Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 1881 - 1900 | από συνολικά 2511
13 02 2020 | 06:03

UK Government announces £5bn boost for greener transport.

Bus services across the country will be transformed with simpler fares, thousands of new buses, improved routes and higher frequencies. The Prime Minister has announced £5 billion of new funding to…

12 02 2020 | 16:40

Allianz PNB commits to using 100% renewable energy by 2023.

In line with its parent firm’s sustainability efforts, Allianz PNB Life has announced its commitment to using 100% renewable energy by 2023.

12 02 2020 | 16:08

British Museum staff join outcry against BP sponsorship.

Members of PCS union say institution must cut ties with oil company amid climate crisis Staff working at the British Museum in London have joined calls for its management to ditch its sponsorship…

12 02 2020 | 12:37

In-depth Q&A: The IPCC’s special report on climate change and land.

This morning in Geneva, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its special report on climate change and land. The land provides the “food, feed, fibre, fuel and freshwater”…

12 02 2020 | 06:31

Variant of photovoltaic power could generate 24 hours a day.

It's much less efficient than photovoltaics, but it works around the clock.

12 02 2020 | 06:19

World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm Will Power 4.5 Million Homes.

Renewable energy statistics just keep topping each other. Solar power is getting cheaper. Battery storage capacity is getting better. And wind farms are getting bigger.

12 02 2020 | 06:12

Airlines want you to think they’re serious about the climate crisis. They’re not.

An offer to plant trees to offset carbon emissions isn’t a solution – it’s a licence to continue with business as usual

12 02 2020 | 06:12

US government sees renewables passing natural gas in 20 years.

....but renewables' prices seem to make the report's projections obsolete already.

12 02 2020 | 05:03

Transform Energy Storage.

Apart from driving a clean transportation revolution over the next three decades, electric vehicles (EVs) could help the power grid’s storage needs as growing shares of renewable energy sources—…

12 02 2020 | 04:28

New ‘Solar Panels’ Harness The Energy Of Deep Space.

Solar power is cheaper than ever, it’s ultra-abundant, and it emits zero greenh

11 02 2020 | 05:32

The Trump Administration Is Withholding Almost $1.5 Billion In Renewable Energy Funding.

The Trump administration’s Department of Energy (DOE) is holding onto n

11 02 2020 | 05:29

Thanks to renewable energy: Electric bulbs will finally glow in 1200 govt schools.

Srinagar: Students in far flung areas have a reason to smile as more than 1200 government schools across Kashmir division will be provided round the clock electricity from the clean renewable energy…

07 02 2020 | 10:19

UK taxpayers funding African fossil fuel projects worth $750m.

Watchdog reveals huge sum ploughed into ‘world’s dirtiest fossil fuels’ despite climate vow

07 02 2020 | 08:28

Post Davos: The Elite’s New Climate Narrative Has Dangerous Flaw.

We’re living in a real life experiment of ‘wealth gone wild’ and it’s destroying our planet. As the Davos conference came to an end, the jet flying plutocrats seemed to unite around a new climate…

07 02 2020 | 08:22

Animals' body sizes shrinking from climate change, study finds.

University of Cape Town (UCT) researchers have collected clear evidence—over a 23 year period between 1976 and 1999—that climate change is shrinking animals' body sizes.   Associate Professor Res…

07 02 2020 | 08:21

The eco gender gap: why is saving the planet seen as women’s work?

It was not long ago that, if you wanted to reduce the impact of your consumer choices on the environment, your only option was to use your own shopping bag. These days, the eco-minded shopper is…

07 02 2020 | 07:46

When it comes to climate hypocrisy, Canada's leaders have reached a new low.

A territory that has 0.5% of the Earth’s population plans to use up nearly a third of the planet’s remaining carbon budget. Americans elected Donald Trump, who insisted climate change was a hoax –…

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