
Αποτελέσματα 11761 - 11780 | από συνολικά 25327
16 10 2021 | 11:58

A publicly owned energy industry could help tackle energy poverty and increase renewables

Recent queues at petrol stations across the UK point to significant issues with fuel supply chains in the wake of Brexit. But a lack of fuel where it is needed has been causing problems in the UK for…

16 10 2021 | 11:57

Pope praises youth climate activists for challenging adults

Pope Francis is praising young environmental activists for challenging global leaders to make good on promises to curb emissions Pope Francis on Wednesday praised young environmental activists for…

16 10 2021 | 11:57

Palm oil: why a ‘sustainable global supply’ chain needs to include smallholder farmers

To improve traceability and visibility across palm oil supply chains, it’s essential for industry and grassroots organisations to work together to ensure the smallholders producing the crop are not…

16 10 2021 | 11:51

Stop, look and listen: artists’ startling responses to the climate crisis

Dorset’s Inside Out festival brought audiences closer to nature with rock star-guided rambles, dirt-digging dances and a globe suspended in woodland

16 10 2021 | 11:50

Kowbucha, seaweed, vaccines: the race to reduce cows’ methane emissions

Agriculture is the largest anthropogenic source of this gas, accounting for about 40%, leading innovators to offer new solutions to tackle its bovine source In 2017, Canadian cattle farmers in…

16 10 2021 | 11:50

Η κλιματική αλλαγή και το ακριβό ρεύμα

Χωρίς το φαινόμενο του θερμοκηπίου, δηλ. την προστατευτική δράση της ατμόσφαιρας, η θερμοκρασία της επιφάνειας της Γης δεν θα ξεπερνούσε τους -18 βαθμούς Κελσίου. Η αύξηση της ποσότητας διοξειδίου…

16 10 2021 | 11:47

China’s wildlife food ban is vital for public health and threatened species – our research reveals what must happen next

World leaders are attending an online summit to discuss the future of life on Earth. With one million species threatened with extinction this century, the UN biodiversity conference, known as COP15,…

16 10 2021 | 11:38

«Καμπανάκι» Ζερεφού για κλιματική αλλαγή: Η βροχόπτωση της Πέμπτης αντιστοιχεί στο 1/3 της ετήσιας βροχής σε κάποιες περιοχές

«Οι πολίτες πρέπει να προσαρμοστούν στο νέο αποσταθεροποιημένο κλίμα», τονίζει ο ακαδημαϊκός και εκπρόσωπος της Ελλάδας για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή. Η συχνότητα αλλά και η ένταση των ακραίων φαινομένων…

16 10 2021 | 11:35

Where is the money? Climate finance shortfall threatens global warming goals

Time is running out for rich governments to deliver on unmet funding promises before COP26 climate talks, with many developing nations saying their emissions cuts depend on it * Rich nations under…

16 10 2021 | 11:34

Η κλιματική αλλαγή δεν συγχωρεί – αλλά δεν είναι και άλλοθι

Η κλιματική αλλαγή είναι η βασική αιτία που θα έχουμε ολοένα και πιο έντονα καιρικά φαινόμενα. Ένας λόγος παραπάνω να πάρουμε όλα τα αναγκαία μέτρα.   Πολύ πριν τους αρνητές του κοροναϊού και των…

16 10 2021 | 11:29

Vattenfall plans to re-use, recycle or recover used wind turbine blades

Vattenfall has committed to a landfill ban for end of life wind turbine blades. Instead it will re-use, recycle or recover 100% of decommissioned wind turbine blades from owned wind farms.  The…

16 10 2021 | 11:25

Greenpeace blocks Whitehall with oil-covered statue of Boris Johnson

Protesters are calling on government to stop Cambo oil field going ahead. Climate activists have disrupted traffic near Downing Street to protest against plans for a new oil field in Scotland.…

16 10 2021 | 11:21

McDonald’s UK and Ireland announces commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2040

McDonalds’s UK and Ireland launches its comprehensive business and sustainability strategy, Plan for Change programme, focusing on the Planet, People, Restaurants and Food. One initiative includes…

16 10 2021 | 11:20

Five climate commitments to you as we face the defining issue of our times

Editorial: The Independent has always put the environment at the centre of what we do – this has never been more important

16 10 2021 | 11:18

Seeing is Believing

For those who still doubt climate change

16 10 2021 | 11:12

Humans are destroying biodiversity, Sir David Attenborough warns in new film

Sir David Attenborough voices animated short feature about why we need biodiversity. Sir David Attenborough has said that nature has a “great spiritual and cultural value” for human beings yet “many…

16 10 2021 | 11:12

Cop26: Boris Johnson handed blow as US climate chief John Kerry says talks likely to miss target

Joe Biden’s envoy offers downbeat assessment ahead of crucial summit in UK US climate envoy John Kerry has conceded that the Cop26 summit will likely will end without nations agreeing to the carbon…

16 10 2021 | 11:04

Putin reverses stance to pledge net zero by 2060 for Russia

Russia will seek to become carbon neutral within four decades, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday, marking a stunning reversal in his stance on climate change.  “We set a specific aim here…

16 10 2021 | 11:03

10 EU countries back nuclear power in EU green finance taxonomy

“Nuclear power must be part of the solution” to the climate crisis and the rise in energy prices, according to a group of 10 EU countries led by France and Poland who signed a joint opinion article…

16 10 2021 | 10:58

IEA: Renewable energy investment must triple by end of decade

Investment in renewable energy needs to triple by the end of the decade if the world hopes to effectively fight climate change and keep volatile energy markets under control, the International Energy…