ground

05 02 2020 | 16:14

Energy and the Green New Deal.

Nothing happens without energy. Literally. Lacking energy, there can be no heat, food, motion, information, or life. Commonly defined as ‘the capacity to do work’, energy has always been central to…

05 02 2020 | 16:09

A quick breakdown of the EU's transition to alternative energy.

To achieve its aim of becoming the first climate-neutral continent, EU countries have been trying to increase their energy production from renewable resources. With the European Green Deal, the EU…

05 02 2020 | 07:14

Shedding climate-friendly light on energy services in Africa.

Analysis: an Irish energy project is providing renewables-based power to a rural village in Botswana   More than 80% of Africa's electricity is generated from fossil fuels, which means the effects…

04 02 2020 | 16:21

Japan Races to Build New Coal-Burning Power Plants, Despite the Climate Risks.

Just beyond the windows of Satsuki Kanno’s apartment overlooking Tokyo Bay, a behemoth from a bygone era will soon rise: a coal-burning power plant, part of a buildup of coal power that is unheard-of…

04 02 2020 | 16:01

Energy efficiency slows climate change, saves money. Why haven’t we embraced it more?

The choices we make in the next decade will either lock us into a future of fossil fuel dependence or transition us toward a clean energy future. Energy efficiency has the power to replace dirty…

01 02 2020 | 11:41

Solar help powers indoor farming to deliver reliable and sustainable food.

Schneider Electric and Scale Microgrid Solutionswill design, build and finance a microgrid for indoor farming pioneer Fifth Season. Scale Microgrid Solutions, will design, build, own, and operate…

01 02 2020 | 11:36

Researchers look at novel methods to enhance battery performance.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Researchers at Penn State are looking at innovative ways to improve energy storage in an effort to better utilize renewable energy technologies. “One of the primary obstacles…

31 01 2020 | 16:32

Financing the East African Crude Oil Pipeline is a big mistake.

At a time when the international scientific community is telling us the world cannot absorb new fossil fuel developments if we are to tackle the climate crisis, Uganda and Tanzania are planning to…

30 01 2020 | 14:41

How the 'Venice of Africa' is losing its battle against the rising ocean.

Saint-Louis, the old colonial capital of Senegal, faces a flooding threat that has already seen entire villages lost to the Atlantic Ameth Diagne points to a single tree submerged in the ocean. It…

30 01 2020 | 11:24

New global record ‘likely’ within five years.

Latest predictions suggest that Earth’s global average temperature is likely to reach record warmth during the five-year period 2020-2024. The current warmest year on record is 2016, but the latest …

29 01 2020 | 17:19

Deep Decarbonization: A Realistic Way Forward on Climate Change.

Global emissions have soared by two-thirds in the three decades since international climate talks began. To make the reductions required, what’s needed is a new approach that creates incentives for…

29 01 2020 | 17:08

Researchers predict near-record annual increase in atmospheric CO2.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are on track for one of their largest annual increases since record-keeping began in 1958, driven in part by the bushfire calamity sweeping Australia, the UK…

29 01 2020 | 16:35

Climate change: What can I do about it and other questions.

"The moment of crisis has come" in efforts to tackle climate change, Sir David Attenborough has warned. He spoke as BBC News launched a year of special coverage on global warming. Here are our…

27 01 2020 | 10:18

Στον πλανήτη Χ.

Ήταν πρωί. Παγωμένος αέρας κατέβαινε από τους γύρω λόφους και φυσούσε προς τη θάλασσα. Στο μικρό λιμάνι επικρατούσε μια νεκρική σιωπή. Η συνηθισμένη κίνηση του λιμανιού είχε δώσει τη θέση της σε μια…

27 01 2020 | 08:10

Scotland to reach this year 100% renewable energy goal.

The country would leave behind fossil fuels with a clean energy matrix. Scotland, which will host this year’s UN climate summit in November, is considered a global leader on clean energy. The…

27 01 2020 | 07:57

2020 Could Be the Year Carbon Removal Takes Off.

Global greenhouse gas emissions are on track to rise once again to their highest level in history. Our time isshrinking to reduce climate-warming emissions enough to limit global temperature rise to…

27 01 2020 | 07:49

How Germany helped make renewable energy cheap for the rest of the world.

One man, some very old solar panels, and a law that looks a lot like part of the proposed US Green New Deal helped transform the way Germany gets its power. *LISTEN HERE Hans-Josef Fell describes…

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