
Αποτελέσματα 22601 - 22620 | από συνολικά 25158
19 03 2019 | 07:00

Concentrated solar power could help ease electricity woes - Stellenbosch University.

OHANNESBURG – With more electricity disruptions likely to occur in the next few years as state utility Eskom struggles to meet demand, South Africa should look at concentrated solar power (CSP)…

19 03 2019 | 06:49

South African leading parties aren’t in the green for environmental policies.

On 8 May South Africans won’t see a green party on the ballot paper.

19 03 2019 | 06:47

New alternative to Trump's wall would create jobs, renewable energy, and increase border security.

A consortium of scientists and engineers have proposed that the U.S. and Mexico build a series of guarded solar, wind, natural gas and desalination facilities along the entirety of the border.

19 03 2019 | 06:21

Με Υπέρακτια Αιολικά Πάρκα στις Αναδυόμενες Αγορές η Παγκόσμια Τράπεζα Καταπολεμά την Ενεργειακή Φτώχεια.

Με στόχο την καταπολέμηση της ενεργειακής φτώχειας μέσω της στροφής στις ΑΠΕ, η Παγκόσμια Τράπεζα ανακοίνωσε νέο πρόγραμμα που αποβλέπει στην ταχεία διείσδυση της υπεράκτιας αιολικής ενέργειας στον…

19 03 2019 | 05:55

Navigant Research: New offshore wind installations will top 69GW by 2027

Over 69GW of new offshore wind capacity is expected to be installed between 2018 and 2027, according to a new report from Navigant Research. By 2030, global offshore wind installed operating…

18 03 2019 | 18:10

Cyclone Idai: Mozambique president says 1,000 may have died

The death toll in Mozambique from Cyclone Idai could reach 1,000, President Filipe Nyusi has said. It made landfall close to the port city of Beira on Thursday with winds of up to 177 km/h (106 mph…

18 03 2019 | 17:09

Οι μαθητές δείχνουν τον δρόμο!

Η Ειρήνη και η Ροζέτ είναι δύο από τους πολλούς μαθητές και μαθήτριες που οργανώνουν την Πορεία για το Περιβάλλον, σήμερα στις 12:00. Θέλουμε να ενισχύσουμε τη φωνή τους και να ακουστούν οι ανησυχίες…

18 03 2019 | 12:19

4th International EbA Community of Practice Workshop.

The global BMU IKI-funded project Mainstreaming EbA implemented by GIZ is delighted to invite you to the 4th International EbA Community of Practice Workshop, 11-14 June 2019 in Bonn, Germany

18 03 2019 | 11:34

Our clever, brave, beautiful children. Our hope.

Don’t you just love them and feel proud that they turned out as they did

18 03 2019 | 07:53

Is the future of investments in renewable energies?

March 13 (Renewables Now) - There are so many diverse investment opportunities, from commodities to shares, it can be difficult to know where to start, but now could be a good time to consider …

18 03 2019 | 07:47

New study provides insight into global carbon cycle.

A new study has unearthed ancient wetland sites that have provided an insight into the global carbon cycle. Scientists from the University of Eastern Finland have pieced together evidence from over…

18 03 2019 | 07:40

Νέα διαδικτυακή εφαρμογή από τον ΔΕΔΔΗΕ για τον έλεγχο της ασφάλειας των ηλεκτρικών εγκαταστάσεων ακινήτων.

O ΔΕΔΔΗΕ ανακοινώνει την έναρξη λειτουργίας νέας διαδικτυακής εφαρμογής στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση https://apps.deddie.gr/LicensedElectricianCertification/,  μέσω της οποίας οι καταναλωτές μπορούν να…

18 03 2019 | 07:40

Chemical storage of renewable energies

In 2050, 80 percent of the electric power in Germany has to be based on renewable resources. To reach this goal, it is required to store electric power in the form of chemical energy carriers. Within…

18 03 2019 | 07:11

6 key trends in sustainable and renewable energy

The 2019 Sustainable Energy in America factbook was released this week by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BloombergNEF) and the Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE). The factbook highlights a…

18 03 2019 | 06:59

Evangelicals for climate action.

One in four American adults identify themselves as “evangelicals.” Because self-described evangelicals, particularly white evangelicals, have become the most reliable supporters of Republican…

18 03 2019 | 06:49

6th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment 2019-SAVE THE DATE.

The OECD Centre on Green Finance and Investment is pleased to invite you to the 6th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment, to be held on 29-30 October 2019 at the OECD Headquarters in Paris. As…

18 03 2019 | 06:45

Solar heads to 1c/kWh before 2020 after Mexico sets record low.

Australia’s leading solar researcher Dr Martin Green predicted just a few months ago that the cost of solar would fall to around 1c/kwh by the mid 2020s. He now expects he will not have to wait that…

18 03 2019 | 06:35

European School of Sustainability Science and Research- Doctoral Programme on Climate Change Adaptation.

The newly-launched European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR) https://www.haw-hamburg.de/en/ftz-nk/esssr.html in Hamburg, Germany, was created in order to foster the cause of…

18 03 2019 | 06:33

The Global Environment Outlook Report - Human health at a crossroads

 The most comprehensive and rigorous assessment on the state of the environment completed by the UN in the last five years was published today, warning that damage to the planet is so dire that…

18 03 2019 | 06:24

Call for Abstracts: International Conference on Sustainable Development 2019.

The call for abstracts for the 2019 edition of the International Conference on Sustainable Development is now available. The conference will take place on September 24 and 25, 2019, on the Columbia…