Greenland Has Yet Another Methane Leak

As the Arctic warms, melting glaciers could be an underestimated source of the potent greenhouse gas

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The end of coffee: could Australia save the world's beans?

Climate change may devastate the globe’s major coffee-growing regions through extreme weather events – but Australia could be the solution

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Supreme Court issues ‘crushing blow’ to Exxon in major climate case, legal experts say

The Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from ExxonMobil regarding Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey’s climate change investigation Monday, a decision legal experts called a “crushing blow” to the oil giant.

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New York Offers Free Community Solar to 10,000 Low-Income Households

New York State is supplying free access to community solar to 7,000 low-income households across the state, and plans to extend the program to a total of 10,000 homes by the end of this year.

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Norway EV Sales Grow Dramatically to Nearly One-Third of All New Cars

Norway has cemented its position as the world leader in electric vehicle deployment with the news that 31.2% of the new cars sold across the country last year were all-electric, a dramatic increase from 20.8% in 2017 and just 5.5% in 2013.

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Arctic Glaciers Add 14,000 Tons of Water Per Second to World’s Oceans

Melting Arctic glaciers have contributed nearly 2.5 centimetres (one inch) to sea level rise since 1971, dumping an estimated 14,000 tons of water per second into the world’s oceans between 2005 and 2015 and tripling since 1986, according to a study last month in the journal Environmental Researc

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Antarctic ice shelf makes ghostly sounds as winds whip across its surface.

The barren and desolate Antarctic is an intimidating sight to behold. But as if that wasn’t enough, scientists found that when the wind blows across its surface, the ice shelf hums eerie soundscapes that would fit right in a B-movie horror flick.

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Climate change: LED lights making dent in UK energy demand

Installing a single low-energy LED bulb may make a trivial contribution to cutting the carbon emissions that are overheating the planet.

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I tried using a zero waste kit

Reusable containers, straws and utensils are making a comeback.

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Climate change: Protecting the poor from green taxes

As President Macron caved into the yellow vest fuel tax protests, President Trump was triumphant. The French humiliation showed people rejected the sort of carbon taxes supported by the UN’s climate deal, he tweeted.

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12 easy green resolutions for every month of the year

Resolve to make these simple changes month by month and see how far you'll be by the end of the year. Some may argue that given the enormous scope of what needs to be done to combat climate change, individual actions – aside from voting – may not matter all that much.

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Life without plastic: pioneer families show how it’s done

Carrier bags are easy to replace and milk can come in glass bottles. But what about deodorant, toothbrushes and clingfilm?

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Young people the “hope and real deal” at COP24

The Commonwealth Secretary-General described young people as the “hope and win” at the COP24 climate change negotiations that concluded earlier in December.

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COP24 outcomes do not reflect the urgency of the global climate threat

The 24th Conference of Parties (COP24) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently concluded in Katowice, Poland.

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Bloomberg slams Trump on climate change, which Brown likens to Nazism

Michael Bloomberg slammed Donald Trump’s inaction on climate change on Sunday and said any candidate for president in 2020 – he himself might be one – must have a plan to deal with the problem.

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The Climate Apocalypse Is Now, and It’s Happening to You

What people say they know about climate change is a roller coaster of human ignorance—wait, everyone knows that but no one knows that?

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10 worst climate-change disasters did $85B in damage.

From floods to extreme heat, 10 of the worst climate-linked disasters in 2018 caused at least $84.8 billion worth of damage, said a study released by the charity Christian Aid on Thursday.

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The Trump administration’s most ridiculous attacks on science in 2018

Looking back at the year in science denialism, pseudoscience, and evidence suppression. Trump has made no secret of his hostility toward science and basic facts, and he’s filled his administration with people all too eager to carry out his anti-science agenda.

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Melting Permafrost Could Damage Infrastructure for 3.6 Million People

Across much of the Arctic, communities and infrastructure sit on top of a thick layer of permafrost that has stabilized the ground for millennia. But as global temperatures rise, this frozen soil is melting, causing homes and businesses to collapse and roadways to crumble.

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Coca-Cola among firms calling on the UK for net zero emissions by 2050

Coca-Cola among firms who have sent a letter urging the UK to set net zero emissions targets.

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