
Αποτελέσματα 19401 - 19420 | από συνολικά 25245
01 03 2020 | 13:45

Australia's wild summer sees blast of snow.

Tasmania snow concludes Australia's summer of extremes Snow has fallen in mountainous parts of Tasmania, rounding out a summer of dramatic weather changes in Australia. Watch the video here…

01 03 2020 | 13:28

How plans for new coal are changing around the world.

Just 15 countries dominate the pipeline for new coal. Together, they are responsible for 90% of coal capacity under development. This guest post explains what is happening in each of these key…

01 03 2020 | 13:24

Energy Storage—A Trillion-Dollar Holy Grail.

The science of renewable energy is remarkable—the ability to harness nature to magically power our modern world is a seductive vision. And yet, the actual business of renewable energy is late to…

01 03 2020 | 13:05

Join us at Windergy 2020, the official International Trade Fair & Conference in India! (28-30 April 2020)

Registrations are open for Windergy 2020, the only comprehensive trade fair for the wind power sector in India. The event will take place from 28-30 April 2020 at the IndiaExpo Centre & Mart (…

01 03 2020 | 12:25

Jobs: Renewable energy sector can employ 42 million people globally by 2050.

Asia could account for 64 per cent of jobs in renewables by 2050.

01 03 2020 | 12:25

Cruise ships dumped more than 3 million pounds of trash in Juneau last year.

During the 2019 summer tourism season, cruise ship companies dumped more than 3 million pounds of trash at Juneau’s private landfill. That’s a concern to some in the community, especially since the…

01 03 2020 | 12:15

Heathrow’s third runway declared illegal after climate campaign.

The Court of Appeal has judged plans for a third runway at Heathrow illegal on climate grounds. After years of campaigning, plans for a third runway at Heathrow have been ruled illegal by the Court…

01 03 2020 | 11:56

Ukraine citizens demand a fast transition to renewable energy by 2050.

Ukraine’s climate activists clamor for the speedy transition to carbon-neutral sources of energy. Activists assembled in front of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy in Kyiv. Ukraine’s…

01 03 2020 | 11:32

Outdoor cafe warmers spark heated debate in Paris.

Outdoor heaters: Paris campaigners want them banned A campaign is underway in Paris to ban heaters due to concerns about their electricity use. Since the smoking ban, there has been a mass move to…

01 03 2020 | 10:02

Togo banks on solar power.

Watch the video Here . Not so long ago in the village of Tababou, 600 kilometres off Lome, Togo’s capital, Ousmane Kantcho had to travel miles and miles outside the village in order to charge his…

01 03 2020 | 09:35

East Africa: Clean Energy - Region Looks to Kenya for Expertise in Renewable Sources.

Kenya's expertise in developing geothermal energy has become a point of reference in the region, leading to Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Djibouti, South Sudan, and Comoros visiting for benchmarking.…

01 03 2020 | 09:14

Renewable energy investment is taking big strides in sub-Saharan Africa.

Africa’s leading economies are increasingly looking to wind energy to power homes. It’s part of a trend towards varying forms of clean energy across the continent.

01 03 2020 | 08:42

Ethiopia Skips Latest US Talks With Egypt Over Dam Dispute.

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA - Ethiopia will skip the latest round of U.S.-brokered talks this week on a disputed Nile dam project with Egypt and Sudan, the country’s water ministry announced Wednesday. A…

01 03 2020 | 08:38

Uganda's 'locust commander' leads the battle against a new enemy.

The army has been called in to eliminate the insects swarming across Africa, but their mission is dangerous and unending Sitting at a plastic table in the garden of Timisha hotel in Soroti, eastern…

01 03 2020 | 08:25

EDF plans vast hydrogen production at UK nuclear plants.

French energy giant eyes demonstrator that could be massively scaled up at facilities including Hinkley Point and Sizewell. EDF is looking at plans for massive production of hydrogen to be powered…

01 03 2020 | 08:23

Kenya bans commercial slaughter of donkeys following a rise in animal theft.

(CNN)Donkey slaughter will be halted in Kenya following concerns over the rise in theft of the animals for export production and the impact on families that rely on them, according the country's…

28 02 2020 | 14:55

Τεχνολογία και Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη: Παραδοξότητες και Συγκλίσεις.

Το πιο γνωστό παράδοξο στην οικονομική του περιβάλλοντος είναι το «παράδοξο του Jevons». Το 1865, o οικονομολόγος William Stanley Jevons παρατήρησε ότι η τεχνολογική βελτίωση στην καύση άνθρακα δεν…

28 02 2020 | 11:54

Η Ώρα της Γης 2020 - 28 Μαρτίου 2020 στις 20:30

Ήρθε η στιγμή να ενώσουμε τις φωνές μας για την προστασία της φύσης και την ίδια μας την επιβίωση! Η φύση μετράει. Χωρίς αυτήν δεν θα μπορούσαμε να επιβιώσουμε, αφού μας προσφέρει όλα όσα…

28 02 2020 | 11:07

9 συμμετοχές με συνολικά 711 MW ανακοίνωσε η ΡΑΕ για τον επόμενο διαγωνισμό.

Σχετικά με τις αιτήσεις που υποβλήθηκαν στο πλαίσιο της υπ’ αριθ. 1/2020 Προκήρυξης της ΡΑΕ για την κοινή ανταγωνιστική διαδικασία έργων ΑΠΕ Η Ρυθμιστική Αρχή Ενέργειας, σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις της…

28 02 2020 | 07:17

ΔΕΗΑΝ : Την επόμενη εβδομάδα ο διαγωνισμός για το δεύτερο “πακέτο” 15 MW του mega- φωτοβολταϊκού της Πτολεμαΐδας.

Στην ανάθεση της κατασκευής του δεύτερου “πακέτου”, ισχύος 15 MW του μεγάλου φωτοβολταϊκού που προτίθεται να αναπτύξει στην Πτολεμαΐδα, προχωρά η ΔΕΗ Ανανεώσιμες.  Ο σχετικός διαγωνισμός…