GORD: Sustainability Summit 2019

The Gulf Organisation for Research & Development (GORD) announces the 6th edition of its annual Sustainability Summit 2019 taking place on October 15 & 16at Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Doha, Qatar. Curated into three sustainability streams of Research, Built Environment and Energy Industry, the two-day event will start with an extensive scope, later narrowed down to the specifics of parallel themes.
Following the success of our previous conferences, we invite scholars, researchers and educators to submit extended abstracts from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. Selected papers will be presented at the summit, and reviewed for publication by prestigious journals including the International Journal of Renewable Energy (Elsevier, impact factor 5.439).
All extended abstracts must be submitted to the secretariat before the mentioned due dates via the website. The length of the extended abstract should not exceed 4 pages.
For template and more information on writing and referencing style, please see Submission Guidelines.
- Sustainability, environmental impact, policy and planning
- Green energy: Generation, integration and rational use
- Energy conversion and process integration
- Renewable energy
- Reduction of CO2 and GHG emissions, carbon-free technologies
- Sustainable materials and processes
- Environmental chemistry and pollution control
Possible approaches include, but are not limited to, the basic and applied thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, fluid dynamics and CFD, evaluation of the available technologies and their limitations; economic and ecological impacts; materials, evaluation and optimization, CO2 mitigation and utilization.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: 31 Aug 2019
Acceptance Notification: 15 Sep 2019
Final Paper Submission: 1 Oct 2019
USD 618 by 31 August 2019
USD 824 after 31 August 2019
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Conference Chair
Dr. Yousef Alhorr,
Founding Chair, GORD
Co-Chair: Prof. Tetyana Morozyuk,
TUB-Institute of Low Temperature
For Inquiries
Tel: +974 44049010