Σε πλήρη εξέλιξη βρίσκονται, σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες του energypress, οι εργασίες του Αντλησιοταμιευτικού Έργου της Αμφιλοχίας που κατασκευάζεται από την ΓΕΚ ΤΕΡΝΑ. Το έργο περιλαμβάνει δύο…
Στην έκταση του ατμοηλεκτρικού σταθμού Αμυνταίου, εκεί που για χρόνια παραγόταν ηλεκτρική ενέργεια από λιγνίτη, το τοπίο αναμένεται να αρχίσει να αλλάζει σε λίγα χρόνια: σε εμβαδόν δεκάδων…
Ολόκληρο το σχέδιο των νέων προγραμματικών Θέσεων του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, που θα τεθεί προς συζήτηση και έγκριση στο συνέδριο (23-25 Φεβρουαρίου) δόθηκε στη δημοσιότητα το απόγευμα, μετά τη συνεδρίαση της…
Το στίγμα του που βρίσκεται η ενεργειακή μετάβαση στην Ελλάδα θα δώσουν στο Νταβός ο πρωθυπουργός Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης και η υφυπουργός Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας, Αλεξάνδρα Σδούκου.
Σύμφωνα με το…
Colombia, a South American country that is home to 10% of the world's flora and fauna, is hosting the 16th United Nations Conference of the Parties on Biological Diversity (COP16). The meeting will…
As part of a recently concluded partnership, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) will provide $80 million to the Facility for Energy Inclusion (FEI). The aim is to finance the production of…
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), several towns, including Kinshasa, have had their feet in water since the floods that killed more than 300 people in December 2023. With the death toll…
A historic trial, which will call on 61 witnesses worldwide, is expected to set a precedent for global corporations in foreign jurisdictions
Before the arrival of Lundin Oil in the town of Leer, now…
In South Africa, the consortium formed by Électricité de France (EDF) and Mulilo Energy Holdings has been named preferred bidder for three electricity storage projects. Work will start in mid-2024.
ROME — As Italy assumes the rotating presidency of the Group of Seven leading industrial nations, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this week that a focus on developing strategic partnerships with…
The start-up Mbay Mobility is giving itself 10 years to market 33,000 electric taxis in Dakar in Senegal, Abidjan in Ivory Coast and Accra in Ghana. The project, which is in search of new financial…
A life on the road puts drivers at risk of hypertension and diabetes but often puts doctors out of reach. A network of clinics on key routes is helping to combat lifestyle diseases Alife on the road…
The energy transition is underway in Africa. Despite continued investment in fossil fuels, mainly south of the Sahara, African decision-makers are stepping up their efforts to promote the development…
After being outpaced in recent years by China and the European Union (EU) in the field of climate investments in developing countries, the United States of America is making a comeback. Joe Biden's…
Although Malawi has not received direct financial support from the World Bank for several years for political reasons, the group has announced a package worth $420 million. This should enable the…
A sub-Saharan African nation has been declared malaria-free for the first time in 50 years.
Cape Verde was given the status by the World Health Organization (WHO) as it has not reported a single…
Strengthening community-led agroecological practices and fighting the vested interests that undermine them are the keys
Careful readers of The Bittman Project will note that we are increasingly…
A combination of cooling technologies and techniques could reduce the temperature and energy needs of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
It’s possible to significantly reduce the temperatures of a major city in…
The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts a 61% share of renewable electricity in Europe by 2028, partly due to an unprecedented surge of previously unforeseen solar panel installations.…
‘Heat culture’ of Spain helps communities prepare for hot weather events in the same way they plan for the arrival of cyclones
Australia should follow the Spanish city of Seville and start naming…