Είκοσι τρεις αναβολές και πέντε ακυρώσεις Διεθνών Εκθέσεων, εντός και εκτός Γερμανίας, που είχαν προγραμματίσει έως και τον ερχόμενο Μάιο Γερμανικοί Εκθεσιακοί Οργανισμοί, ανακοινώνει το…
Μετατίθεται για τον Σεπτέμβριο η Διεθνής Έκθεση Ύδατος, Αποχέτευσης, Ανακύκλωσης, Αποκομιδής Απορριμμάτων και Καθαριότητας πόλης, IFAT 2020, στο Μόναχο
Μπορεί η χώρα να μετρά δύο χρόνια που έχει καθιερωθεί το περιβαλλοντικό τέλος στις πλαστικές σακούλες, ωστόσο όπως φαίνεται δεν ήταν ανάλογη και η μείωση του πλαστικού.
Ο διαχειριστής του συστήματος μεταφοράς ενέργειας TenneT, η κατασκευάστρια ηλεκτρικών οχημάτων Nissan και η εταιρεία τεχνολογίας The Mobility House, έχουν εκπληρώσει ένα σημαντικό έργο που είναι η…
Over recent decades, inequality between countries has fallen, in particular due to fast economic growth in China and India. But our new research suggests climate change could reverse this trend.
Funds committed for loans will back green energy projects across continent
Efforts to spur the use of renewable energy in Africa have received a boost with commitments for almost $160 million in…
Governments across Europe should keep clean energy top of mind as they consider measures to protect their economies against a likely recession caused by the coronavirus, the International Energy…
Poland, along several other European Union Member States, is unlikely to meet its national 15% renewable energy target for 2020 on time[1]. However, despite the possibility to impose sanctions for…
Analysis of satellite data reveals astounding loss of 600bn tons of ice last summer as Arctic experienced hottest year on record.
Last year’s summer was so warm that it helped trigger the loss of…
The Czech premier, whose country depends on nuclear energy and coal, said Monday (16 March) the European Union should ditch its landmark green law seeking carbon neutrality as it battles the novel…
Slow recovery due to relocating groups and stronger protection through law enforcement.
Numbers of African black rhinos in the wild have risen by several hundred, a rare boost in the conservation of…
With Saudi Arabia and Russia pumping flooding the market with oil as coronavirus threatens demand, oil prices have crashed below the $30 mark. It is a price crash that could have profound…
The European Union should scrap its Emissions Trading System or exempt Poland from the scheme, which helps combat global warming, to free up funds for Warsaw to fight the effects of the coronavirus,…
By now it’s likely your family has started practicing some kind of social distancing, voluntarily or not. School plays have been canceled, restaurants are far less crowded, and places of worship have…
The fast-food chain expects to remove over 3,000 metric tons of plastic from the business from 2021 by abolishing plastic happy meal toys.
Fast-food restaurant chain McDonald’s has announced it will…
Over the past few years, PVT systems that combine solar thermal technology and solar PV have gained more attention. In 2018, IEA SHC started the Task 60 called “PVT systems” to better understand the…
The Welsh government hopes that the measures will make the country one of the world’s top recycling nations.
The Welsh Government has set out plans designed to restrict the sale of single-use, hard…
Real-time training during global emergencies is critical for effective preparedness and response.
The OpenWHO Massive Online Open Courses for COVID-19 provide learning resources for health…
O2 and SSE Business Energy have joined forces for a new renewable energy initiative.
The new initiative will let O2 suppliers and partners buy renewable energy direct from SSE Business Energy at a…