climate change

Αποτελέσματα 601 - 620 | από συνολικά 3422
01 10 2021 | 12:58

University of Bath to offer climate change education for all new students

Over 5,000 students will have the opportunity to learn about the carbon intensity involved in everyday activities, such as travel, energy use and food consumption. University students at Bath will…

01 10 2021 | 12:53

How your sewage reflects how wealthy you are

Wastewater from wealthier households showed higher levels of vitamins, citrus, and fiber while poorer communites had higher levels of prescription drugs. There’s a lot you can learn from a person’s…

01 10 2021 | 12:51

UK government ‘culpable’ for world’s climate failures ahead of Glasgow summit, says Ed Miliband

Exclusive: Shadow business secretary warns world is ‘miles off’ where it needs to be ahead of Cop26 The UK government is “culpable” for the world’s failure to get on track to meet its climate goals…

01 10 2021 | 12:47

Climate change to loom large in talks to form new German government

Strong results for green and liberal parties mean climate and energy policies are expected to feature heavily in upcoming coalition talks. Climate and energy policies are expected to loom large in…

01 10 2021 | 12:44

CLP Holdings promises to exit coal from Asian operations by 2040

Power plant operator CLP Holdings pledged on Thursday to phase coal out of its Asian operations by 2040, accelerating its previous commitment by a decade. The Hong Kong-based group also said it aims…

01 10 2021 | 12:44

New York City faces risk of running out of water – fast

Maricopa County in Arizona, where cities of Phoenix and Scottsdale located, most exposed to climate risks overall New York City faces significant risk of running out of water by 2050, according to a…

01 10 2021 | 12:43

Record $5bn donation to protect nature could herald new green era of giving

Philanthropists pledge to protect 30% of land and sea by 2030, as the planet’s health climbs the charity agenda When their time comes, many of the richest people on Earth have committed to giving…

01 10 2021 | 12:43

Move or Change: How Plants and Animals Are Trying to Survive a Warming World

Thor Hanson's new book explains the biology behind climate change and why some species may be better able to survive a quickly changing planet. When it comes to climate change, nature hasn't had the…

01 10 2021 | 12:42

Natural gas plants accounted for majority of Texas winter storm failures

While some politicians sought to blame renewable energy for deadly power disruptions in February, a new report from two key agencies shows that natural gas was also a major factor.  The new…

01 10 2021 | 12:40

Concrete needs to lose its colossal carbon footprint

Concrete will be crucial for much-needed climate-resilient construction. But the cement industry must set out its plan for decarbonization.

01 10 2021 | 12:39

China’s end to overseas coal finance could free-up $130 billion for clean energy investments

China’s end to overseas coal finance could free-up $130 billion for clean energy investments   The move will shrink global coal demand growth by 1,100 million tonnes and prevent 8,000 million tonnes…

01 10 2021 | 12:39

Want to save the Earth? Then don’t buy that shiny new iPhone

Apple has just unveiled the latest all-singing, all-dancing iteration of its handset, but perhaps you should resist the hype.

01 10 2021 | 12:36

Mosquito Population Surge Linked to Climate Change

It's not just you — mosquitos really are worse this year, and climate change is at least partially to blame, Grist reports. Along with this summer's record heat in the contiguous U.S., this season's…

01 10 2021 | 12:36

Climate experts urge government to turn city roofs into wildlife havens and plant urban trees

Harnessing nature to protect homes from floods, droughts and heatwaves will save money, report claims. Ministers should transform the UK’s towns and cities by turning flat roofs into wildlife havens…

01 10 2021 | 12:34

Greta Thunberg mocks world leaders' words at Youth4Climate

The Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, used her speech at the Youth4Climate conference in Milan to mock the words of world leaders, including UK PM Boris Johnson. The 18-year-old used…

01 10 2021 | 12:32

UK’s advertising watchdog promises to crackdown on greenwashing companies

ASA says it recognises need for ‘systemic, wide-scale change’ for UK to meet climate targets

01 10 2021 | 12:25

Spain to Ban Plastic Wrap for Fruits and Veggies

In the battle against plastic pollution, Spain has zeroed in on a new target — the plastic used to wrap fruits and vegetables in the supermarket.

01 10 2021 | 12:24

Small islands caught between tourism economy, climate change

Many of the 38 members recognized by the United Nations as small island developing states are known for their stunning coral reefs, pristine beaches and dire imperilment by climate change. Come…

01 10 2021 | 12:15

China will no longer build overseas coal power plants – what energy projects will it invest in instead?

Chinese President Xi Jinping recently announced at the UN General Assembly that China “will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad”.

01 10 2021 | 12:13

Planting a vision: why the secret to rewilding success is about people, not trees

How do you persuade farmers and the local community to join one of Scotland’s biggest land restoration projects? Call in a psychologist. Ahunter, conservationist and psychologist are working on a…