
Αποτελέσματα 2461 - 2480 | από συνολικά 3881
26 06 2021 | 06:12

Μπαταρίες λιθίου και μαγνήτες νεοδυμίου, ανανεώνουν την ενέργεια στην ηλεκτροκίνηση

Η δυσκολία ή η παρεμπόδιση πρόσβασης και παροχής ορισμένων μετάλλων, ιδίως σπάνιων γαιών, λιθίου και κοβαλτίου, μπορούν να προκαλέσουν απρόβλεπτες συνέπειες και εξελίξεις στις αλυσίδες προμήθειας…

25 06 2021 | 10:37

‘Cool Walks’ App Finds Shady Walking Routes to Avoid Extreme Heat in Barcelona.

Barcelonians can now use a new app designed to show pedestrians the shadiest routes to take to avoid extreme heat. The app, Cool Walks, a navigation and routing tool for pedestrians, was first…

23 06 2021 | 13:48

Novel technologies could reduce agriculture emissions by 70%.

From better use of fertilizers to soil management, farming measures can go a long way. A combination of innovations in digital agriculture, crop and microbial genetics, and electrification could…

18 06 2021 | 10:21

Madagascar-based solar computer manufacturer Jirogasy fundraising for growth

The Madagascar-based Jirogasy, which designs, manufactures and assembles solar IoT systems and computers, is fundraising as it plans growth into new markets. Formed by brothers Yann and Lauric Kasay…

14 06 2021 | 10:47

Flower power: how one company is beautifying the wind turbine.

Tulip-shaped ‘eco-art’ turbines address common complaints about noise, danger to wildlife and ugliness. Tulips and flowers could help harness the power of the wind, after a green energy company came…

14 06 2021 | 10:07

Wind Catching with a different approach.

Designed to optimise energy production for a floating wind power plant Designed for easy operations and maintenance Elevator based turbine installation – all heavy operations…

10 06 2021 | 16:23

Ugandan mobile app helps connects farmers with markets, knowledge to boost yields

It was Bwanika Charles’ teenage passion for agriculture that drove him to venture into growing cereal crops, mainly maize, on a rented piece of land in his home district of Masaka back in 2014. “I…

09 06 2021 | 10:40

Answer regarding the article of Windpower monthly : "Are vertical-axis wind turbines really the future?"

*The answer below is written form the authors of "Numerical modelling and optimization of vertical axis wind turbine pairs: A scale up approach" Joachim Toftegaard Hansen, Mahak Mahak & Iakovos…

09 06 2021 | 09:56

Are vertical-axis wind turbines really the future.

New research suggests VAWTs could surpass current ofshore giants. Eize de Vries talks to an aerodynamics expert who disagrees. Recently published research by Oxford Brookes University suggests that…

06 06 2021 | 07:34

Satellites may have been underestimating the planet's warming for decades.

A new comparison of measurements finds that some don't add up. The global warming that has already taken place may be even worse than we thought. That's the takeaway from a new study that finds…

06 06 2021 | 07:29

Half a million new workers needed to meet global wind demand by 2025 – report

Building and maintaining wind turbines will create plenty of new jobs in the coming years, but the health and safety of employees must remain front and centre of all training, says the not-for-profit…

05 06 2021 | 12:46

Will blockage and wake effects hinder the UK’s offshore wind target?

Investors and environmentalists were thrown in October 2019 when Orsted, the largest offshore wind farm developer, warned that its wind farms were producing less power than had been expected. The…

05 06 2021 | 12:13

Boosting self reliance among refugees through satellite connectivity.

East Africa and Uganda, in particular, host some of the largest refugee populations in the world who fled conflict and violence in especially from South Sudan and DR Congo. The plight of refugees is…

05 06 2021 | 10:34

Η απόλυτη απάντηση στο πρόβλημα της φόρτισης των ηλεκτρικών αυτοκινήτων;

Μετά την επιτυχή δοκιμή του «δρόμου-φορτιστή» ηλεκτρικών οχημάτων στο Τελ Αβίβ, η νεοφυής εταιρία τεχνολογίας Electreon επιδιώκει να μεταμορφώσει τους δρόμους όλης της Ευρώπης σε ασύρματους φορτιστές…

04 06 2021 | 13:46

Simulations Find Answers Blowing in the Wind

The Energy Exchange explores the complex and critical intersection of energy, money and technology. Experts will use their insights and forecasts to outline what energy is available to us, the costs…

02 06 2021 | 18:06

Nextracker Single Axis Tracker in Kenya - Malindi Solar Project

Last month I wrote an article about solar tracker systems. This article is a supplement to that article. One of the manufacturers that was featured in my previous tracker article as a global leader…

02 06 2021 | 09:22

Ελβετία: Το πρώτο φωτοβολταϊκό πάρκο στον κόσμο που επιπλέει σε αλπική λίμνη.

Στη Λίμνη Τουλ, στην αλπική περιοχή Βαλαί της Ελβετίας ολοκληρώθηκε τον Δεκέμβριο του 2019, το πρώτο φωτοβολταϊκό πάρκο στον κόσμο, που επιπλέει σε μεγάλο υψόμετρο. Τα πάνελ του παράγουν 50%…

31 05 2021 | 08:52

«Πράσινο φως» για τη μεγαλύτερη Μονάδα Επεξεργασίας Αποβλήτων στη χώρα.

Το πράσινο φως για την κατασκευή της μεγαλύτερης Μονάδας Επεξεργασίας Αποβλήτων στη χώρα, στον Δυτικό Τομέα Θεσσαλονίκης, έδωσε η εκτελεστική επιτροπή του Φορέα Διαχείρισης Στερεών Αποβλήτων (ΦΟΔΣΑ)…