Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 581 - 600 | από συνολικά 2511
20 04 2021 | 08:40

Marine Life Is Fleeing the Equator to Cooler Waters – This Could Trigger a Mass Extinction Event

The tropical water at the equator is renowned for having the richest diversity of marine life on Earth, with vibrant coral reefs and large aggregations of tunas, sea turtles, manta rays and whale…

20 04 2021 | 08:21

The World’s Billionaires Are Going Absolutely Bunkers.

They’re building them like there’s no tomorrow. “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.” — Jay Gould, railroad magnate

18 04 2021 | 07:57

World's wealthiest 'at heart of climate problem'.

The world’s wealthy must radically change their lifestyles to tackle climate change, a report says. It says the world's wealthiest 1% produce double the combined carbon emissions of the poorest 50…

18 04 2021 | 07:24

Cows Join Carbon Market in Quest to Curb Planet-Warming Burps.

Livestock that produce less methane have joined trees, wind turbines and cleaner cookstoves as the basis for carbon offsets. A European startup has started selling carbon credits for cattle raised…

18 04 2021 | 07:23

India demands US and other largest historic carbon emitters start taking responsibility for their actions.

Minister says rich nations should aim for ‘net-negative’, not net zero emissions, to allow developing countries to focus on growth. But could India itself still do more? Stuti Mishra reports

18 04 2021 | 07:17

The School Strikes generation wants change – and they want it now.

ANALYSIS: The nationwide rallies of students and other New Zealanders are showing the Government there's a mandate for climate action and changing the strikers themselves, Marc Daalder reports Dante…

18 04 2021 | 07:16

Climate Change Threatens Russia With Billions in Annual Costs.

From Siberian wildfires to flooding in the Far East, the full economic damage caused by more frequent natural disasters is yet unknown.

14 04 2021 | 13:07

India’s planned coal plants could ‘single-handedly jeopardise’ 1.5C target

Current plans to build 370 coal-fired power stations in India will gravely undermine the country’s Paris climate pledge, or create “stranded assets” worth billions of dollars. That’s the conclusion…

14 04 2021 | 12:05

Bangladesh needs a renewables focus, not a switch from ‘coal to gas’

Renewables are cheaper and more sustainable than gas imports, and can provide better energy security in developing nations The emerging markets of Bangladesh and Vietnam are alluring for foreign…

13 04 2021 | 12:30

Sydney’s inland suburbs are 10°C warmer than the coast in heat waves

Large-scale weather patterns and urban overheating are interacting to make Sydney’s inland suburbs up to 10°C warmer than coastal areas during extreme heat events.

13 04 2021 | 12:24

Gas consortium seeks approval to drill 7,700 wells in Queensland, including near national parks

Australia Pacific LNG wants environmental approval to drill across nearly half a million hectares of central and south-west Queensland. Australia’s largest east coast gas producer has sought federal…

13 04 2021 | 12:23

Climate progress ‘impossible’ unless rich countries meet funding promises to most vulnerable, says UK minister.

Two summits held on Wednesday saw countries debating key climate issues ahead of Cop26. Reining in the climate crisis will be near-impossible unless rich countries meet their funding promises to…

13 04 2021 | 12:22

‘Negotiating with your worst enemy’: Biden in risky talks to pay Brazil to save Amazon.

Activists fear billion-dollar climate deal will bolster Bolsonaro and reward illegal forest clearance – but US says action can’t wait The US is negotiating a multi-billion dollar climate deal with…

13 04 2021 | 12:18

Why corporate climate pledges of ‘net-zero’ emissions should trigger a healthy dose of skepticism

Hundreds of companies, including major emitters like United Airlines, BP and Shell, have pledged to reduce their impact on cli

13 04 2021 | 12:12

Scientists race to track shrinking carbon-store sea meadows.

Human activity is destroying the equivalent of a football pitch of seagrasses every 30 minutes around the world. Hundreds of miles from the nearest shore, ribbon-like fronds flutter in the ocean …

13 04 2021 | 12:05

Net-zero carbon pledges must be meaningful to avert climate disaster.

More countries are pledging to achieve carbon neutrality. They must now show how they plan to do this.

13 04 2021 | 10:49

Deforestation: Consumption habits of person in rich country drives loss of ‘four trees each year’

Consumption of coffee, chocolate and meat fuelling deforestation. Each person living in a G7 country causes nearly four trees to be lost each year through their consumption of goods such as coffee,…

13 04 2021 | 10:34

Scientists detect world's coldest cloud hovering over Pacific Ocean.

The top of the storm cloud reached the stratosphere. A severe thunderstorm cloud that formed over the Pacific Ocean in 2018 reached the coldest temperatures ever recorded, according to a new study.

13 04 2021 | 10:03

Community batteries: what are they, and how could they help Australian energy consumers?

Labor proposes funding batteries to allow households with solar power to pool excess electricity. Here’s what you need to know. In what might be the most attention the battery world has had since…

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