Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 2481 - 2500 | από συνολικά 2511
05 03 2019 | 11:47

Five EU countries call for 100% renewable energy by 2050

The European Union’s 28 energy ministers had their first public debate on the European Commission’s 2050 climate plan on Monday (4 March) but five member states derided the lack of a 100% renewable…

04 03 2019 | 17:35

‘Game-changing’ un security council system would track conflicts inflamed by climate change.

The United Nations must establish a system to alert the world to regions where conflicts may be inflamed by climate change, several security council members urged on Friday. In a meeting of the…

04 03 2019 | 17:14

Isn’t It Time To Devote Sovereign Wealth Funds To Tackle Climate Change?

The world faces significant challenges from climate change and the related shifts in the global energy landscape. Partially, these stem from the rise of renewables and changing patterns of energy…

04 03 2019 | 16:45

Achieving Paris climate target could net additional billions in fisheries revenue

Achieving the Paris Agreement global warming target could protect millions of tonnes in annual worldwide fisheries catch, as well as billions of dollars of annual revenues for fishers, workers'…

01 03 2019 | 08:14

The Ocean Is Running Out of Breath, Scientists Warn

The Ocean Is Running Out of Breath, Scientists Warn Widespread and sometimes drastic marine oxygen declines are stressing sensitive species—a trend that will continue with climate change Escaping…

22 02 2019 | 15:12

Becoming Greta: ‘Invisible Girl’ to Global Climate Activist, With Bumps Along the Way

STOCKHOLM — It’s complicated being Greta. Small, shy, survivor of crippling depression, Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish girl skipping school to shame the world into addressing climate change…

22 02 2019 | 13:14

Climate Change: Enough of the ‘Why?’ Time for the ‘Now’

Solutions Won’t Be Easy to Find, But Collaboration and Innovation Offer New Opportunities—and B Corps Can Help It’s been a busy month for the environment.

22 02 2019 | 12:45

Global Warming Needs Re-branding, Again.

‘Climate Change’ just didn’t cut it The sudden usage of the term climate change over global warming is no coincidence. While a distinction between the terms does exist, most politicians use them…

08 02 2019 | 12:13

Buying Time (1/3): Climate change and the case for ‘global breakdown cover’

A month ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) told the world that we have just 12-years to avoid a catastrophic climate breakdown.

07 02 2019 | 10:53

Trump ignored the biggest threat to the union- Omission accomplished

President Donald Trump used Tuesday’s State of the Union as a platform to double down on the unfounded argument that undocumented immigrants are pouring into the country and harming Americans. But…

06 02 2019 | 13:15

Literal Power to the People

For me, working to stop threats to endangered species and our communities is about more than fighting destructive fossil fuel extraction, pollution and over-consumption — I also want to support a …

06 02 2019 | 12:56

Instead of Waiting for Climate Heroes, Let’s Look in the Mirror

Despite mounting evidence and countless warnings, politicians around the world have still failed to address climate change. We need stronger climate leadership, to be sure, but instead of waiting for…

05 12 2018 | 06:17

COP24: Interview with the 15 year old school student on strike every Friday for the climate!

Συνέντευξη με την 15χρονη απεργό μαθήτρια στο COP24. "Θυμώστε με τους μεγάλους" το μήνυμα της στα παιδιά[video] Σκασιαρχείο για την κλιματική αλλαγή. Η κοπέλα που πυροδότησε μια διεθνή Σχολική…

18 11 2018 | 11:12

Interview with Dr. Yousef Mohamed AlHorr Founding Chairman of GORD (Gulf Organisation for Research and Development)[video]

Ο Dr. Yousef Mohamed AlHorr, ιδρυτής και Πρόεδρος του GORD (Gulf Organisation for Research and Development) παραχώρησε συνέντευξη στο emc2 στα πλαίσια του συνεδρίου Sustainability Summit, που…

06 11 2018 | 17:25

Lord David Puttnam on climate change - Ο διάσημος παραγωγός ταινιών Ντέϊβιντ Πάτναμ μιλά για την κλιματική αλλαγή. [video]

  Ο David Puttnam εξετάζει την κλιματική αλλαγή μέσω διαφορετικών οπτικών φακών, αποκαλύπτοντας τους μη βιώσιμους τρόπους με τους οποίους ζούμε.

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