
Αποτελέσματα 7421 - 7440 | από συνολικά 25245
10 11 2022 | 11:46

African nations can’t ‘adapt’ to the climate crisis. Here’s what rich countries must do

37 million people are facing starvation in the Horn of Africa. Time for wealthier countries to adopt ‘loss and damage finance’

10 11 2022 | 11:44

The Guardian view on climate finance: a green transition requires funding

If climate catastrophe is to be avoided, the governments and institutions of the rich west will have to alter their priorities

10 11 2022 | 11:39

There’s one big subject our leaders at Cop27 won’t touch: livestock farming

It’s on course to guzzle half the world’s carbon budget, so why are governments so afraid to discuss it?

10 11 2022 | 11:34

‘Significant’ moves on climate disaster funds lift Cop27 hopes

Small but symbolic moves at summit where finance is critical include new loss and damage money and debt relief A series of symbolic moves on climate finance at Cop27 suggests positive momentum…

10 11 2022 | 11:29

Developing countries ‘will need $2tn a year in climate funding by 2030’

Report co-written by Nicholas Stern says figure required to switch away from fossil fuels and cope with extreme weather impacts About $2tn (£1.75tn) will be needed each year by 2030 to help…

10 11 2022 | 11:16

‘Major push’ for gas amid Ukraine war accelerating climate breakdown

The global dash for gas amid the Ukraine war will accelerate climate breakdown and could send temperatures soaring far beyond the 1.5C limit of safety, analysis has shown. If all of the new gas…

10 11 2022 | 11:11

Over 100 more fossil fuel lobbyists than last year, flooding crucial COP climate talks

More fossil fuel lobbyists than representatives of the ten nations most impacted by the climate crisis registered to attend COP27 

10 11 2022 | 11:02

Cop27: record number of fossil fuel lobbyists at climate conference

Record number of fossil fuel lobbyists at Cop27 A new analysis by the groups Global Witness, Corporate Europe Observatory and Corporate Accountability has calculated that 636 fossil fuel lobbyists…

10 11 2022 | 10:57

Nothing will change on climate until death toll rises in west, says Gabonese minister

Before Cop27, Lee White also says broken promises on funding leave sense of betrayal The world will only take meaningful action on the climate crisis once people in rich countries start dying in…

10 11 2022 | 10:28

On Climate Education and perfect cakes

Educational policy is like trying to bake the perfect cake. As the minister of education of Malawi, Hon. Minister Agnes NyaLonje, said in her speech at the UN Transforming Education Summit, “When you…

10 11 2022 | 10:17

The 10 Best Places to Live Safely When It Breaks Mayhem

You’ll Be Away From Climate Change and Pro-Lifers I am an anxious over-thinker. And these two things on their own are a pretty huge problem for a twenty-something-year-old to have and here I am…

10 11 2022 | 10:13

COP 27 Developing countries need $1 trillion a year in climate finance -report

Developing countries need to work with investors, rich countries and development banks to secure $1 trillion a year in external financing for climate action by the end of the decade and to match that…

10 11 2022 | 10:03

Climate finance isn’t reaching African communities – Cop27 must fix this injustice

Indigenous peoples and local communities receive less than 1% of all climate funding despite scoring wins for people and nature I am Namibian. I come from a country where drought has become a…

10 11 2022 | 09:51

Egyptian security arrests dozens ahead of COP27 climate summit- rights group

Egyptian security forces have arrested nearly 70 people in connection with calls for protests to coincide with the COP27 climate summit, a rights group said.

10 11 2022 | 09:42

A Possible Pathway to Help Reach an Agreement Regarding the Loss and Damage Issue at COP27

There is a very large financial gap between what developing countries are asking and what developed countries are offering to compensate for losses and damages due to climate change.  For example,…

10 11 2022 | 09:36

See you in court: how climate lawsuits could sharpen Cop27 loss and damage talks

If international solidarity with climate victims falls short, litigation offers a vital but imperfect avenue for compensation Loss and damage has been at the heart of much media reporting about…

10 11 2022 | 09:30

activists ground private jets for 6,5 hours at amsterdam schiphol airport

Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace Netherlands hold peaceful protest against Schiphol Airport pollution Amsterdam, 5 November 2022 – Over 500 Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace Netherlands…

09 11 2022 | 10:00

Χάρης Δούκας: Κλιματική αλλαγή και ενεργειακή κρίση

Πώς θα περιοριστούν οι χειρότερες επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής κρίσης   Η πρόσφατα δημοσιευμένη έκθεση του ΟΗΕ για το περιβάλλον (UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2022) παρουσίαζε το μεγάλο χάσμα μεταξύ της…

09 11 2022 | 09:53

COP27- Γκουτέρες: Πάμε προς την κλιματική κόλαση με το πόδι στο γκάζι

"Η ανθρωπότητα έχει μια επιλογή: ή να συνεργαστεί ή να χαθεί" είπε ο γγ του ΟΗΕ απευθυνόμενος στους συμμετέχοντες στη διάσκεψη για το κλίμα COP27. "Βρισκόμαστε σε έναν δρόμο με κατεύθυνση την…

09 11 2022 | 09:49

Οι πάγοι της Αρκτικής θα εξαφανιστούν, η στάθμη θα ανέβει δραματικά – Νέα έκθεση προειδοποιεί

Οι θαλάσσιοι πάγοι της Αρκτικής είναι βέβαιο ότι θα εξαφανιστούν τα καλοκαίρια και θα υπάρξει μία καταστροφική άνοδος της στάθμης της θάλασσας λόγω του λιωσίματος των παγετώνων, που είναι ήδη σε…