
Αποτελέσματα 19361 - 19380 | από συνολικά 25245
06 03 2020 | 09:11

15μελής αντιπροσωπεία του ΥΠΕΝ στο Παρίσι για διαπραγματεύσεις με τον ΟΟΣΑ.

Όπως ενημέρωσε χθες (Τρίτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου) το ΥΠΕΝ, με μια λιτή ανακοίνωση, ο Υπουργός Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Κωστής Χατζηδάκης βρίσκεται ήδη στο Παρίσι, στην έδρα του ΟΟΣΑ (Οργανισμός…

06 03 2020 | 08:02

Elizabeth Wathuti a Kenyan climate Activist was interviewed by e-mc2 in Nairobi.

Elizabeth Wanjiru Wathuti is a Climate and Environment Activist from Kenya who has been trying to raise awareness about environmental and climate issues of Kenya and Africa as a continent, stating…

05 03 2020 | 16:03

Υγεία και περιβάλλον, νηστεία και μια απειλή για τη θάλασσα.

Εποχή νηστείας, και αν επιλέξεις να απέχεις για μερικές εβδομάδες από το κρέας και τα γαλακτοκομικά, συμβάλλεις ουσιαστικά στην καταπολέμηση των προβλημάτων που προκαλεί η βιομηχανική κτηνοτροφία στο…

05 03 2020 | 13:53

Σχέδιο ΑΔΜΗΕ για πιλοτική εγκατάσταση μπαταρίας σε διασυνδεδεμένο νησί – Στόχος η καλύτερη απόδοση των διασυνδέσεων.

Τρόπους για την αξιοποίηση της ταχέως αναπτυσσόμενης τεχνολογίας μπαταριών μεγάλης δυναμικότητας, προκειμένου να βελτιώσει την ευστάθεια και την απόδοση των δικτύων του, μελετά ο ΑΔΜΗΕ. Πληροφορίες…

05 03 2020 | 13:52

EU debuts climate law ‘compass’, Greta dismisses it as ‘surrender’.

The European Commission officially unveiled its Climate Law on Wednesday (4 March), aimed at making the EU carbon neutral by 2050. But Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg criticised the plan as a…

05 03 2020 | 07:46

Summers Now a Month Longer as Climate Change Bites in Australia.

When baby boomers say that summers aren’t what they used to be, for once they may be right. Australian summers are now a month longer than they were in the 1950s as climate change upends traditional…

05 03 2020 | 07:39

Killer heat: how a warming land is changing Australia forever.

The frontline ->  Inside Australia's climate emergency: the killer heat   Australia is heating faster than the global average, and extreme heat days are on the rise. Doctors say there’s clear…

05 03 2020 | 07:37

Οι αλλαγές στην αδειοδότηση των ΑΠΕ - Οι δεσμευτικές προθεσμίες, τα τέλη έκδοσης, οι κύκλοι υποβολής, οι περιορισμοί χωροθέτησης, οι κορεσμένες περιοχές - Ολόκληρο το νομοσχέδιο.

Τέθηκε από σήμερα σε δημόσια διαβούλευση το νομοσχέδιο του Υπουργείου Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας για τον εκσυγχρονισμό της περιβαλλοντικής νομοθεσίας, το οποίο περιλαμβάνει και τις διατάξεις για την…

05 03 2020 | 07:33

50 simple ways to make your life greener.

Expert tips on how to be kinder to the planet – from cooking and cleaning to fashion and finance

05 03 2020 | 07:28

Fighting Extreme Weather.

Improved weather forecasting tools are giving farmers in Zambia the support they need to build resilience & prepare for more frequent climate shocks

05 03 2020 | 07:25

Greta Thunberg in Bristol: thousands turn out for climate strike.

Teenage activist tells huge crowd: ‘We will not be silenced because we are the change’

05 03 2020 | 07:20

M&S expands sustainable refill trial.

Marks and Spencer announce it will be expanding the ‘Fill Your Own’ sustainability trial after increase of sales on refillable groceries. M&S Food’s first Fill Your Own trial was launched in mid…

05 03 2020 | 07:17

JPMorgan Chase expands sustainability commitment as they put end to Arctic oil financing.

JPMorgan Chase has expanded its sustainability commitment with a new announcement that they will end Arctic oil financing. In 2017, JPMorgan Chase made two sustainability commitments: facilitate $…

05 03 2020 | 07:14

Climate campaigners win Heathrow expansion case.

Controversial plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport have been thrown into doubt after a court ruling. The government's decision to allow the expansion was unlawful because it did not take…

05 03 2020 | 07:08

World's beaches disappearing due to climate crisis – study.

UK on course to lose a quarter of its sandy coast because of human-driven erosion Almost half of the world’s sandy beaches will have retreated significantly by the end of the century as a result of…

05 03 2020 | 07:05

Half the World’s Beaches Could Vanish Because of Climate Change.

The world may lose almost half of its sandy beaches by the end of the century if climate change isn’t kept in check.

05 03 2020 | 07:04

Coronavirus: Nasa images show China pollution clear amid slowdown.

Satellite images have shown a dramatic decline in pollution levels over China, which is "at least partly" due to an economic slowdown prompted by the coronavirus, US space agency Nasa says. Nasa…

05 03 2020 | 07:04

Fear? Cost? Fame? What’s turning on Asian businesses to renewable energy?

Businesses hardly ever adopt renewable energy for altruistic reasons, but does that matter? In this interview with Eco-Business, Lionel Steinitz, CEO of LYS Energy, talks about why firms go green,…

05 03 2020 | 06:54

Vital Cop26 climate talks could be derailed by coronavirus.

Preparations for Glasgow summit already hampered by travel restrictions Concern is growing among campaigners that vital UN climate talks will be derailed by the coronavirus outbreak, while…

05 03 2020 | 06:51

MINI joins forces with OVO Energy to offer customers free miles.

MINI has teamed up with OVO Energy to encourage customers to go green. MINI has announced a partnership with OVO Energy, providing an offer of 5,000 free miles to new MINI Electric owners in the UK…