
Αποτελέσματα 21681 - 21700 | από συνολικά 25173
28 06 2019 | 08:44

African leaders, communities seek a new and effective wildlife economy.

Nairobi/Victoria Falls, 24 June 2019 - Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa officially opened the African continent’s first-ever Wildlife Economy Summit in Victoria Falls this morning, which…

28 06 2019 | 08:38

Young African researchers to help address critical gaps in the understanding of African climate system.

Naivasha, Kenya, 6 June, 2019 (ECA) - Climate change poses major developmental challenges for the African continent, but through research and innovation, climate change can also create opportunities…

28 06 2019 | 08:37

SAVE THE DATE I China WindPower, 21-24 October 2019, Beijing

In 2018, China installed 21 GW of onshore wind capacity (representing 46% of the global market) and 1.6 GW of offshore wind capacity (representing 40% of the global market), cementing China’s…

28 06 2019 | 08:35

Renewable news from East Africa.

                 Climate Change Project Launched In Turkana-Kenya.

28 06 2019 | 08:32

Nike takes action and joins the UN Sustainable Fashion Charter for Climate Action.

Nike has announced its support for the United Nations 2050 net zero emissions initiative. The fashion industry is a considerable contributor to the deterioration of our environment which is why Nike…

28 06 2019 | 08:32

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week Set to Boost Climate Ambition.

UN Climate Change News, 24 June 2019— Amidst growing calls for stronger and faster climate action, the upcoming Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2019 (LACCW) is set to boost the region’s…

28 06 2019 | 08:25

Nigeria’s 300,000 tonne e-waste gold mine drives a new circular economy.

A $15 million circular electronics initiative in Lagos is launched today by the Nigerian Government, the Global Environment Facility and UN Environment With 100 times more gold in a tonne of e-…

28 06 2019 | 08:07

Boots switches to brown paper bags to cut plastic pollution.

Boots has announced a switch to brown paper bags in a bid to cut plastic pollution. Boots has become the first national pharmacy, health and beauty retailer in the UK to ban plastic bags in all of…

28 06 2019 | 08:05

Burberry commits to reducing emissions with new Science-Based Target.

Burberry has revealed their new Science Based Target to expand their ambition for a more sustainable future. The high end fashion brand has set two new Science Based Targets, building on the…

27 06 2019 | 17:24

Renewables for global peace and security in an age of cyberwar.

On the occasion of the Bonn Climate Change Conference, June 17 - 27, Eurosolar calls for a long overdue emergency response: The massive deployment of decentralised renewable energy systems. The most…

27 06 2019 | 15:15

ΕΛΕΤΑΕΝ: Απαιτούνται επενδύσεις 17 δισ. στις ΑΠΕ.

Την εκτίμηση ότι η Ελλάδα μπορεί να γίνει μία ακόμη μπαταρία για την Ευρώπη και να στηρίξει την ενεργειακή της ανεξαρτησία, διατύπωσε ο γενικός διευθυντής της Ελληνικής Επιστημονικής Ένωσης Αιολικής…

27 06 2019 | 13:23

23 φορείς και μη κυβερνητικές οργανώσεις ζητούν δεσμεύσεις από τα κόμματα για την κλιματική κρίση.

Σύμφωνα με την τελευταία δραματική έκκληση των επιστημόνων, όπως αυτή ανακοινώθηκε τον περασμένο Οκτώβριο από τον ΟΗΕ, έχουμε μόλις 11 χρόνια προκειμένου να μειώσουμε τις παγκόσμιες εκπομπές αερίων…

27 06 2019 | 10:09

Solar for every building in Europe.

SolarPower Europe has unveiled its new campaign: all new and renovated buildings in the EU should have solar installed – on residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

27 06 2019 | 09:54

Οι ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας ως έμπνευση για παιχνίδι [video]

Πώς θα συνδύαζες τη δημιουργικότητά σου με μια καλή πράξη για τον πλανήτη; Σε αυτήν τη διασκεδαστική ομιλία, ο μηχανικός ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας Μάριος Παπαλεξάνδρου μοιράζεται το πάθος του για…

27 06 2019 | 07:31

Kenyan Tribunal cancels Lamu coal power project licence.

The tribunal said constructors of the coal plant omitted engineering plans and key facts of the project from public participation as well as failure to take consideration of Climate Change Act.…

26 06 2019 | 17:40

'Tax us more': A group of US billionaires is calling for a wealth tax.

Some of America's richest people are urging US presidential candidates to back a wealth tax on the super-rich. "Tax us more!" was the message on Monday from about 20 super-wealthy Americans who…

26 06 2019 | 14:36

David Gilmour auctioned his guitars and raised $21M for a climate change charity.

(CNN)Pink Floyd's David Gilmour auctioned 126 of his guitars for a record-breaking $21 million at a New York charity auction Thursday to fight against climate change.

26 06 2019 | 13:18

Home Batteries: Το μέλλον της ενεργειακής αυτονομίας.

Τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει παρουσιαστεί μία αυξημένη επενδυτική τάση από τους κατασκευαστές ηλεκτρικών αυτοκινήτων στον τεχνολογικό τομέα των μπαταριών μακράς διαρκείας. Βασική ανησυχία των αγοραστών…

26 06 2019 | 10:15

New figures show G20 nations need to end support for coal.

A new report has found that G20 nations are not on track to phase out the use of environmentally damaging fossil fuels. After global coverage on the climate emergency, a report by the Overseas…

26 06 2019 | 09:52

Tο ελληνικό κίνημα ενάντια στις εξορύξεις υδρογονανθράκων δυναμώνει.

Με πανελλήνιο Φόρουμ πρωτοβουλιών ενάντια στις εξορύξεις Υδρογονανθράκων ολοκληρώθηκε στην Κέρκυρα το ελληνικό τμήμα της πανευρωπαϊκής περιοδείας «Μαζί για το Κλίμα» του Rainbow Warrior.