
Αποτελέσματα 16001 - 16020 | από συνολικά 25158
28 11 2020 | 07:39

Primeval Greenland lake found buried beneath a mile-thick slab of ice.

Scientists have discovered an ancient lakebed buried under more than a mile of ice that may hold secrets to Greenland's past climate.  The lake formed when northwest Greenland was ice-free, sometime…

28 11 2020 | 07:33

A record number of women will serve in the 117th Congress, including at least 51 women of color.

Women will gain at least 14 seats in the 117th Congress, setting a new record for female representation. In 2018, the nation elected 127 women – and 48 women of color – to the House and Senate. Next…

28 11 2020 | 07:32

New report ranks how friendly – or not – African governments are towards girls.

There are approximately over 308 million girls below 18 years on the African continent. While the African Union’s legal and policy framework does refer – patchily – to the rights, interests and…

28 11 2020 | 07:32

Scientists link record-breaking hurricane season to climate crisis.

Evidence is not so much in the number of tropical storms the Atlantic has seen, but in their strength, intensity and rainfall. Paddling in a canoe through the flood waters left by Hurricane Eta in…

28 11 2020 | 07:26

We’ll see more fire seasons like 2020 - here’s a strategy for managing our nation’s flammable landscapes.

As of late fall, wildfires are still smoldering under snowfall in Colorado. I am hoping that the cold and snowy weather over the last few days will finally put to bed the 2020 fire season in my state…

28 11 2020 | 07:23

Invention that makes renewable energy from rotting veg wins James Dyson prize.

Carvey Maigue, from the Philippines, used a substance made from crop waste. A novel material made from rotting fruit and vegetables that absorbs stray UV light from the sun and converts it into…

28 11 2020 | 07:21

On environmental protection, Biden’s election will mean a 180-degree turn from Trump policies.

The Trump administration has waged what I and many other legal experts view as an all-out assault on the nation’s environmental laws for the past four years.

28 11 2020 | 07:15

South Korean Firm Touts Novel Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Tower Concept.

Odin Energy is lining up projects in Italy and South Korea. Can it find a niche to compete with mainstream wind turbines? South Korean firm Odin Energy hopes to carve out a new niche with a vertical…

28 11 2020 | 07:14

Does the UK need new nuclear power to reach its climate goals?

As Boris Johnson eyes a large new nuclear deal as part of his '10-point climate plan', researchers tell Daisy Dunne that such projects could deliver a needed boost to energy supply, but at a high…

28 11 2020 | 07:10

Study: Climate Change Makes Hurricanes Stay Stronger, Longer.

Hurricanes are staying stronger for longer after making landfall, causing greater and more widespread destruction, because ocean waters heated by climate change give them extra fuel, according to a…

28 11 2020 | 07:05

Cemetery review – elephant heads for the graveyard in hardcore art piece.

Carlos Casas’s film – half documentary, half experimental essay – is a near-wordless evocation of a ‘celebrity’ Sri Lankan elephant’s confrontation with death.

28 11 2020 | 07:01

Lorde urges climate action ahead of new book on Antarctica trip.

New Zealand singer says Donald Trump, Great Thunberg and California wildfires spurred her to visit before it turns ‘to slush’ The singer Lorde has written an impassioned entreaty for the world to…

28 11 2020 | 06:52

Study finds ticks choose humans over dogs when temperature rises.

Experiment put a human in one box, a dog in another and saw which the ticks preferred. Confining a young researcher in one box and a dog in another and unleashing blood-sucking ticks to scamper…

27 11 2020 | 12:54

Rein in advertising to help tackle climate crisis, report urges.

Industry promotes materialism and lifts sales of climate-harming products, study says. Advertising needs to be controlled and changed to reduce its impact on the climate, according to a report…

27 11 2020 | 12:48

Climate Coalition Pressures Biden to Reject 'Corporate Shill' Ernest Moniz as Energy Chief.

Amid reports that oil industry-friendly former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz remains under consideration to return to his old post in the incoming Biden administration, a diverse coalition of…

27 11 2020 | 12:47

Africa: Millions of New Poor Are On the Way - Who Cares?

Rome — The recent meeting of the G20 - scheduled to take place in Riyadh but held virtually due to the Coronavirus pandemic - has been an eloquent example of how the world is drifting, in a crisis of…

27 11 2020 | 12:40

Tasmania declares itself 100 per cent powered by renewable electricity.

The Tasmania government has declared that it has become the first Australian state, and one of just a handful of jurisdictions worldwide, to be powered entirely by renewable electricity. In a…

27 11 2020 | 12:38

UK’s nuclear sites costing taxpayers ‘astronomical sums’, say MPs.

Public accounts committee says ignorance, incompetence and weak oversight to blame. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) has a perpetual lack of knowledge about the state and location of…

27 11 2020 | 12:31

Climate crisis: Arctic temperatures for November soar well above average.

The Arctic’s record-breaking year is continuing as temperatures in late November are reaching up to 12C higher than averages in the 1990s. The latest figures, from the University of Maine's Climate…

27 11 2020 | 12:23

Karl Marx’s renowned resting place Highgate Cemetery under threat from climate crisis.

Trust caring for world-famous burial ground launches competitions to help conserve area. Highgate Cemetery, the resting place of renowned figures including Karl Marx and Lucian Freud, is under…