Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 621 - 640 | από συνολικά 2511
07 04 2021 | 09:42

‘Our biggest challenge? Lack of imagination’: the scientists turning the desert green.

In China, scientists have turned vast swathes of arid land into a lush oasis. Now a team of maverick engineers want to do the same to the Sinai

07 04 2021 | 09:41

'Every choice matters': can we cling to hope of avoiding 1.5C heating?

The Australian Academy of Science warns that limiting global heating to the Paris goal is now ‘virtually impossible’. Is it right? by Graham Readfearn and Adam Morton Australia’s leading scientists…

07 04 2021 | 09:36

Climate change to put farming sectors under stress.

A new study by the Met Office gives examples of how two of the UK’s most important farming sectors are likely to be impacted by climate change. The study – published in Climate Risk Management –…

07 04 2021 | 09:33

Global Renewables Investment Return 7 Times Higher Than Fossil Fuels.

Renewable power investment continues to outperform fossil fuel investment across the globe, according to the latest research. This provides a strong signal regarding the decline of fossil fuel…

07 04 2021 | 09:27

‘Forests are our home’: How indigenous land defenders are fighting the climate crisis.

As a UN report highlights the role native communities can play in tackling deforestation, Daisy Dunne speaks to indigenous leaders from across Central and South America. Indigenous leaders in Latin…

07 04 2021 | 01:33

1,500 Wind Turbines. 2,700 Square Miles. Offshore Wind in the Atlantic Will Be Big. Really Big

American offshore wind farms, of which there are 17 in the works for the Atlantic Ocean, are no longer far off on the horizon.

06 04 2021 | 14:38

Climate Change Cannot Be Mitigated Without Effective Carbon Pricing.

More and more countries, already representing about 70% of the world economy, are setting climate neutrality targets.

06 04 2021 | 14:33

Fossil fuels get too many government handouts. Biden wants to cut them off.

The American Jobs Plan proposes taking away major tax breaks for the fossil fuel industry. One of the great ironies of climate politics is that America continues to subsidize — to the tune of…

06 04 2021 | 14:27

Fossil Fuel Companies Are Job Killers.

New analysis shows the number of workers required per project will soon fall by 20 to 30 percent, even without a transition to renewables.

05 04 2021 | 10:59

Fossil fuel industry does U-turn on carbon pricing as Biden digs in on climate action.

At virtual forum to launch review of federal oil and gas leases, one indigenous leader called the government program an ‘environmentally racist horror show’. The fossil fuel industry has done a U-…

05 04 2021 | 09:55

France’s Biggest Insurer Dumps German Power Giant Over Coal

The decision is precedent-setting for the insurance industry. Axa SA, France’s biggest insurer, is dropping German energy giant RWE AG as a client in a decision that highlights how taboo the coal…

05 04 2021 | 09:50

There's another pandemic under our noses, and it kills 8.7m people a year

While Covid ravaged across the world, air pollution killed about three times as many people. We must fight the climate crisis with the same urgency with which we confronted coronavirus.

05 04 2021 | 09:48

Risk of new ‘international embarrassment’ if we phase out coal and gas too soon

Special report: Inside the massive 10,000-submission mailbag on draft plan to reduce New Zealand's emissions to net-zero The Climate Change Commission faces strong industry pushback against phasing…

05 04 2021 | 09:45

Line 3: Stopping the Next Big Climate Threat Crossing the U.S.-Canada Border

One of President Joe Biden's first acts in office put an end to a decade-long fight over the Keystone XL — a pipeline that would have carried climate-polluting tar sands from Alberta, Canada into the…

04 04 2021 | 09:02

What Is Climate Feminism?

The climate crisis disproportionately impacts women—and women of color in particular. This is why women must lead on its solutions.

04 04 2021 | 09:01

Why airlifting rhinos upside down is critical to conservation.

Swinging above the African savannah, an upside-down rhino suspended from a helicopter looks comically surreal. But for the black rhino, flying to new territory is no laughing matter -- it's about…

04 04 2021 | 08:47

Hidden boundaries of lost continent 'Zealandia' revealed in incredible detail

The underwater continent broke off from Gondwana 80 million years ago. A new ocean-mapping expedition is drawing the boundaries of Zealandia, a submerged "lost continent" that hosts New Zealand and…

04 04 2021 | 08:43

Wealthy countries 'are buying up far more COVID-19 vaccines than they need' — and that's bad news for the end of the pandemic

Getting COVID-19 vaccine doses into arms is cracking along in some countries, but in the poorest, it's barely started at all. And if vaccination rates in low- and middle-income nations are not…

04 04 2021 | 08:38

How Has COVID Changed Fridays for Future?

When Fridays for Future (FFF) takes to the streets on March 19, activists around the world are going to be doing everything they can to make sure the climate crisis stays in the news. In the…

04 04 2021 | 08:33

Time is running short – but we can get a grip on the climate crisis.

Today’s targets are nowhere near enough, we must speed up change and halve global emissions in the next decade

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