Editorial Opinion Articles

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22 04 2021 | 10:11

UN warns of climate ‘abyss’ as 2020 confirmed as one of 3 hottest years on record.

2020 was one of the three hottest years on record, marked by wildfires, droughts, floods and melting glaciers, a United Nations report said on Monday, prompting the U.N. Secretary-General to say the…

21 04 2021 | 06:58

Only 3 per cent of world surface is ecologically intact, research suggests.

Researchers suggest ‘targeted reintroductions of species’ to improve situation. Only 3 per cent of the world’s land remains ecologically intact, according to a new study which suggests damage to…

21 04 2021 | 06:46

Microplastics in air ‘spiral the globe’, pollution study finds.

Fragments being blown across continents and threatening ecosystems, researchers warn. Plastic particles in the air are being blown across continents by the wind, interfering with natural ecosystems …

21 04 2021 | 06:07

Suspended Labour MP Claudia Webbe says ‘rich must be abolished’ to combat climate crisis.

Leicester East member earns £81,000 a year plus expenses – and continued claiming councillor’s allowance even after becoming MP A suspended Labour MP has said the “rich must be abolished” to combat …

21 04 2021 | 06:04

Millions of tons of nuclear wastewater from Fukushima will be dumped into the sea.

The water contains more radioactive material than the plant's managers previously stated. Japan's government announced on Tuesday (April 13) that it will dump more than a million tons of…

20 04 2021 | 14:58

Guest post: How ‘high-resolution’ climate models will help Europe plan for extreme weather

“Convective” storms cause some of Earth’s most dramatic weather, including extreme rainfall, hail, lightning and severe wind gusts. Along with lighting up the skies, these storms frequently cause…

20 04 2021 | 14:25

The world won’t be a greener place until it’s a fairer one.

Action on the climate crisis must come with a social contract to protect the poor and vulnerable. As a climate policy researcher, I am often asked: what is the biggest obstacle to decarbonisation?…

20 04 2021 | 14:05

Op-ed: 5 billion bananas get thrown away each year — how reducing food waste can help solve the climate crisis

Sometime over the last month, you probably threw away a banana. Maybe it got too ripe. Or maybe your child didn’t like the one he was eating with the spotty, brown skin. You probably didn’t think…

20 04 2021 | 12:20

Fossil fuel pressure and risks mounting for multilateral development banks

Further reliance on coal and LNG will lead to ever larger and unsustainable fossil fuel subsidies. “Gas is over”, proclaimed chief of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Werner Hoyer, at the…

20 04 2021 | 10:59

How one farming community is defending itself against climate change.

A farmer in Zimbabwe shares how an Oxfam initiative helped build resilience against the effects of changing rainfall patterns. Sarah, 55, is a farmer in Nyanyadzi, Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. For nearly…

20 04 2021 | 10:42

The Powerful New Financial Argument for Fossil-Fuel Divestment.

A report by BlackRock, the world’s largest investment house, shows that those who have divested have profited not only morally but also financially.

20 04 2021 | 10:29

‘No other home’: Refugees in Kenya camps devastated over closure.

Kenya has given an ultimatum to the UN refugee agency to present a plan over the closure of the Dadaab and Kakuma camps housing more than 400,000 people. Terrifying, shocking, a rejection of…

20 04 2021 | 10:29

First Nations Land Defenders Take Direct Action Against Trans Mountain Pipeline.

A pair of Indigenous land defenders locked themselves to equipment at a fossil fuel pumping station in British Columbia on Saturday, vowing to continue resisting a government-owned oil pipeline that…

20 04 2021 | 10:07

African Leaders Push for Strong Action on Climate Change.

JOHANNESBURG - A pandemic has blanketed the planet. Economies have cratered. Across the world, people are scared, anxious and unsteady about the future.    And you want to talk about climate change…

20 04 2021 | 10:02

Climate Change: Ade on the Frontline review – an intensifying crisis.

Ade Adepitan travels to the Pacific to see how the climate emergency is shrinking the land and killing the future – and to ask what, if anything, can be done to halt the destruction.

20 04 2021 | 09:49

Reflections and projections on a decade of climate science.

To mark the tenth anniversary of Nature Climate Change, we asked a selection of researchers across the broad range of climate change disciplines to share their thoughts on notable developments of the…

20 04 2021 | 09:37

Technology innovation gives government leverage to drive down emissions fast – here’s how

To avert the worst effects of climate change, global greenhouse gas emissions should fall at faster rates than they have risen for over a century. Economies must essentially turn on a dime and then…

20 04 2021 | 09:31

The ocean is becoming more stable – here’s why that might not be a good thing

If you’ve ever been seasick, “stable” may be the last word you associate with the ocean. But as global temperatures rise, the world’s oceans are technically becoming more stable. When scientists…

20 04 2021 | 09:30

Militarism and its impact on societal and ecological welfare (Interview with Nick Buxton of The Secure and the Dispossessed, Part Two)

“We have to take that money out of politics and put strict limits on the influence these corporations have benefited from.”

20 04 2021 | 08:49

UN Chief Backs Wealth Tax on Rich Who ‘Profited’ From Pandemic.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is calling on nations to institute a wealth tax to help reduce global inequality exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. There has been a $5 trillion…

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