Editorial Opinion Articles

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21 09 2019 | 12:07

Greater wildfire risks prompt growth of electrical ‘microgrids’ to rely less on PG&E.

In his standard blue jeans and unbuttoned flannel shirt, David Liebman could blend in with many of the young students walking to and from classes at Santa Rosa Junior College. But Liebman, manager…

21 09 2019 | 11:36

Renewable Energy to Overtake Natural Gas in the U.S. by 2035, Say New Studies.

The reports reveal that 2019 represents a tipping point for renewables. A pair of reports released this week by the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), a nonprofit that promotes the transition away from…

21 09 2019 | 11:02

In climate fight, energy efficiency is our best weapon, PSEG president says.

Climate change headlines have grown increasingly dire. While many associate global warming with this summer’s melting glaciers, forest fires and disastrous flooding, it is higher winter temperatures…

21 09 2019 | 10:55

Oilsands Face Deep Trouble As ‘Death Toll’ Rings For Gasoline.

Oil production costs will have to come way down to be competitive with renewables a decade from now, a new study says. The age of gasoline could be over sooner than many people think, a recent…

21 09 2019 | 10:45

Massive Bylong valley coalmine in NSW blocked on environmental grounds.

Independent planning commission refuses South Korean company Kepco’s $290m proposal. The New South Wales Independent Planning Commission has rejected the development of a coalmine near Mudgee…

19 09 2019 | 09:10

Leading countries blocked from speaking at UN climate summit.

Secretary-general takes tough line on select coal-supporting nations.

19 09 2019 | 07:36

'It can kill you in seconds': the deadly algae on Brittany's beaches.

Activists say stinking sludge is linked to nitrates in fertilisers from intensive farming. André Ollivro stepped carefully down the grassy banks of an estuary in the bay of Saint-Brieuc, Brittany,…

19 09 2019 | 07:19

The battle against wildlife poachers is increasingly high-tech.

As conservation groups get smarter about technology, so do the poachers they are fighting to stop. Wednesday marked a milestone in the battle to protect endangered species, when an international…

17 09 2019 | 12:44

IRENA, UN Use Renewables To Deal With Desertification.

A memorandum of understanding signed by the institutions was not solar specific but the use of PV modules for shading, especially in agriculture, can reduce water consumption and help halt the…

17 09 2019 | 10:49

The clean-energy fast track.

The global transition from carbon-intensive fossil fuels to cleaner, more reliable renewables like wind and solar is already well underway. But the big question – for the 2020s and beyond – is how…

16 09 2019 | 09:19

Naomi Klein: The link between climate crisis and white supremacy.

Author and social activist Naomi Klein has written a new book On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal. Here she talks to Guardian assistant editor Natalie Hanman about the Green New Deal,…

16 09 2019 | 09:16

What Drove Solar PV Price Reductions?

A new book explores the precipitous decline. One of the most remarkable trends in energy economics over the last 50 years is the tremendous reduction in solar photovoltaic (PV) prices. The figure…

16 09 2019 | 09:11

Energy 'transition' the buzzword, but a fossil future for the Gulf.

In the vast air-conditioned halls of an Abu Dhabi conference centre, the world's much-vaunted transition to clean energy is the buzzword in sessions of a top industry gathering. But many executives…

16 09 2019 | 09:05

Since cooling demand is primarily driven by the sun, could it also be powered by the sun?

The study is a collaborative effort of an international team of solar energy experts from Aalto University of Finland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and SMART (Singapore-MIT Alliance for…

15 09 2019 | 14:04

How a Kenyan Coffee Roaster Is Scaling with Local Impact in Mind.

In 2016, entrepreneur Ritesh Doshi was burnt out and uncertain of what he wanted to do next. For the previous five years, he had devoted himself to running the Naked Pizza franchise in Kenya. The…

15 09 2019 | 13:09

Demand for battery metals, renewables fuelling rights violations — report.

Most of the world’s top companies mining for lithium, cobalt and other minerals used in the making of electric vehicles’ (EVs) batteries, solar panels and other green technologies have been linked to…

14 09 2019 | 16:05

Latest and Biggest Energy-Positive Building in Norway Unveiled.

The building will generate more power over its lifetime than it consumes. A new office building called Powerhouse Brattørkaia was unveiled this week in Norway that is built on a design based on a…

13 09 2019 | 16:21

Greenland's ice faces melting 'death sentence'.

Greenland's massive ice sheet may have melted by a record amount this year, scientists have warned. During this year alone, it lost enough ice to raise the average global sea level by more than a…

11 09 2019 | 12:17

How to have an all-renewable electric grid.

The main solution to climate change is well known — stop burning fossil fuels. How to do this is more complicated, but as a scholar who does energy modeling, I and others see the outlines of a post-…

11 09 2019 | 12:05

Η κλιματική αλλαγή θέμα για το Σύνταγμα;

Χαμός στα ηλεκτρονικά καφενεία όπου γνωστοί ανώνυμοι "ειδήμονες" κατακεραυνώνουν όσους τολμούν να υπερασπιστούν τη θέση της ΕΛΕΤΑΕΝ για ένταξη του ζητήματος αυτού στο Σύνταγμα. Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι…

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