
Αποτελέσματα 22561 - 22580 | από συνολικά 25158
23 03 2019 | 08:20

Πάνω από 11000 μελισσοκυψέλες στα δάση ακακίας στα αποκατεστημένα ορυχεία τα ΔΕΗ στο ΛΚΔΜ

Σάρκα και οστά παίρνει η πρωτοβουλία της ΔΕΗ να αξιοποιήσει τα δάση ακακίας στο Λιγνιτικό Κέντρο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, καθώς οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μελισσοκόμοι καλούνται να υποβάλλουν αίτηση για τις 75…

22 03 2019 | 20:01

1.7M Cyclone Survivors Face Hunger, Disease in Southern Africa.

Hundreds of thousands of people scrambled for shelter, food and water across a swathe of southern Africa Friday after a cyclone killed hundreds and swept away homes and roads, as survivors face a…

22 03 2019 | 18:33

Top Global Fossils Spent $1 Billion Since Paris to Lobby Against Climate Action!

The world’s five biggest publicly-traded fossil companies have spent more than US$1 billion in shareholders’ money to lobby against climate action in the years since the Paris Agreement was signed,…

22 03 2019 | 13:27

Πραγματοποιήθηκε το διήμερο εκπαιδευτικό Σεμινάριο για τα μέλη της ΕΛΕΤΑΕΝ: Η συμμετοχή των νέων αιολικών πάρκων στην ηλεκτρική αγορά

Για δύο ημέρες, για συνολικά 15 ώρες, 70 περίπου στελέχη της αιολικής αγοράς παρακολούθησαν ένα εντατικό και απαιτητικό πρόγραμμα για την απόκτηση κρίσιμης γνώσης στο νέο ανταγωνιστικό καθημερινό…

22 03 2019 | 12:26

UNFCCC 25th Anniversary: Climate Action is More Urgent than Ever.

UN Climate Change News, 21 March 2019 - Today marks a special day in the history of global climate action: It marks the day when the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) first came into…

22 03 2019 | 10:45

Donald Trump’s solar and wind power criticism slammed by scientists: ‘Trump is a dangerous, evil clown’

Scientists responded angrily to President Donald Trump’s anti-renewable energy claim that people would have to turn off their TV sets if there wasn’t enough wind to power turbines.

22 03 2019 | 07:15

GSAS-D&B 2019 CGP Refresher Course - 28 March 2019.

Thursday 28 March  Qatar National Convention Centre, Doha-Qatar

22 03 2019 | 07:01

Study Claims People Prefer Wind Turbines As Neighbors Over Other Energy Plants.

A new University of Delaware (UD) study hasexamined the attitudes of people who live in close proximity to wind projects to see if they prefer those projects to energy alternatives, such as a central…

22 03 2019 | 06:56

Dentons launches 2019 edition of its “Investing in renewable energy projects in Europe” guide.

Ten years after the European Union vowed to produce 20 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, it has made huge progress toward that goal. Now, a new challenge beckons: In 2018, the EU…

22 03 2019 | 06:51

Denmark and Turkey Sign Offshore Wind Agreement.

The new bilateral agreement focuses on the Roadmap for Offshore Wind in Turkey and builds on the collaboration the two countries established in 2017 to support the green transition of the Turkish…

22 03 2019 | 06:46

EIA: U.S. Renewable Electricity Generation Has Doubled In 10 Years.

Renewable generation provided a new record of 742 million MWh of electricity in 2018, which is nearly double the 382 million MWh produced in 2008, according to a new report from the U.S. Energy…

22 03 2019 | 06:43

Puerto Rico is on its way to 100% renewable electricity.

A bill to mandate that the island’s electric system move to 100% renewable energy by 2050 has passed the Puerto Rico Senate and is being sent to the House for reconciliation, the last stop before it…

22 03 2019 | 06:31

California Cannabis Firm Completes Renewable Energy Project.

California cannabis firm Canndescent announced the completion of its solar-powered production facility in Desert Springs.

22 03 2019 | 06:29

School climate strikes: 1.4 million people took part, say campaigners.

Activist Greta Thunberg, 16, says action proved ‘no one is too small to make a difference’. More than 1.4 million young people around the world took part in school strikes for climate action,…

22 03 2019 | 06:21

Weather forecasts: time to talk about climate change.

Climate must not be confused with local conditions, but remodelled broadcasts could help people understand the dangers we face. Still, and in defiance of decades worth of scientific evidence, vast…

21 03 2019 | 12:53

The top 10 countries in the world by wind energy capacity.

Wind energy is a well-established source of renewable energy, but what countries have the highest wind energy capacity in the world? Wind power has become an important source of energy generation…

21 03 2019 | 12:15

Bright skies for plant-based jet fuels.

With an estimated daily fuel demand of more than 5 million barrels per day, the global aviation sector is incredibly energy-intensive and almost entirely reliant on petroleum-based fuels. Unlike…

21 03 2019 | 09:38

Συνεργασία Eunice Energy Group – Blink Charging για φόρτιση ηλεκτρικών οχημάτων.

Την υπογραφή σύμβασης με την  Blink Charging Co., USA  για τη δημιουργία κοινοπραξίας με όνομα Blink Europe, και την είσοδό της στην αγορά φόρτισης ηλεκτρικών οχημάτων της Ευρώπης, με αφετηρία την…

21 03 2019 | 06:08

Climate change making storms like Idai more severe, say experts.

Destructive power of storms likely to increase in future as world warms up

20 03 2019 | 13:24

BIOMASS DAY 2019: Βιο-βάσιμη οικονομία στην ενέργεια & το περιβάλλον.

Ετήσια εκδήλωση του κλάδου βιομάζας  “BIOMASS DAY 2019”, με θέμα «Βιο-βάσιμη οικονομία στην ενέργεια & το περιβάλλον: Εφοδιαστικές αλυσίδες και καινοτομία», την Παρασκευή 19 Απριλίου 2019, στο…