climate change

Αποτελέσματα 681 - 700 | από συνολικά 3422
16 09 2021 | 13:50

‘No point in anything else’: Gen Z members flock to climate careers

Colleges offer support as young people aim to devote their lives to battling the crisis.

16 09 2021 | 13:25

‘People try to stop us speaking up’: Angelina Jolie’s lessons from young activists

The actor’s latest project is a book to teach teenagers their rights. Here, she sits down with four young people to hear what they’re fighting for. Angelina Jolie How do you feel the older…

16 09 2021 | 12:59

Extinction Rebellion activists glued to Science Museum site in Shell protest

Demonstrators attach themselves to railings in reaction to museum taking funding from oil firm for Our Future Planet show. Extinction Rebellion protesters have glued and locked themselves to the…

16 09 2021 | 12:57

Climate change is relentless: Seemingly small shifts have big consequences

Climate change has been accumulating slowly but relentlessly for decades. The changes might sound small when you hear about them – another tenth of a degree warmer, another centimeter of sea level…

16 09 2021 | 12:52

Lukewarm commitments point to hot climate: what is the impact for investors?

The year 2020 marked a turning point for greenhouse gas emissions. They fell for the first time in our modern history, to a greater extent than during the 1970s oil shocks and the 1930s Great…

16 09 2021 | 12:51

Without help for oil-producing countries, net zero by 2050 is a distant dream

To meet climate targets and avoid economic collapse, countries such as Iraq need international support in the transition to clean energy  Ali Allawi is deputy prime minister and finance minister of…

16 09 2021 | 12:39

Meet the industry alliance pushing for 100% EV sales by 2030

Forward-thinking policies helped accelerate European electric vehicle sales and put more than half a million EVs on the road.

16 09 2021 | 12:36

How to manage eco-anxiety: Advice from a climate activist

“The moon is following us home again!” My daughter exclaimed as she always does when the line between day and night becomes blurry and we begin to make our way home from the park in the evening. “But…

16 09 2021 | 12:34

Climate activists are being killed for trying to save our planet. There is a way to help

Last year, there were a record 227 killings globally. It is our duty to keep resisting the insatiable forces that led to their deaths.

16 09 2021 | 12:33

Climate science is supporting lawsuits that could help save the world.

Governments have failed to slow climate change quickly enough, so activists are using courts to compel countries and companies to act — increasingly with help from forefront science. Friederike Otto…

16 09 2021 | 12:26

Tamil Nadu plans 4 more gigawatts of solar, battery storage projects.

The Indian state of Tamil Nadu is planning to develop 4GW of additional solar projects as well as new battery energy storage systems, according to local media. State Electricity Minister V…

16 09 2021 | 08:24

Drought puts 2.1 million Kenyans at risk of starvation

National disaster declared as crops fail after poor rains and locusts, while ethnic conflicts add to crisis An estimated 2.1 million Kenyans face starvation due to a drought in half the country,…

13 09 2021 | 16:28

Harvard to divest fossils fuels, sets example for other Institutions.

Climate activists are hailing Harvard University’s move to divest from fossil fuels as a profound shift in the status quo and a model for other institutions.  The iconic and wealthy university’s…

13 09 2021 | 16:24

Study: Balkans coal-fired plants responsible for thousands of deaths.

Pollution from coal-fired power stations on the European Union’s southeastern border are estimated to have caused thousands of deaths in the region due to breaches of legally-binding limits on…

13 09 2021 | 14:27

More than 47,000 Brazilians hospitalised every year due to wildfire air pollution

As Amazon sees record levels of destruction, health impacts are being felt hardest among young children and old people. More than 47,000 people living in Brazil are hospitalised due to air pollution…

13 09 2021 | 12:55

Over-50s want climate crisis addressed ‘even if it leads to high prices’

Research finds almost two-thirds of older people want UK government to move faster on green initiatives. The majority of over-50s believe the UK government should be doing more to address the…

10 09 2021 | 15:22

Stranded assets pose $135 billion threat to European power by 2040

European power companies could be burdened with debt and face credit rating downgrades if they fail to take action to reach climate neutrality by the middle of the century, a new study says. The…

10 09 2021 | 15:16

Climate change is an infrastructure problem – map of electric vehicle chargers shows one reason why

Most of America’s 107,000 gas stations can fill several cars every five or 10 minutes at multiple pumps. Not so for electric vehicle chargers – at least not yet. Today the U.S. has around 43,000…

10 09 2021 | 15:09

Wildfire burn scars can intensify and even trigger thunderstorms, leading to catastrophic flooding – here’s how

Wildfires burn millions of acres of land every year, leaving changed landscapes that are prone to flooding. Less well known is that these already vulnerable regions can also intensify and in some…

10 09 2021 | 15:04

Could climate change make humans go extinct?

There's good news and bad news.