climate change

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10 09 2021 | 14:48

20 meat and dairy firms emit more greenhouse gas than Germany, Britain or France

Livestock companies with large emissions receive billions of dollars in funding, campaigners say Twenty livestock companies are responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than either Germany,…

10 09 2021 | 14:35

What is the Paris Agreement?

In 2015, representatives from 196 nations and territories gathered in Paris to create a landmark plan to mitigate climate change. Is it enough? In 2015, representatives from 196 nations and…

10 09 2021 | 14:25

IPCC climate report: Profound changes are underway in Earth’s oceans and ice – a lead author explains what the warnings mean

Humans are unequivocally warming the planet, and that’s triggering rapid changes in the atmosphere, oceans and polar regions, and increasing extreme weather around the world, the Intergovernmental…

10 09 2021 | 14:18

Extreme sea level events will hit every year as Earth warms, study shows

Coastal areas in lower latitudes likely to be worst affected Extreme sea level events will become 100 times more frequent by 2100 across many parts of the world as a result of rising global…

10 09 2021 | 14:03

Atlas of the Invisible: using data to map the climate crisis.

Graphics from a new book show causes and consequences that are hard to detect with the naked eye. In a new book, Atlas of the Invisible, the geographer James Cheshire and designer Oliver Uberti…

10 09 2021 | 13:49

Europe’s top 25 banks failing on green pledges, campaigners warn

ShareAction says lack of plans to tackle climate crisis and biodiversity loss casts doubts on banking’s sustainability pledges. Europe’s 25 largest banks are still failing to present comprehensive…

10 09 2021 | 13:46

Cop26 will be ‘rich nations stitch-up’ if poorer countries kept away by Covid

Environmental activists demand delay to Glasgow climate talks if costs and travel restrictions block attendance of those worst-hit The Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow should be postponed until the…

10 09 2021 | 13:28

Population of North Atlantic right whales plummets due to climate crisis

Conservations call for the impacts of climate change to be considered more closely. North Atlantic right whales are now a critically endangered species after the population plummeted due to warming…

10 09 2021 | 13:24

Komodo dragon ‘at risk of extinction’ as rising sea levels destroy habitat

Lizard species placed on endangered list The world’s largest lizard is in danger of extinction as rising water levels are shrinking its natural habitat.

10 09 2021 | 13:14

Climate change could see elephants’ ears grow larger as animals ‘shape-shift’ to survive, study suggests

‘We’re not sure what the other ecological consequences of these changes are’, scientist warns Climate change could be causing animals around the world to grow larger ears, beaks and tails, according…

10 09 2021 | 12:58

Avocados and vanilla among dozens of wild crop relatives facing extinction

Study finds agriculture and pesticide use threaten relatives of world’s most important crops, considered crucial to food security Wild relatives of some of the world’s most important crops,…

09 09 2021 | 14:47

We need a simpler way to talk about climate change

There’s a gap between what scientists are saying on climate change and what the public is actually understanding, a sobering new study finds. US residents were found to struggle to comprehend the…

09 09 2021 | 14:25

Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival Paperback – October 14, 2017

In 2017, the heat waves, extreme wild fires, and flooding around the worldconfirmed beyond doubt that climate disruption is now a full-blown emergency.We have entered Churchill’s “period of…

09 09 2021 | 14:23

Why are the wildfires in Greece and Turkey so severe?

‘Nightmarish summer’ in southern Europe coincides with publication of devastating new UN climate report.

09 09 2021 | 13:31

Fighting the climate crisis? It’s a no-brainer

Debbie Colson says the chancellor’s short-sighted approach to spending upfront will lead to a far larger global disaster

09 09 2021 | 12:24

Climate change should be treated as an emergency like COVID-19, study says

The COVID-19 pandemic and the climate emergency can no longer be seen as separate crises, researchers say. Climate change should be treated with the same urgency as the COVID-19 pandemic, according…

09 09 2021 | 10:26

Climate Change Will Force Tuna Migration, Cripple Small Island Nations, Study Finds

The climate crisis and warming waters may cause tuna to redistribute, threatening tuna-dependent economies in the Pacific, a new study concludes.

09 09 2021 | 09:36

North Atlantic right whales critically endangered by climate crisis, new study finds

Warming sea and shifting food sources drive whales into areas where they risk ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear. Climate change-induced warming in the Gulf of Maine has resulted in the…

07 09 2021 | 16:38

UN Deputy Secretary-General’s Video Message on Accelerating Adaptation Solutions Ahead of COP26

Excellencies, Distinguished guests, Dear Colleagues,   I welcome today’s important dialogue on Accelerating Adaptation Solutions Ahead of COP26.   The Secretary-General has called the latest IPCC…

07 09 2021 | 16:28

Bushfire survivors win landmark climate change case against NSW EPA

In a landmark ruling and a win for a bushfire survivors group, the Land and Environment Court has ordered the New South Wales Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to take steps to safeguard…