Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 1941 - 1960 | από συνολικά 2511
17 01 2020 | 08:00

Venice canals almost dry, two months after severe floods.

Low tides have left canals in Venice almost dry, just two months after severe flooding left much of the Italian city under water. Boats have been seen almost beached as water levels dip drastically…

17 01 2020 | 07:54

Scientist Slams Climate Change Deniers In Brilliant Viral Post.

The overwhelming consensus on climate change in the scientific community is that it's real, and it's man-made. The most commonly-cited figure is that 97.1 percent of scientific studies support the…

17 01 2020 | 07:50

Australia’s fires have pumped out more emissions than 100 nations combined.

Climate change is driving climate change. The wildfires raging along Australia’s eastern coast have already pumped around 400 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, further…

17 01 2020 | 07:43

Earth Had Its Second Warmest Year in Recorded History in 2019.

The six warmest years in recorded history have been the last six years: 2014 - 2019.

17 01 2020 | 07:35

Sir David Attenborough warns of climate 'crisis moment'.

"The moment of crisis has come" in efforts to tackle climate change, Sir David Attenborough has warned. According to the renowned naturalist and broadcaster, "we have been putting things off for…

17 01 2020 | 07:24

Today's big question: what's behind the iconic images of Australia's massive fires?

Matthew Abbott took one of the most widely shared images of Australia’s devastating bushfires, but he went to bed first before sending the picture via WhatsApp to a photo editor the next morning, New…

17 01 2020 | 07:14

James Murdoch’s climate rebuke: Is News Corp heading for a cultural change?

As Australia burns, speculation is growing that the sheer scale of the disaster might be the push News Corp needs to renounce denialism and change its partisan coverage of climate change. A number…

17 01 2020 | 07:06

States Vowed to Uphold America’s Climate Pledge. Are They Succeeding?

States set ambitious renewable energy goals in 2019 and sued to block Trump’s fossil fuel push, but it’s hard to make a dent when your country is a top polluter. A cadre of states sought to keep…

16 01 2020 | 09:30

Climate change: Last decade confirmed as warmest on record.

The 10 years to the end of 2019 have been confirmed as the warmest decade on record by three global agencies. According to Nasa, Noaa and the UK Met Office, last year was the second warmest in a…

14 01 2020 | 13:31

The World’s Oceans Were The Hottest In Recorded History In 2019.

Researchers found that the oceans are dramatically changing due to climate change, the latest evidence of a warming world. The planet’s oceans were the warmest in recorded history in 2019, according…

14 01 2020 | 08:43

Climate change: Australia fires will be 'normal' in 3C world.

UK scientists say the recent fires in Australia are a taste of what the world will experience as temperatures rise. Prof Richard Betts from the Met Office Hadley Centre said we are "seeing a sign of…

13 01 2020 | 15:19

Australia's Annual climate statement 2019.

Australia’s climate in 2019 Australia's warmest year on record, with the annual national mean temperature 1.52 °C above average Both mean annual maximum and minimum temperatures above average for…

13 01 2020 | 15:00

2019 in Review: U.S. Climate Rankings.

NOAA released the U.S. climate data for 2019. It was the second-wettest year on record with temperatures above average, wrapping up the warmest decade on record.

13 01 2020 | 07:50

Zombie Nuclear.

In this new episode of Redefining Energy, Gerard Reid and Laurent Segalen perform the autopsy of the Nuclear Industry, once presenting itself as the invincible leader of the carbon-free movement, now…

13 01 2020 | 07:16

2019 saw the rise of wind power and the collapse of coal.

Scaling up renewable energy has catapulted Britain through a decade of electrical system change.

11 01 2020 | 14:26

Op-Ed: Australia is now the 'Poster Child' for the climate crisis.

The massive scale of this year's bushfires has shocked Australians and the global community by their size and ferociousness. However, scientists say we're witnessing first-hand, how global warming…

11 01 2020 | 14:18

When it comes to emissions, the 'too small to matter' argument is absurd, reckless and morally bankrupt.

Shortsighted, illogical and dishonest arguments are holding Australia back – and condemning us to more brutal summers. Australia’s unforgiving, unrelenting and unprecedented fires have demonstrated…

11 01 2020 | 14:12

Doing more—and better—for Africa’s food system in the face of climate change.

Africa’s food systems are in the throes of a climate crisis.  From devastating droughts in Southern Africa and West Africa to 

11 01 2020 | 14:03

Why Renewable Energy Is the Best Industry to Invest in for 2020.

Renewable energy has been a growing trend both economically and politically over the last little while. With energy consumption expected to grow considerably over the next 30 years, it’s becoming…

11 01 2020 | 13:40

Pleading for Leniency, Eskom Wants to Slash Emissions by 2035.

Power utility Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd., South Africa’s biggest polluter, said it will slash emissions of three major pollutants by 2035 while it asks for exemptions to incoming standards to avoid as…

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