Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 2061 - 2080 | από συνολικά 2511
15 11 2019 | 21:13

Engie's renewables chief on scaling corporate contracts, hydrogen hopes and offshore wind.

Earlier this year, French-born energy company Engie made a bold proclamation — it will add at least 9 gigawatts of renewable energy between now and 2021, at least half of which will come from power…

15 11 2019 | 21:06

How To Reach U.S. Net Zero Emissions By 2050: Decarbonizing Industry.

Presidential candidates, state governments, and 

14 11 2019 | 15:26

Battery Storage Still More Expensive Than Fossil Fuels—But Probably Not For Long.

As an increasing number of states focus on renewable energy, batteries are becoming more of a necessity. And according to a new report, battery costs are dropping—but not enough to compete with…

13 11 2019 | 09:54

Are Employees Pushing Insurers to Shun Coal in Climate Change Movement?

Seventeen insurers have restricted insurance services to coal projects in the past two years. A dozen insurers have adopted policies to stop all direct insurance coverage to new coal projects –…

13 11 2019 | 09:27

Climate change: Bigger hurricanes are now more damaging.

The biggest and most damaging hurricanes are now three times more frequent than they were 100 years ago, say researchers. Using a new method of calculating the destruction, the scientists say the…

12 11 2019 | 05:14

The Renewable Solution To One Of The World’s Dirtiest Industries.

“If all the ships on Earth were a single country, that country would be the sixth-largest polluter in the world.” This shocking fact comes from a recent NPR report by the Short Wave science podcast…

12 11 2019 | 04:45

Inequality and climate change: the perfect storm threatening the health of Australia's poorest.

Health policy can do much to lessen the wellbeing gap between rich and poor, but inequality is being compounded by climate change. Renee Blackman runs a health service covering a vast chunk of north…

12 11 2019 | 04:29

A Scary Year for Climate Change.

Scientists’ warnings about climate change have intensified over the past 12 months. Will world leaders finally listen? One year ago, the international scientific community could hardly have expected…

11 11 2019 | 16:26

Go With the Flow: Scientists Design Better Batteries for a Renewable Energy Grid.

New blueprint for affordable, sustainable ‘flow batteries’ developed at Berkeley Lab could accelerate an electrical grid powered by the sun and wind How do you store renewable energy so it’s there…

10 11 2019 | 05:28

Our Flooded Future: Global vulnerability to sea level rise worse than previously understood.

New elevation data show that by midcentury frequent coastal flooding will rise higher than areas currently home to hundreds of millions of people EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As a result of heat-trapping…

10 11 2019 | 05:23

Climate crisis: business leaders say cost to taxpayers will spiral unless new policies introduced.

Organisations such as Australian Industry Group and National Farmers’ Federation letter says greater private-sector action needed. Industry, farming and investor groups say the federal government…

09 11 2019 | 08:38

Clean Energy Will Continue To Hit Dirty Power As Costs Continue To Fall.

Non-renewable thermal power plants will increasingly be relegated to a balancing role, looking for opportunities to generate when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow. The price of wind…

09 11 2019 | 08:29

Perfect moment for oil states to commit to renewables.

Gulf states have apparently been addressing the great issue of our time – the existential threat posed by the continued use of the fossil fuels upon which their vibrant economies have been built.…

09 11 2019 | 06:33

Τι είναι η κλιματική κατάρρευση και γιατί επηρεάζει τα δικαιώματά μας;

Αν δεν λάβουμε άμεσα μέτρα οδεύουμε προς έναν μαζικό αφανισμό.

08 11 2019 | 06:35

Solarglass Can Survive a Two-Story Pumpkin Drop. Elon Musk Has Video.

Tesla’s Solarglass can survive a pumpkin being dropped from a two-story building, a Halloween-themed test of durability that may ease questions about how the product could fare against inclement…

08 11 2019 | 06:29

Despairing about the Climate Crisis? Read This.

A conversation with scientist Susanne Moser about climate communication, the benefits of functional denial, and the varied flavors of hope.

08 11 2019 | 06:02

Why the coal sector is so excited about Australia's move to 'clean' hydrogen.

Key points: Australia's national hydrogen strategy is due for completion by the end of the year Hydrogen can be made using fossil fuels or renewables but it will be cheaper to use coal and gas…

07 11 2019 | 07:34

Scientists now have evidence the evolutionary birthplace of human kind was in northern Botswana.

Where was the evolutionary birthplace of modern humans? The East African Great Rift Valley has long been the favored contender – until today. Our new research has used DNA to trace humanity’s…

03 11 2019 | 08:56

Να λέμε τα πράγματα με το όνομά τους

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03 11 2019 | 08:05

Land spat threatens Kenya's wildlife conservation in Maasai Mara.

Kenya's successful conservation model - which has protected wildlife for decades - may be on the verge of crumbling. Nairobi, Kenya - The giraffes peeked out from above the trees, perhaps curious to…

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