
Αποτελέσματα 15501 - 15520 | από συνολικά 25246
12 01 2021 | 09:11

22 disasters, 262 dead, $95bn in damages: US saw record year for climate-driven catastrophes.

Report shows US was battered by punishing extreme weather on both the east and west coasts in 2020. The US was battered by a record number of weather and climate-driven disasters in 2020 as…

12 01 2021 | 09:08

H ΡΑΕ απαντά σε προσφυγές: Δεν είναι δική μας αρμοδιότητα η περιβαλλοντική αξιολόγηση των έργων ΑΠΕ.

Την ευκαιρία να ξεκαθαρίσει για ακόμα μια τι εμπίπτει και τι όχι στις αρμοδιότητές της σε σχέση με την προστασία του φυσικού και αρχαιολογικού περιβάλλοντος από τις πιθανές επιπτώσεις της ανάπτυξης…

12 01 2021 | 09:01

Ηλεκτρονικά και οι τροποποιήσεις και μεταβιβάσεις αδειών ΑΠΕ – Η ΡΑΕ αναβαθμίζει το ηλεκτρονικό «εργαλείο» διαχείρισης

Σε αναβάθμιση του υφιστάμενου ηλεκτρονικού συστήματος μέσω του οποίου γίνεται πλέον η υποδοχή, διαχείριση και αξιολόγηση των αιτήσεων των επενδυτών ΑΠΕ για βεβαιώσεις παραγωγού, θα προχωρήσει η ΡΑΕ…

12 01 2021 | 08:54

Σε τροχιά υλοποίησης το poject της Αστυπάλαιας.

Στην πρίζα… μπαίνει σε λίγους μήνες το επενδυτικό σχέδιο της Volkswagen για την Αστυπάλαια. Ο υφυπουργός Εξωτερικών και αρμόδιος για την Οικονομική Διπλωματία και την Εξωστρέφεια Κώστας…

12 01 2021 | 08:49

Στις συμπληγάδες των Βρυξελλών ακόμη το αίτημα αποζημίωσης για τις λιγνιτικές μονάδες της ΔΕΗ - Ανταλλαγή e-mails με... αμείωτο ρυθμό μεταξύ ΥΠΕΝ- Κομισιόν.

Σε έναν νέο πολύμηνο σίριαλ ανταλλαγής e-mails με τις Βρυξέλλες έχει εμπλακεί εδώ και μήνες το ΥΠΕΝ, χωρίς να διαφαίνεται άμεσα, φως στο τούνελ. Αντικείμενο, το ελληνικό αίτημα καταβολής αποζημίωσης…

12 01 2021 | 08:41

Climate crisis: 2020 was joint hottest year ever recorded.

Global heating continued unabated despite Covid lockdowns, with record Arctic wildfires and Atlantic tropical storms.

11 01 2021 | 15:37



11 01 2021 | 15:28

Amid the gloom of lockdown, I have taken solace in nature.

If you’re feeling cooped up, defy the cold, head for your local park and marvel at the antics of gulls, starlings and fieldfares I endured the first lockdown while living alone for a period in Spain…

11 01 2021 | 15:12

Developing economies need a fairer way to help them decarbonise.

Carbon border taxes alone will not encourage poorer countries to meet climate goals.

11 01 2021 | 15:03

Activating ‘tipping points’ in society could push world towards greater climate action, researchers say.

The rapid decline of coal-fired power in the UK and petrol cars in Norway indicate how small policy changes can lead to dramatic climate action, researchers argue. Activating positive “tipping…

11 01 2021 | 14:48

Our Home in Ruins.

What are we thinking? Oh, right. We’re not. Standing on the moon, I see the battle rage below. Standing on the moon, I see the soldiers come and go. ~ Jerry Garcia & Robert Hunter When I…

11 01 2021 | 14:48

Ørsted gets go-ahead for Hornsea Three Offshore Wind Farm.

The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Alok Sharma, has announced that consent has been granted for the Hornsea Three Offshore Wind Farm. Ørsted, one of the leading…

11 01 2021 | 14:46

Kenya faces $62bn bill to mitigate climate-linked hunger, drought and conflict

Country accounts for less than 0.1% of global emissions but suffers disproportionately from related disasters, say new report. Kenya needs $62bn (£46bn) to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis…

11 01 2021 | 14:43

Scotland set to receive its first Hydrogen-powered train this year.

Arcola Energy, has been appointed by Scottish Enterprise, Transport Scotland and the Hydrogen Accelerator, to deliver Scotland’s first hydrogen powered train. The project is a Scottish supply chain…

11 01 2021 | 14:40

Last decade hottest on record for Australia with temperature almost 1C above average.

Maximum and minimum temperatures were above average for all states and territories, Bureau of Meteorology says The last decade was the hottest on record for Australia with the temperature almost 1C…

11 01 2021 | 14:39

UK Government announces green boost for world’s first net-zero emissions industrial zone.

Six projects across the UK will today receive a share of £8 million in government funding as part of a drive to create the world’s first net zero emissions industrial zone by 2040. Projects across…

11 01 2021 | 14:37

Cities around world will see humidity fall due to climate crisis, study finds.

Heat stress, water scarcity, air pollution and energy insecurity are problems felt more acutely in dense urban areas Cities across the world will see a near-universal drop in humidity by the end of…

11 01 2021 | 14:30

Shareholders push HSBC to cut exposure to fossil fuels.

Europe’s second-largest financier of fossil fuels faces a vote to ramp up its climate commitments. HSBC could be forced to slash its exposure to fossil fuels – starting with coal – from next year,…

11 01 2021 | 14:24

Can Fragile Cities Cope With an Influx of Climate Migrants?

When the rains never arrived in the East African nation of Somalia in 2016, nor in 2017, hundreds of thousands of rural residents were forced to abandon their lands and livelihoods due to one of the…

11 01 2021 | 14:22

Electric cars rise to record 54% market share in Norway.

Nordic country becomes first in the world where electric car sales outstrip those powered by other means. Norway became the first country in the world where the sale of electric cars has overtaken…