Editorial Opinion Articles

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21 10 2019 | 07:12

Η Κλιματική αλλαγή στην εκπαίδευση.

Το κλίμα –δηλαδή ο καιρός, έτσι όπως τον βλέπουμε από το παράθυρό μας για μέρες, μήνες, χρόνια, ΑΛΛΑΖΕΙ. Το ποσοστό βροχόπτωσης και ηλιοφάνειας, ΑΛΛΑΖΕΙ. Η συχνότητα σφοδρών ανέμων βροχοπτώσεων και…

19 10 2019 | 14:22

If You’re Already Replacing Your Roof, Why Not Turn It Into A Power Plant?

Every year, roughly 5% of U.S. homeowners gaze forlornly up at their aging and weathered shingles, sigh, and take the financial plunge to get a new roof.  Martin DeBono, President of GAF Energy, sees…

19 10 2019 | 10:33

Why the shift toward renewable energy is not enough.

This is an excerpt from "Changing Tides: An Ecologist's Journey to Make Peace with the Anthropocene" by Alejandro Frid. Reproduced with permission from New Society Publishers. The book releases Oct.…

19 10 2019 | 10:19

Wind Resistance: The Race To Meet Americans’ Growing Demand for Renewable Energy.

As more states and companies want to use renewable energy, where does it come from? And how does that demand impact the communities that produce it? Renewable energy production in the United States…

19 10 2019 | 10:03

So, You’ve Got 100% Renewable Energy — Now What?

Manufacturers seeking to decarbonize have a long row to hoe. They can order up a package of renewable energy and carbon offsets to power their factories and offices, but that’s just for starters. To…

19 10 2019 | 09:50

How geothermal energy balances the renewable portfolio in California.

With a focus on minimizing the cost of electricity, California's renewable portfolio (standard) is largely unbalanced. This is why geothermal energy is an important element for the State as it…

18 10 2019 | 07:28

Scotland Could Leave the United Kingdom Over Brexit—and Green Energy.

The debate over how to best marshal the country's alternative energy sources may affect a new independence referendum. EDINBURGH, Scotland—Five years ago, when Scotland voted in a landmark…

18 10 2019 | 07:21

Are Concrete Blocks the Next Batteries?

This company has a unique plan for storing renewable energy.

18 10 2019 | 06:55

Unprecedented momentum for green hydrogen.

Hydrogen from renewable energy could play a central role in the global energy transformation, the latest report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) finds. ‘Hydrogen: a renewable…

18 10 2019 | 06:48

Trump's push to save coal is failing. Coal demand to plunge to 42-year low.

New York - President Donald Trump's mission to revive America's coal industry is failing. US power plants are expected to consume less coal next year than at any point since President Jimmy Carter…

17 10 2019 | 10:50

How real is Saudi Arabia's interest in renewable energy?

Ambitious plans have not been matched by progress, but there may finally be signs of change. It was the largest renewables project ever announced: $200bn (£158bn) worth of solar panels stretching…

17 10 2019 | 09:48

Industrial Applications of Renewable Energy.

We tend to blame meat-eaters and plastic-straw-users when it comes to climate change. However, according to a report released in 2017, only 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global greenhouse…

17 10 2019 | 08:59

The Green New Deal: Jeremy Rifkin And The Coming Collapse.

A seismic shift is under way. According to author and futurist, Jeremy Rifkin(The Third Industrial Revolution, The Zero Marginal Cost Society), we are in the final phases of the fossil fuel era. In…

15 10 2019 | 08:12

'Things are getting unstable': global heating and the rise of rockfalls in Swiss Alps.

 As Switzerland’s glaciers melt, dangerous rockfalls become more likely and towns are forced to live under an existential threat The thunderous roar that resounded through Bregaglia in Switzerland …

14 10 2019 | 09:55

A clear, credible climate protection law is good for business, German expert says.

In an interview with EURACTIV Germany, Karsten Neuhoff, a climate expert and professor, spoke about Germany’s hotly-debated climate protection bill, stressing that a clear regulatory framework with “…

14 10 2019 | 09:53

Best time for thermal plants to upgrade for renewable energy: GE Steam Power’s Kevin Cogo and GE Power India’s Prashant Jain.

With the rising share of renewable energy, questions are being raised regarding the future of coal-based power plants. Kevin Cogo, who leads GE Steam Power’s rotating equipment product line globally…

14 10 2019 | 09:45

National Renewable Energy Lab Studies Plants In Twin Falls Solar Field.

Over a dozen rows of blue solar panels stand in a grassy lot. This is the new solar field opened by Clif Bar. The panels will produce about a third of the energy needs for the company’s manufacturing…

14 10 2019 | 09:45

How green is green gas?

Green gas is being talked up of late as one new way forward for decarbonisation. So what exactly is green gas? It could, in fact, be a lot of different things, some of which are far from green. In…

14 10 2019 | 09:38

Jobs, Mpumalanga & death of coal: Switch to renewables will ensure future for the embattled province.

Mpumalanga is not alone in facing a dicey future: Coal regions around the world are in a similar predicament and some governments have already taken steps to compensate coal workers where mines are…

14 10 2019 | 09:34

Breathing new life into renewable energy.

Green technology has come a long way. The next challenge for the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory is to develop ways to recycle the recycling infrastructure. The clean energy sector faces a…

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