GREENPEACE AFRICA: Defend Kenya’s plastic bans!

02 09 2020 | 15:24

According to a recent Unearthed and New York Times exposé, the American Chemistry Council - which is made of, among others, petrochemical companies - wants the U.S Trade Representative to force Kenya to drop restrictions around plastic trade, as part of US-Kenya trade negotiations. 

In their letter to the U.S Trade Representative, they state that Kenya is a strategic entry point into 27 other African countries. This agreement could destroy all of our efforts to achieve a plastic-free Africa.  

The recent oil spill in Mauritius is testament to the devastating import that plastic has on the environment at every stage of its production, from when fossil fuel is extracted and transported to when plastic is irresponsibly disposed of. 

It’s up to us to show the Kenyan government that we expect them to do the right thing. Sign the petition now!


Ask the Kenyan government to keep the plastic ban in place 



1 September 2020

Greenpeace Africa