Editorial Opinion Articles

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01 10 2019 | 10:43

South African teenager creates her own brand of biodegradable, edible straws.

A 19-year-old South African student has created her own brand of edible, biodegradable straws.  Leila Siljeur, a chemical engineering student of Stellenbosch University, developed Eat Me Straws as a…

01 10 2019 | 10:41

Earth warming more quickly than thought, new climate models show.

Greenhouse gases thrust into the atmosphere mainly by burning fossil fuels are warming Earth's surface more quickly than previously understood, according to new climate models set to replace those…

01 10 2019 | 10:36

Can solar power shake up the energy market?

The classical Greek philosopher Socrates believed the ideal house should be warm in winter and cool in summer. With clarity of thought like that, it's easy to see how the great man got his reputation…

01 10 2019 | 10:33

Plastic Pollution Continues in Lake Malawi Despite Ban.

MANGOCHI, MALAWI - Plastic bags continue to pollute Lake Malawi, despite a government ban on their use. Conservationists say the plastic is a threat to about 1,000 fish species found in the Africa's…

01 10 2019 | 10:28

Zimbabwe's water woes worsen as capital shuts down treatment plant.

Harare (CNN)Authorities in Zimbawe are scrambling to meet the water needs of the country's capital Harare after the city's main water treatment plant was shut down on Monday, leaving 1 million people…

01 10 2019 | 10:11

How Inexpensive Must Energy Storage Be for Utilities to Switch to 100 Percent Renewables?

MIT researchers list the energy storage technologies that could enable a 100 percent renewable grid. Last week, the city of Los Angeles inked a deal for a solar-plus-storage system at a record-low…

01 10 2019 | 09:58

Ugandan Woman Turns Plastic Bags Into Backpacks.

MPIGI, UGANDA — Faith Aweko of Uganda describes herself as a "waste-preneur."  She has come up with an innovative way to transform discarded plastic bags into backpacks for everyday use.   Aweko has…

01 10 2019 | 09:18

Turning the tables: global poverty conference to be held in a slum.

Inaugural World Poverty Forum – dubbed ‘Davos with the poor’ – to take place in Kenya’s Kibera to ensure voices of poorest are heard. A global conference on poverty is to take place in Africa’s…

29 09 2019 | 11:15

Συγχαρητήρια, χωρίς “ναι μεν, αλλά”

Με αφορμή τις δηλώσεις του Πρωθυπουργού για απολιγνιτοποίηση της χώρας (ήτοι κλείσιμο των λιγνιτικών σταθμών) ως το 2028. Ο πρωθυπουργός της χώρας ανακοίνωσε

27 09 2019 | 10:57

Is There a Link Between Renewable Energy and Clean Water?

Stories about lead poisoning in the first world and water rights sold for a pittance to corporations are commonplace. As a result of that, more eyes than ever are trained on the earth’s water and…

27 09 2019 | 10:52

Nigeria floods: 'Too late' to replant damaged crops.

Meteorologists are warning Nigerians to expect more flooding nationwide, raising fears of food shortages. Food supplies are threatened in northwest Nigeriawhere floods have destroyed crops. Dozens…

27 09 2019 | 10:14

Attack on Saudi oil is a reminder America needs sustainable energy dominance.

Over the weekend, attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities sent shock waves through the global energy network. Ten drones disrupted production at two installations that together account for 5 percent…

27 09 2019 | 07:55

'Terrifying' New Climate Models Warn of 6-7°C of Warming by 2100 If Emissions Not Slashed.

"Global greenhouse gas emissions need to decline today rather than tomorrow, and global CO2 emissions should be brought to net zero." New climate models unveiled by French researchers Tuesday showed…

25 09 2019 | 10:15

Fighting climate crisis should not be at expense of world’s poorest.

Responding to today's funding announcements  from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the UN in New York, Dr Alison Doig, head of global policy at Christian Aid, said: ‘While we welcome the prime…

23 09 2019 | 08:38

Greta Thunberg Tells Rep. Garret Graves ‘I Would Stop Dumping My Trash in the Ocean and I Would Tell the Other Boat to Stop Dumping Its Trash Into the Ocean as Well’

Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg—visiting the United States from her native Sweden to attend the United Nations Climate Action Summit beginning Monday in New York—spoke during a hearing of the…

23 09 2019 | 08:22

Universal electricity access goal set to be missed, new report reveals.

The international community is falling well short of providing the cash needed to ensure universal access to electricity by 2030, according to a report released on Monday (12 November 2018). At the…

23 09 2019 | 08:08

Rock Climbing, Climate Science and Leadership.

I was 18 when I started college at the University of East Anglia in England. I had just completed eight years at a British Army school in Germany. My parents dropped me off on campus with a couple of…

23 09 2019 | 07:39

Faster pace of climate change is 'scary', former chief scientist says.

Extreme events linked to climate change, such as the heatwave in Europe this year, are occurring sooner than expected, an ex-chief scientist says. Prof Sir David King says he's been scared by the…

21 09 2019 | 12:54

Why I broke the law for climate change.

Lawyer Farhana Yamin explains what drove her to civil disobedience after three decades of environmental advocacy for the IPCC, the United Nations and more. On 16 April this year, I superglued my…

21 09 2019 | 12:40

Trump’s decision to block California vehicle emissions rules could have a wide impact.

Revoking the state’s tough fuel-efficiency standards would increase US greenhouse-gas emissions. US President Donald Trump’s administration plans to revoke California’s legal authority to set its…

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