Η γνωστή εφοπλιστική οικογένεια προωθεί στο Δομοκό την υλοποίηση στρατηγικής επένδυσης στην ηλιακή ενέργεια με τη χρήση πρωτοποριακής τεχνολογίας αποθήκευσης - Η εταιρεία «Ενέργεια Υπερίωνας»…
More than 100 world leaders will promise to end and reverse deforestation by 2030, in the COP26 climate summit's first major deal.
Brazil - where stretches of the Amazon rainforest have been cut…
UK PM says climate crisis talks at G20 over weekend only ‘inched forward’
The Cop26 climate summit is at serious risk of failure because countries are still not promising enough to restrict global…
Glasgow conference is focused on more ambitious 2030 cuts but, while PM says Australia may cut emissions by 35%, the 26% to 28% target won’t be changed.
Scott Morrison has used his national…
Summary of the main developments on kick-off day of the UN climate summit in Glasgow.
The main things that happened on day one of the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow included:
Chaotic scenes as…
Climate activist Greta Thunberg has told young protesters that politicians attending COP26 are "pretending to take our future seriously".
The arrival of world leaders in Glasgow for the COP26 summit…
India has promised to cut its emissions to net zero by 2070 - missing a key goal of the COP26 summit for countries to commit to reach that target by 2050.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the…
The Queen has urged world leaders at the COP26 climate summit to "achieve true statesmanship" and create a "safer, stabler future" for the planet.
In a video message, she said many people hoped the…
We envision two scenarios: what life could look like in 2050 if we do nothing, and what life could look like if we take action now. Watch this video to take a glimpse into the future and find out…
Nigeria’s central bank earlier in February outlawed banks and financial institutions from transacting or operating in cryptocurrencies, saying they posed a threat to the financial system.
New polling data shows two-thirds of Republicans do not want to hold oil and gas companies accountable for the climate crisis
Nearly two in three Republicans believe oil and gas companies are at…
Top executives of major Western oil companies are to testify before the US Congress amid accusations that they misled the public about climate change.
Democrat lawmakers say the hearings will focus…
How much rain might fall in your area and how high might temperatures climb? The BBC and the Met Office have looked at the UK's changing climate in detail to find out.
The UK is already experiencing…
The world needs to cut 28bn tonnes of emissions, current pledges only come to 4bn. Leaders cannot shy from this reality
Ed Miliband is the shadow secretary for business, energy and industry
International diplomacy’ ahead of Cop26 has consisted of lecturing other countries about the need for ambition and action, while at home the government takes almost no action at all
In the run-up to…
It might just be that the children of tomorrow might point out that, seriously, given it was one minute to midnight, could you not have drummed someone up who hadn’t, right up until 10 minutes to…
Now most countries have experienced the climate crisis as wildfires, floods or heatwaves, leaders know they must deliver.
For a conference that had already been delayed by a year, perhaps this was a…