
Αποτελέσματα 20601 - 20620 | από συνολικά 25245
22 10 2019 | 09:46

Are we underestimating the benefits of investing in renewable energy?

As policymakers seek to reduce carbon dioxide and other pollutants through increases in renewable energy, improving energy efficiency or electrifying transportation, a key question arises: Which…

22 10 2019 | 09:40

As The Climate Warms, Companies Scramble To Calculate The Risk To Their Profits.

Every year, the company Ingredion buys millions of tons of corn and cassava from farmers and turns them into starches and sugars that go into foods such as soft drinks, yogurt and frozen meals. Lots…

22 10 2019 | 09:27

Legally binding air pollution targets set out in Environment Bill.

A new Environment Bill set out by the UK Government will see air pollution targets become legally binding. Today, the government will introduce a landmark Bill to Parliament to tackle air pollution…

22 10 2019 | 09:27

Vehicles And Factories As It Rolls Out Electric Crossover.

Electric cars are great at reducing tailpipe emissions, but building them is also highly energy-intensive, so Volvo is using the launch of its new XC40 Recharge EV to commit to a 40% reduction across…

22 10 2019 | 09:22

New study pinpoints the places most at risk on a warming planet.

The new model "provides an extremely important tool to inform policy decisions and shape responses" As many as five billion people will face hunger and a lack of clean water by 2050 as the warming…

22 10 2019 | 09:17

Introducing The First GivePower Solar Water Farm.

Kenya: Site of GivePower’s Solar Water Farm Kiunga, Kenya is a small fishing community of about 3500 people located just a few miles south of the Somalian border. The village is situated along the…

22 10 2019 | 09:08

Are solar-powered airships the future of cargo delivery?

New technology offers us a look at the green future of aviation and cargo shipping. 

22 10 2019 | 09:07

Regional Collaboration Centre Established in Dubai.

20 October 2019, Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Today marks the official launch of the Regional Collaboration Centre Dubai, a collaboration between UN Climate Change and the World Green Economy…

21 10 2019 | 13:57

New York Approves 316MW Battery Plant for Peak Power, First of Kind in Region

New York's utility regulator approved construction for a 316-megawatt battery storage plant that would replace fossil fueled capacity in New York City.

21 10 2019 | 12:44

Απολιγνιτοποίηση: Η RWE κοστολογεί 1,2 δισ. ευρώ ανά 1000 MW τον παροπλισμό των μονάδων της - Τι "δίνει" το μοντέλο αυτό για τη ΔΕΗ

Η συνάντηση την περασμένη εβδομάδα του επικεφαλής της γερμανικής RWE με τον πρωθυπουργό έφερε στο προσκήνιο το ενδιαφέρον της γερμανικής εταιρείας για συνεργασία με τη ΔΕΗ σε δύο τομείς: ο πρώτος…

21 10 2019 | 07:12

Η Κλιματική αλλαγή στην εκπαίδευση.

Το κλίμα –δηλαδή ο καιρός, έτσι όπως τον βλέπουμε από το παράθυρό μας για μέρες, μήνες, χρόνια, ΑΛΛΑΖΕΙ. Το ποσοστό βροχόπτωσης και ηλιοφάνειας, ΑΛΛΑΖΕΙ. Η συχνότητα σφοδρών ανέμων βροχοπτώσεων και…

20 10 2019 | 12:39

G.Papandreou : Climate Justice, Climate Democracy, Climate Education.

Hello from Greece. And warm thanks to the organizers of this very important event. As a socialist I’m very proud of the work the Alliance of Socialists and Democrats have achieved in Europe.…

20 10 2019 | 10:08

Οι πηγές της ενέργειας και της τεχνολογίας των Κρητικών

Το Εργαστήριο Αιολικής Ενέργειας και Σύνθεσης Ενεργειακών Συστημάτων του Ελληνικού Μεσογειακού Πανεπιστημίου με την Αιγίδα του Δήμου Ηρακλείου.  

19 10 2019 | 14:22

If You’re Already Replacing Your Roof, Why Not Turn It Into A Power Plant?

Every year, roughly 5% of U.S. homeowners gaze forlornly up at their aging and weathered shingles, sigh, and take the financial plunge to get a new roof.  Martin DeBono, President of GAF Energy, sees…

19 10 2019 | 10:34

Gulf sets a new global benchmark for solar energy production.

The submission of two tariffs below $1.8 cents a kilowatt-hour (kWh) for the fifth phase of Dubai’s Mohammed bin Rashid (MBR) renewable energy park marks the latest world record to be set by the Gulf…

19 10 2019 | 10:33

Why the shift toward renewable energy is not enough.

This is an excerpt from "Changing Tides: An Ecologist's Journey to Make Peace with the Anthropocene" by Alejandro Frid. Reproduced with permission from New Society Publishers. The book releases Oct.…

19 10 2019 | 10:19

Wind Resistance: The Race To Meet Americans’ Growing Demand for Renewable Energy.

As more states and companies want to use renewable energy, where does it come from? And how does that demand impact the communities that produce it? Renewable energy production in the United States…

19 10 2019 | 10:03

So, You’ve Got 100% Renewable Energy — Now What?

Manufacturers seeking to decarbonize have a long row to hoe. They can order up a package of renewable energy and carbon offsets to power their factories and offices, but that’s just for starters. To…

19 10 2019 | 10:01

Unilever sets out plan for a ‘waste-free world’.

Unilever has announced a new strategy to reach a ‘waste free world’. The consumer goods company has confirmed that by 2025, it will halve its use of virgin plastics. They will do this by reducing…

19 10 2019 | 09:56

Eskom: 75% renewable energy battery storage will be in Western Cape.

World Bank loan condition to Eskom was to install several clean energy projects in South Africa. On 9 October 2019, the Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities, and Tourism convened.…