Editorial Opinion Articles

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01 04 2019 | 16:09

Powering up the ‘last mile’ in renewable energy rollout in Africa.

It takes Habiba Ali at least a three-hour drive to get to her customers – what energy experts would call ‘the last mile’. When she sets off from her base in Kaduna, northwest Nigeria, it’s usually…

01 04 2019 | 06:47

Majority of coal plants are uneconomic to nearby wind, solar, report finds.

Dive Brief: 74% of existing coal plants cost more to operate last year than replacing them with new local wind and solar power, according to a report released on Monday from Vibrant Clean Energy…

31 03 2019 | 08:24

Global 'collapse' in number of new coal-fired power plants.

Not long before coal use is over, say analysts, while warning of possible resurgence in China. The number of coal-fired power plants being developed around the world has collapsed in the last three…

31 03 2019 | 07:49

The Countries With the Most Oil Reserves

Map: The Countries With the Most Oil Reserves There’s little doubt that renewable energy sources will play a strategic role in powering the global economy of the future. But for now, crude oil is…

29 03 2019 | 08:58

With Wind And Solar Costs Dropping, U.S. Enters ‘Coal Cost Crossover’.

According to new research, the U.S. has entered a “coal cost crossover,” meaning the majority of existing coal plants are increasingly more expensive than new sources of cleaner energy.

29 03 2019 | 07:52

Time to clean up: Fossil Generation Continued to Dominate the Growing US Microgrid Market in 2018.

Solar-plus-storage still has a long way to go in catching fossil-fuel-based generation in the U.S. microgrid market, according to a new Wood Mackenzie report. The microgrid market is larger than…

29 03 2019 | 07:43

Nuclear Energy Institute Seizes on Climate Momentum to Push for Policy Boost.

“The answer to the climate crisis won’t be as simple as replacing carbon with renewables and batteries,” according to NEI’s president and CEO.

29 03 2019 | 07:11

Coal, oil, and natural gas demand hits record high in 2018.

If the world is going to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we need to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Last year, we took another lurching step toward planetary catastrophe. Demand…

27 03 2019 | 05:55

Europe – the next solar powerhouse?

Unsubsidized solar power, energy-smart homes and communities, greening of corporations, and zero-emission hydrogen – Europe may well reemerge as a global powerhouse in the era of the solar-centric…

26 03 2019 | 07:49

Cargill, GM, P&G among group calling for market-ready renewable thermal energy.

With "100 percent renewable energy" becoming a unifying principle of the climate movement, forward-looking companies, states, power players and institutions have been reckoning with a harsh reality…

26 03 2019 | 06:52

Geothermal Energy: Harnessing heat from the shallow Earth.

When it comes to developing low-carbon technology solutions, one of the answers lies right beneath our feet. Ground-source heat pumps harness the heat from the shallow Earth – providing a source of…

26 03 2019 | 06:40

How Can We Make Renewable Energy Less Divisive?

Renewable energy is gaining increased support, but it can still be something of a divisive issue, especially when you get into the details of energy policy. Deciding how utilities should compensate …

23 03 2019 | 13:27

Electrifying news: Solar and wind power has quintupled in a decade.

Across the United States, workers are covering fields with solar panels, and big rigs are hauling massive turbine blades to wind-scoured ridgelines. This is what it looks like when renewable energy…

23 03 2019 | 10:00

There’s bipartisan support for a fee on carbon emissions. Americans would reap the dividends.

Congress has found a simple, fair, and effective bipartisan climate solution. On Jan. 24, these U.S. representatives — Ted Deutch, D-Florida; Francis Rooney, R-Florida; Judy Chu, D-California;…

23 03 2019 | 09:18

Analysis of the Energy Consumption Behavior of European RES Cooperative Members

Abstract REScoops are cooperatives of renewable energy producers and/or consumers that are being formed in the developing European Smart Grid. Today, there are more than 2397 REScoops with more…

22 03 2019 | 06:21

Weather forecasts: time to talk about climate change.

Climate must not be confused with local conditions, but remodelled broadcasts could help people understand the dangers we face. Still, and in defiance of decades worth of scientific evidence, vast…

20 03 2019 | 09:44

«Oχι» σε αιολικό στη Μακρόνησο.

Αλλοιώνει η δημιουργία ενός αιολικού πάρκου τον χαρακτήρα της Μακρονήσου; Το Κεντρικό Συμβούλιο Νεωτέρων Μνημείων απάντησε θετικά, απορρίπτοντας πρόταση που υπέβαλε στο ΥΠΠΟ ο Δήμος Κέας, στον οποίο…

19 03 2019 | 06:49

South African leading parties aren’t in the green for environmental policies.

On 8 May South Africans won’t see a green party on the ballot paper.

19 03 2019 | 06:47

New alternative to Trump's wall would create jobs, renewable energy, and increase border security.

A consortium of scientists and engineers have proposed that the U.S. and Mexico build a series of guarded solar, wind, natural gas and desalination facilities along the entirety of the border.

18 03 2019 | 07:53

Is the future of investments in renewable energies?

March 13 (Renewables Now) - There are so many diverse investment opportunities, from commodities to shares, it can be difficult to know where to start, but now could be a good time to consider …

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